RT by @zofijamazej: .@jelka_godec: Vladna koalicija ne izpolnjuje koalicijske zaveze in prav je, da državljanom pove, zakaj @vladaRS svojih obljub ne izpolnjuje:

➡️ Prva stvar zdravstvene reforme naj bi bila bila digitalizacija zdr. sistema, ki naj bi rešila številne probleme. Oktobra 2023 je državni sekretar @MinZdravje sporočil, da se predlagani zakon umika iz procedure, ker ga je na št. pripomb nemogoče popraviti. Do danes tega zakona ni.

➡️ PV je obljubil tudi reformo plačnega sistema. Do 1. 4. 2023 naj bi oblikovali ločen plačni steber in do 1. 1. 2024 naj bi začela zadeva funkcionirati. Od tega ni nič.

➡️ Del zdr. reforme je tudi strukturna prenova ZZZS, ki jo je nakazal bivši minister. Te strukturne prenove ni, zavarovalnica ima sedaj popolni monopol in se pogaja v imenu nekaterih lobijev, dobaviteljev, izvajalcev itd.

➡️ Reševanje problematike družinske in urgentne medicine. Priprava zakonodaje in implementacije naj bi bila do 1. 1. 2024, zagotovili naj bi več kadra in kakovostno ter hitro obravnavo. Nič od tega ni.

➡️ Prenova in nadzor vodenja javnih zdr. zavodov. Slovenske bolnišnice zato nič kaj bolje ne delujejo. Priprava zakonodaje, ki bi spremenila 30 let star zakon, naj bi bila implementirana s 1. 1. 2024, a tudi tega ni.

➡️ Opolnomočilo naj bi se Urad za kakovost in investicije v zdravstvu. Tu menjajo direktorje in zaposlene skoraj na mesečni ravni, urad investicij ne vodi korektno. Še en korak oz. obljuba o tem ni bila izvršena.

➡️ Uredili naj bi področje absentizma. Delovna skupina na @MinZdravje naj bi uredila področje zakonodaje do 1. januarja 2024. Dočakali smo daljše čakalne dobe, ljudje čakajo na izvide in morajo zato podaljševati bolniške. Ukinili pa ste takoj ob nastopu vlade 3 dni bolniške odsotnosti brez obiska zdravnika.

➡️ Problematike koncesionarjev tudi ne naslavljate ustrezno. Spravljate jih na slab glas in jih razglašate za tiste, ki delajo …

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/PS_SDS/status/175486

[2024-02-06 14:08 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: Very emotional evening with the news that John Ryan, the rock at @EU_Commission DG SANTE for many years has passed away having only recently retired. Shocked & sad reactions from @EuropeanCancer community. A true public servant. @EU_Health @SKyriakidesEU @SandraGallina @csabadegi

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MorrisseyMike/status

[2024-02-04 21:03 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: Today is day.
First up, a new recommendation on vaccine-preventable cancers.
Then, our high-level event to mark
🔴Starting at 14:00 (CET).
Stay tuned!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EU_Health/status/175

[2024-01-31 08:28 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: 🔥 Nika Prevc 🇸🇮 won the qualification round in @Ljubno2024 with a great jump on 94.5 meters 🦅

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/FISskijumping/status

[2024-01-28 09:28 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: Kako lepo je danes na Ljubnem in "toplo". Iskrene čestitke obema Nikama, vsem dekletom, celotni ekipi, trenerjem in organizatorjem. 🤸💐🎆😀😃🎯🥂🍾😊 Lepo je biti Slovenec, pa ne le na Ljubnem. 🍀

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/JelkoKacin/status/17

[2024-01-28 11:35 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: 🏆 Nika Prevc 🇸🇮 celebrates her first home win in @Ljubno2024! What a day for the crowd as Nika Kriznar 🇸🇮 also reaches the podium! 🥉

