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RT @CanadaUE: L’ambassadrice @Ailish_Campbell a rencontré @MoniquePariatEU de la Commission européenne pour discuter de la coopération en matière de migration & de protection, ainsi que du soutien continu 🇨🇦 🇪🇺 aux personnes fuyant la guerre en Ukraine


🤔 How to navigate the complexities of international migration?

🌍 The @EU_ScienceHub Atlas of Migration makes data on in 198 countries accessible for policymakers, researchers and the general public.

🆕 Explore @EU_ScienceHub tool @eu_near


Children who have suffered sexual abuse must not feel like victims over again, and model helps to ensure it.

regulation is a bold proposal that puts victims at the centre. All details 👉!prXGYf
RT @ComisionEuropea: El primer centro de España🇪🇸: una casa para atender a niños que han sufrido abuso sexual.

La @EU_Commission planea implantar este proyecto, que cuenta con apoyo del Instrumento de Apoyo Técnic…


❗️ During a life-threatening disaster, rapid response times are critical in limiting casualties and providing first aid to victims.

First responders actively participated in the design, development and evaluation of the platform.

@ResponDrone @REA_research 👇
RT @REA_research: During a life-threatening disaster, rapid response is critical in limiting casualties & providing first aid⛑️

The @ResponDrone developed a🆕drone-based technology that…


❗️ Trafficking in human beings is one of the worst forms of organised crime.

🗣️ Commissioner @YlvaJohansson and EU-Anti Trafficking Coordinator @DianeSchmittEU

🇸🇪 Presidency Conference on Trafficking.

📅 29-30 March



Today’s decision between @EUCouncil and @europarl_en means we have now agreed to a fully fledged EU Drugs Agency @emcdda

It will be able to engage with important third countries + provide us with upgraded analysis & info - such as my recent mission to Ecuador 🇪🇨 and Colombia 🇨🇴


RT @EUinAlbania: representatives from the Immigration Liaison Officers‘ Network @EUHomeAffairs in the , 🇪🇺law enforcement agencies & WB partners are in 🇦🇱 discussing how to tackle , & . 1/2


❗️ Drug trafficking is a vicious crime tearing the fabric of our European society.

We welcome the stronger mandate agreed today for the EU Drugs Agency: the role of the @emcdda is crucial and will be able to react effectively to new challenges.

More details 👇


We welcome @EP_Justice position on key and files.

We are making good progress.

Find all details on our Pact ➡️!8vvBCB
RT @MargSchinas: Congrats to the negotiators in @EP_Justice for agreeing positions on the outstanding Migration and Asylum Pact proposals.

A good basis to start negotiations w/ the @EUCouncil and a step further towards the comprehensive system of migration and asylum management our Union needs.


RT @Frontex: , the @EU_Commission and @Europol held a conference on innovative technologies for strengthening .

We support EU member states with innovative technologies to enhance 🇪🇺internal security and increase detection of cross-border crime ⤵️


📸 @EUHomeAffairs Deputy Director-General and Coordinator Olivier Onidi with Security Minister @Nesic_Nenad_

: Cooperation between 🇧🇦 and Agencies @Frontex & @Europol

RT @Nesic_Nenad_: Данас сам се у Бриселу састао са Оливиером Онидијем, замјеником ген. дир. Генералне дирекције за унут. послове у Европској комисији.
Од састанка одржаног прошлог мјесеца у Сарајеву, направљени су велики кораци у ЕУ интегр. и успостављању …


In Stockholm today for the 12th meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG) on @Europol
Here with Catherine de Bolle, executive director @Europol
On today’s agenda is the fight against serious and organised crime.


⚠️ The new law will make it mandatory for companies to prevent the spread of harmful content and the grooming of children.

It’s time to before time runs out in August 2024🛑
RT @SuojellaanLapsi: ❗️ 1 in 5 children will fall victim to sexual violence in Europe. We need strong legislative change to stop this.

We urge policymakers across the EU to support the regulation proposal 🇪🇺

Read more: https:/…


⚠️ @CCDHate Incelosphere report highlights harms posed by violent incels to women & children.

& @RANEurope helps EU govs, tech industry, practitioners & partners to address the challenges posed by the spread of such malicious content ➡️


🆕 Call for proposals

👉 The @EU_Commission published a call for transnational and strategies actions under

Submit your proposal here ↓


RT @YlvaJohansson: The progress we have made on since last on 9 Feb is impressive.

Operationally 👇

Legislatively 👇

This shows what we can achieve when we work together as Team Europe 🇪🇺
to manage migration.


It's Friday! Time to read about 🤓

of Cooperation is an initiative focused on reducing barriers faced by migrant and refugee undergoing the process of socio-economic integration.


The workshop was made possible due to partnership with Polish Association for National Security @PTBNonLine and strong support of 🇵🇱 Government Security Centre @RCB_RP.


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📊Wastewater analysis and drugs

The project analysed in over 100 European cities and towns to explore the drug-taking habits of those who live in them.

RT @emcdda: Out today: Wastewater analysis and drugs — a European multi-city study! EMCDDA-@ScoreNetwork study reveals drug-taking habits in over 100 cities & shows a rise in cocaine and methamphetamine detections

Explore the data https://www.emcd…


📸 event

🆕 90 participants discuss how EU security research supports the use of artificial intelligence by law enforcement, while respecting societal and ethical concerns.

Only when the use of is trustworthy, can it enhance our


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