RT @JelkoKacin: Čez nekaj dni bo naš Državni zbor dočakal 30. obletnico konstituiranja. 👏 23. 12. 1992 se je v 🇸🇮 končalo obdobje nekdanje Skupščine RS s tremi zbori. Takrat se je število poslank in poslancev drastično zmanjšalo. Ključne osamosvojitvene odločitve 1990/91 pa smo vseeno zmogli.✌️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/zofijamazej/status/1600218930173210624
Tudi mi!
RT @andrejplenkovic: Ponosni smo i sretni. Bravo HRVATSKA!
#quarterfinals #FIFAWorldCup
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/zofijamazej/status/1599851302049452032
People with disabilities still face exclusion, barriers and unfair obstacles.
In Europe, everyone should have the same chance. Without discrimination, without prejudice.
@europarl_en will continue working towards equality, same opportunities for all.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_President/status/1599080803417223168
RT @Janez_Novak: Kamor je šel bik, je šel še štrik - by Žiga Turk - Čas/opis https://ziga.substack.com/p/kamor-je-sel-bik-je-sel-se-strik?publication_id=705406&isFreemail=true
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/zofijamazej/status/1597514927274528768
RT @RobertaMetsola: With the man who first shook the world in concerts and then into action.
Explaining our #GeneratorsOfHope initiative for Ukraine with global campaigner, rock legend, and all round great guy @U2's Bono.
There is a light. 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 #CTCF
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/zofijamazej/status/1597220064373387270
Za ljudi, ki so zaradi bolezni in starosti odvisnih od drugih je nedostojanstveno, da jim aktualna Vlada jemlje pravico do dolgotrajne oskrbe vsaj za leto ali dve. Nekateri je žal ne bodo dočakali tudi zaradi spregledanja obnemoglih. Zato je na referendumu moj glas PROTI .
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1596168502985232385
RT @travel_slovenia: LAKE BLED, #Slovenia - it's hard to imagine a more picturesque #sunrise than at #LakeBled in the #autumn. (photo: Krénn Imre #photography | https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/krenn_imre/) #ifeelsLOVEnia #nature #Travel All you need to know to visit Lake Bled: https://t.co/BhtqgtypSs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1596164005764431872
RT @strankaSDS: Nocoj ne zamudite soočenja med @JJansaSDS in Robertom Golobom na POP TV glede razlogov, zakaj v nedeljo glasovati PROTI ❌
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1596163917541445638
RT @MEP_Ehler: Today the report was adopted in @europarl_en's plenary, again with support across the chamber. This underlines the Parliament's resolve to get the @EUeic back on track.
My statement 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1595882349790744578
⚠️ A person dies every 5 seconds due to #diabetes.
⚠️ Europe has the highest number of children and youths living with Type 1 diabetes worldwide.
It's time to step up EU coordination of diabetes research, care and prevention.
#EU4Health goes beyond crisis response.
We have now adopted the 2023 #EU4Health work programme and with a budget of EUR 735,8 million it will allow for swift progress on priority actions linked to further development of the EU #HealthUnion
Read more ⬇
RT @EPPGroup: Today, we celebrate the #70th anniversary of the European Parliament.
In 1952, the first ever session of the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community took place in Strasbourg.
This is how today’s European Parliament was born.
Watch and learn more⤵️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1595077574094475270
RT @michelbarnier: Personne ne doit se réjouir des difficultés politiques et économiques du Royaume-Uni. Nous avons tant de raisons de retrouver de la stabilité, de coopérer. Toutes ces difficultés ne sont d’ailleurs pas liées au Brexit. Je pense simplement que le Brexit rend tout plus difficile 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1593908476853772289
RT @EMA_News: #AntimicrobialResistance is a serious threat to human & animal health and we need to take urgent action.
Check out what our expert @BFreischem has to say about the 🇪🇺 new rules for veterinary #medicines and the actions EMA is taking to fight the #superbugs.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1593908205683367937
Evropska poslanka iz Nizozemske, ki deluje v podpori ustvarjanja okolja za nova delovna mesta.
RT @Esther_de_Lange: Vandaag is het de Dag van de Ondernemer. In dat kader bracht ik een bezoek aan Van Leeuwen Buizen. Een bevlogen familieonderneming met al bijna 100 jaar het hoofdkantoor in Zwijndrecht. @VBuizen, veel dank voor het interessante gesprek en leuke rondleiding! #dagvandeondernemer
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1593908116705378304
Ta podatek resnično zaskrbljuje. Ali so podane tudi smernice za izboljšave?
RT @JJansaSDS: Ni demokracije brez neodvisnega sodstva. Ki ima enake vatle za vse in človekove pravice ščiti in brani. In ne obratno.
Slovensko sodstvo @vrhovno @Mpravosodje pa je v samem evropskem vrhu po kršenju človekovih pravic. Spodnja tabela pove vse:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1593907154141925376
RT @NovakBozidar: Se kdo iz akademskih krogov spozna, kaj pomeni če te 500x znanstveno citirajo v več kot 20 letih? Mojo hrvaško in slovensko knjigo Krizno komuniciranje in upravljanje nevarnosti. Pa še kar.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1593905786824323073
RT @EFSA_EU: 💊Tomorrow marks the start of the #WAAW (18-24th November): a global campaign to curb the spread of #AntimicrobialResistance & raise awareness of what can be done to prevent it together 🤲
Stay tuned to spread awareness, stop resistance!
👉 https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/topics/topic/antimicrobial-resistance
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1593233800779419654
Overuse of antibioticts in the past has a negative consequences.
RT @EU_Health: 📢 Other data:
82% are aware that unnecessary use of antibiotics makes them become ineffective
62% are aware that antibiotics are ineffective against colds
📄See our factsheet ⬇
#AntimicrobialResistance #EAAD
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1593233668583337984
RT @ExploringSlo: Known for countless smaller and bigger waterfalls, the area around Log pod Mangartom and the valley of Loška Koritnica is particularly attractive after a good rainfall and in spring.
Photo by 📸 @andreasresch_np
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/zofijamazej/status/1593232186517651457
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Deputy Chair of ECDC MB ,Former MEP of EP, a champion of change for the better, mother of two daughters, former Minister of Health, a lover of sports and nature