📸 Nordic Focus

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/FISskijumping/status

[2024-01-28 11:40 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: Nika Prevc 🇸🇮 won the qualification round in Ljubno! A great show off from the World Cup Leader ahead of her home events 🔥

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/FISskijumping/status

[2024-01-26 12:24 UTC]

Počitek po zasluženem obroku. Ni pomembna barva, pomembno je, da zna in hoče loviti miši.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/zofijamazej/status/1

[2024-01-24 13:22 UTC]

Čudovito nebo na predbožični večer. Želim vam tudi čudovit in miren Božič!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/zofijamazej/status/1

[2023-12-24 17:30 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: We have pushed for a credible economic governance framework based on sound rules, compliance and enforcement.

It will ensure debt sustainability while considering the different starting positions between Member States.

More from @Esther_de_Lange: epp.group/xuxvccn3

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/EPPGroup/status/1734

[2023-12-11 11:58 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: « N'essayez pas de devenir un homme qui a du succès. Essayez de devenir un homme qui a de la valeur. »
Albert Einstein

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/coherence_e/status/1

[2023-11-27 08:37 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: In Kyiv, paying tribute to the fallen heroes of the 🇺🇦 fight for freedom in 2014 and 2022/23. Too many young lives broken too early. Thank you for giving your life for our european values of freedom, rule of law and democracy. 🇪🇺

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/AnnaMariaCB/status/1

[2023-09-10 07:45 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: Albert Einstein and Marie Sklodowska Curie reminiscing by a lake in 1929. Back in 1906, Curie had lost her husband Pierre when he was killed by a horse-drawn cart while crossing a busy street in Paris. She mourned his death for a few years before finding comfort in Pierre's protégé, Paul Langevin, a married physics professor who was separated from his wife because she was physically abusive.

When Langevin's wife discovered that Curie was involved with her husband, she hired someone to break into their apartment and steal their love letters, which she promptly leaked to the press. Curie's name was dragged through the mud, and soon an angry mob gathered in front of her home. Curie and her daughter went into hiding and stayed with a family friend. Langevin entered into a duel with one of the tabloid editors to defend Curie's honor, but no shot was fired.

Meanwhile, Einstein wrote the following letter to Curie to offer his support and voice his solidarity:

"Highly esteemed Mrs. Curie,

Do not laugh at me for writing you without having anything sensible to say. But I am so enraged by the base manner in which the public is presently daring to concern itself with you that I absolutely must give vent to this feeling. However, I am convinced that you consistently despise this rabble, whether it obsequiously lavishes respect on you or whether it attempts to satiate its lust for sensationalism! I am impelled to tell you how much I have come to admire your intellect, your drive, and your honesty, and that I consider myself lucky to have made your personal acquaintance in Brussels. Anyone who does not number among these reptiles is certainly happy, now as before, that we have such personages among us as you, and Langevin too, real people with whom one feels privileged to be in contact. If the rabble continues to occupy itself with you, then simply don't read that h…

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/historyinmemes/statu

[2023-09-14 05:09 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: « L'égoïsme ne consiste pas à vivre comme on en a envie, mais à demander aux autres de vivre comme on a soi-même envie de vivre. »
Oscar Wilde

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/coherence_e/status/1

[2023-09-22 09:54 UTC]

Countries should monitor not only SARS-CoV-2, but also how influenza and RSV viruses spread throughout the season, and how they affect people and healthcare systems.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/zofijamazej/status/1

[2023-09-22 11:30 UTC]

RT by @zofijamazej: Če je bila reakcija @vladaRS prve dni po poplavah še razmeroma ustrezna - pač zaradi dejstva, da sistem zaščite in reševanja deluje, ne glede na to, kdo je na oblasti - pa sedaj zmeraj bolj tone in naplavine nesposobnosti prihajajo na dan.
Na Koroškem nezadovoljstvo narašča.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/miro5ek/status/17052

[2023-09-22 18:53 UTC]

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