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We support Brazil’s plan to end illegal deforestation by 2030.

will invest €430 million to preserve the Amazon.

We are also launching a €2 billion Global Gateway project on renewables and energy efficiency.

To help you become a renewable energy superpower.


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The EU is already the top investor in Latin America.

We can do much more by concluding EU-MERCOSUL.

On top, Global Gateway, our investment plan for the world, will invest €10 billion in LatAm & Caribbean ↓


Starting my visit to Latin America in Brasilia.

LatAm & Caribbean are partners of choice.

We need to seize the full potential of our relationship.

Deepen cooperation, join forces on global challenges.

This is the essence of our proposed New Agenda that I’m here to present.


I am saddened by the news of the passing of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

He led Italy in a time of political transition and since then continued to shape his beloved country.

I extend my condolences to his family and the Italian people.


1. A robust 🇹🇳 economy;
We are considering up to €900M macrofinancial assistance & up to €150M in budget support.

2. Increased trade & investment

3. Mutually beneficial energy cooperation

4. Addressing common migration challenges

5. Bringing our people together


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We are here as Team Europe to mark an important milestone in the relationship between the EU and Tunisia.

We are working with Tunisia on a comprehensive 5-pillar package.


Great news from the @IEA conference today.

45 governments agreed to double energy efficiency by 2030, the target we put forward in April.

I hope it will pave the way towards global renewables and energy efficiency targets at  

The @EU_Commission will push for this.


Je rends hommage à Arman Soldin, le jeune photojournaliste français, tué par un missile russe en Ukraine.

Face aux grandes injustices de notre temps, il a décidé de faire sa part.

C’était un homme courageux et engagé.

Et il représente bien les valeurs de votre génération.


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We must keep telling the horrors of the Holocaust and never forget.

Europe wouldn’t be what it is today without Jewish culture, values and contributions to science.

We will co-finance a new section at @yadvashem on Jewish life in Europe before the Shoah.


De Saint-Exupéry aux industries de pointe, Toulouse est une ville à l’esprit pionnier.

Une créativité, un pragmatisme, une détermination qui sont aussi au cœur de notre Union.

Pour faire face ensemble, au défi du changement climatique et au retour de la guerre, ce vieux démon.


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Aux étudiants de l’université @utcapitole j’adresse un message:

Engagez-vous. Trouvez la cause qui vous tient à cœur.

Car l’engagement personnel, c’est ce qui nous rassemble.

C’est ce qui fait avancer l’Europe ↓


Congratulations @YlvaJohansson and @sweden2023eu for this huge milestone.

Migration is a European challenge.

Working together, we can achieve a common solution.
RT @YlvaJohansson: A hugely significant step for in JHA @EUCouncil today.

Looking forward to starting trilogues with the @europarl_en

We are so much stronger when we work together 🇪🇺


Good first phone call with Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov.

We discussed the work ahead, starting with an important at the end of the month.

I welcome the 🇪🇺 priorities of your government and commitment for reforms.


Nous sommes solidaires avec le Canada face aux terribles feux de forêt.

Canada has requested support from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism - and we are responding promptly.

🇫🇷🇵🇹🇪🇸 are offering the help of more than 280 firefighters.

More will come.


Good meeting with President Sultan Al Jaber to prepare @COP28_UAE.

In Dubai we will take stock of progress on the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

We need global targets on renewable energy and efficiency to cut emissions.

We’ll push for this at .


Europe and Latin America and Caribbean countries are partners of choice.

Today we propose a new agenda for a renewed partnership, also with the support of .

Looking forward to presenting it in 🇧🇷🇦🇷🇨🇱🇲🇽 next week.


In the Conference on the Future of Europe, people told us how much they cared about mental health.

And they are right. Because mental health is simply health.

We listened. And today we act, with the first 🇪🇺 approach to mental health - from prevention to treatment and recovery.


We are coordinating with the Member States to deliver rapidly:

→ dirt water pumps
→ fire hoses
→ mobile water purification stations
→ boats

We stand by Ukraine as long as it takes.


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Russia will have to pay for the war crimes committed in Ukraine.

The destruction of the dam, an outrageous attack on civilian infrastructure, puts at risk thousands of people in the Kherson region.

Europe is mobilising support through our civil protection mechanism.


Congratulations, Nikolay Denkov, on being sworn in as Bulgaria’s Prime Minister.

And congratulations to my former colleague and new deputy Prime Minister @GabrielMariya.

Looking forward to working with you on our common EU agenda, for a strong Bulgaria in a strong Europe.


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