Fredag 9. desember holdt ambassadør @ndelagrandville en av åpningstalene ved 🇪🇺-🇳🇴 #B2B matchmaking-arrangementet om kritiske råmaterialer og batteriverdikjeder 🤝💚🔋 #greentransition
Human rights are universal and belong to every individual.
Promoting and protecting #HumanRights and democracy for all is a duty and a strategic priority for the EU and the entire 🌏.
#EU4HumanRights #EU4Democracy #HumanRightsDay
#ImageOfTheDay #CountDownTo2023
Today #Copernicus #Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰️ brings us over the North Cape, located on the coast of the island of Magerøya in #Norway 🇳🇴
It is a popular tourist area and is known as the northernmost place in the European mainland
Visste du at 40 % av #insekter er i fare for å bli utryddet i løpet av de neste tiårene hvis ikke vi handler raskt nok?😰
La oss gjøre #COP15 til en game changer for alle arter, store og små 🧑🐝🌱
Sammen kan vi gjøre en endring #ForOurPlanet
RT @eu_eeas: Small actions can lead to big changes.
As #COP15 kicks off in 🇨🇦 Montreal, let's join forces to help restore and protect nature and climate, across the 🌍
Together we can make a difference #ForOurPlanet.
EUs delegasjon bidro til «Diplomatic Charity Event» i regi av Female Ambassadors Oslo, Diplomatic Spouses Association of #Norway og International Forum.
Inntektene gikk til ambulanseaksjonen til Ukrainsk Forening Øst-Norge «Ambulance to save lives!»💛💙
The @UNBiodiversity #COP15 starts today in Montreal 🇨🇦
From 7-19 December, countries will aim to reach a 🌍 deal #ForNature, with long-term goals by 2050 & milestones for 2030
The 🇪🇺 is ready to aim high to turn this into a ‘Paris moment’ #ForOurPlanet 👉!Q47tjr
From the 4 corners of the 🌎 we continue to #OrangeTheWorld for gender equality in Europe and beyond.
On these #16DaysOfActivism and always, #ViolenceAgainstWomen must stop.
@UEGuatemala @UEauBenin @EUinEswatini @UEenHonduras @EUinIraq @EUiNorge
Tusenvis av droner flyr rundt i Europa og kartlegger infrastruktur, overvåker oljeutslipp eller foretar jordprøver🏭🏞🌍
Nå har kommisjonen kommet med en ny europeisk dronestrategi, som vil åpne opp for enda flere muligheter i sektoren🤩
Les mer her:!7VDkJg
#OTD Today is the 1st launch🚀 anniversary of Nikolina🇭🇷 & Shriya🇳🇴, the latest 2 satellites of the #Galileo constellation🇪🇺🛰️
They were named after the winners of drawing competitions in Croatia & Norway and help making Galileo the most accurate positioning service
Nå gjelder EUs forbud mot kjøp, import og overføring av råolje fra Russland 🚫🛢️
Hva betyr dette i praksis? Se animasjonen til @EUCouncil for å finne ut mer👇
#StandWithUkraine #StandUpForUkraine 🇺🇦🇪🇺
RT @EUCouncil: 🚫🛢️ The EU ban on the purchase, import and transfer of crude oil from Russia applies from today.
What does that mean in practice? Watch our animation to find out ⬇️
More information about EU sanctions against Russia:…
EU-landene har blitt enige om et pristak på russisk olje til 60 dollar per fat.
Dette vil:
➡️begrense prisstigninger drevet av ekstraordinære markedsforhold
➡️drastisk redusere oljeinntektene til Russland som følge av deres angrepskrig mot Ukraina
🧡Den 25. november markerte den internasjonale dagen mot vold mot kvinner
🧡Å forebygge og bekjempe kjønnsbasert vold er et av de langsiktige målene i EUs likestillingstrategi
🧡Les mer om EUs likestillingstrategi i nettsaken vår!rCfKPh
RT @EU_Commission: The day we put an end to indifference and impunity.
The day all women and girls can live their lives free of fear.
Safe from violence.
That’s the day we will live in a truly equal world.
Can we still turn the tide #ForOurPlanet at #COP15?
Overfishing, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions have added their toll on our blue planet.
As leaders from all over the world will meet in Montreal 🇨🇦 this week for COP15, our message is clear: we need to act now.
😍 @europarl_en har vedtatt nye likestillingsmål for bedriftsstyrer!
#WomenOnBoards 💪🇪🇺💶📝💻
Les mer om hva direktivet innebærer i nettsaken vår👇!xVRpWx
RT @EP_Legal: Gender equality on company boards 👉Yesterday #EPlenary adopted the "Women on Boards" Directive
Today it was signed into 🇪🇺 law by @EP_President & @MikulasBek 🖋️📖
It will enter into force 20 days after publication in @EURLex
Today we present a pioneering proposal to help us get to net zero emissions.
The first ever 🇪🇺-wide framework to reliably certify high-quality carbon removals.
To boost innovative natural and industrial carbon removal solutions.
Here's how 👇
#EUCarbonRemovals #EUGreenDeal
Vi takker for et kjempe hyggelig besøk fra UD-aspirantene! @Utenriksdept 🇪🇺🇳🇴
RT @JosepBorrellF: Grateful to Norway for its support to the EU Military Assistance Mission for #Ukraine through the European Peace Facility, to train and equip the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
We stand side by side in our support to #Ukraine.
🧡I dag markerer EU delegasjonen den internasjonale dagen for avskaffelse av vold mot kvinner #OrangeTheWorld
🧡Vold mot kvinner er et av de mest systematiske og utbredte menneskerettighetsbruddene i verden.
🧡Alle kvinner og jenter fortjener å være trygge #SayNoStopVAW #EndGBV
RT @EUDefenceAgency: 🇳🇴EDA ChiefExec, Jiří Šedivý, visits Norway
🤝Discussions @Forsvarsdep Minister of Defence, Bjørn Arild Gram, focused on key areas of #Norway’s current participation in EDA, which spans across Agency’s activities, including contribution to 35 projects
The #EEA Council held its 55th meeting today.
The meeting was attended by @thordiskolbrun, @JanLipavsky for #EU2022CZ, @AHuitfeldt, Ambassador Schafhauser on behalf of Liechtenstein, and @MarosSefcovic for @EU_Commission.
Read the main results 👇
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ EUs representasjon i Norge. Fb: Instagram: @EUiNorge. Følg også EUs ambassadør til Norge, Nicolas de La Grandville @ndelagrandville