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Member States can also use unused cohesion funds from the previous 2014-2020 funding period to support SMEs and vulnerable households particularly affected by energy price increases. 4/5


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The objectives (among others): increase energy efficiency, decarbonize industry, increase renewables, fight energy poverty, address bottlenecks in internal and cross-border energy transmission and distribution, promote electricity storage. 3/5


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In terms of structural funds, these are not new funds, but funds from the current funding period that will be reallocated so that member states and regions can invest in the energy transition much faster and in a more targeted way. 2/5


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We have a deal on financing 🤝! Structural funds reallocated within the CPR framework and with the CPR-method will make an important contribution to investments in renewables, modern electricity grids and independence from Russian energy. @EPPGroup @EP_Regional 1/5


@EPPGroup Monitoring Group on urban mobility & transport infrastructure success stories
➡️Cross-border projects such as the cycle trail in the 🇧🇪🇱🇺🇩🇪🇳🇱-border region co-financed by are highly important for improving mobility between our Member States.


RT @EU2022_CZ: | 🌱 The 4th trilogue on is here and will help to speed up the green transition and rapidly reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels.


Thank you for the good cooperation! @EMEC_advocacy
RT @EMEC_advocacy: 8) Our warmest thanks go out to MEP @pascal_arimont who has supported our project since the start and has truly taken the plight of ME/CFS patients at heart.


A first success: Horizon Europe will fund research into diseases like ME/CFS. Together with the cross-party ME/CFS Interest Group and with the support of @EMEC_advocacy around Evelien Van Den Brink, we have urged the @EU_Commission in many discussions,letters, questions to do so.
RT @EMEC_advocacy: 1) More than 2 years after the adoption of the ME/CFS resolution, the European Commission has finally taken action to support research on ME/CFS.

Read more in our pre…


RT @EU2022_CZ: | The 2nd trilogue on aims for safer 🔐 and greener 🌱 European energy. How to do it? Rapidly reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels and speed up the green transition.


Rencontre avec Commissaire @NicolasSchmitEU sur le télétravail des frontaliers, qui s'est beaucoup étendu suite au Covid. La législation n'a pas suivi introduisant 1 insécurité juridique pour les travailleurs & entreprises. Nous demandons à @EU_Commission & EM 1 solution pérenne


RT @MCJPetitjean:

⚡️ op korte termijn minder afhankelijk worden van Russische fossiele brandstoffen
⚡️ energiekosten voor gezinnen en bedrijven omlaag
⚡️ energietransitie versnellen

@pascal_arimont @EPPGroup


RT @MCJPetitjean: :

⚡️ réduire à court terme notre dépendance vis-à-vis des combustibles fossiles en provenance de Russie
⚡️ diminuer les coûts énergétiques pour les ménages et les entreprises
⚡️ accélérer la transition énergétique

@pascal_arimont @EPPGroup


Another important proposal is to make up to €40 billion of unused funds from the previous 2014-2020 funding period available to Member States and their regions to help SMEs and budgets in the short term. Now we need a quick agreement with the Member States! (4/4)


The funding from regional policy will involve a total of 27 billion. These funds could be allocated under the rules of the CPR in such a way that member states and regions can invest in the energy transition much more strongly, quickly and in a more targeted manner. (3/4)


To this end, we want to invest a total of around 300 billion euros in the restructuring of Europe's energy supply. In recent weeks, we have worked intensively on the relevant texts to make this financing possible in the very short term. (2/4)


Large majority in favour of our proposals on the strategy. We want to reduce dependency on fossil fuels from Russia, reduce energy costs and accelerate the energy transition. @europarl_en @EPPGroup (1/4)


RT @EMEC_advocacy: 1) In February 2022, the parliamentary interest group on ME/CFS wrote to the European Commission to criticize the lack of action since the ME/CFS resolution was adopted in June 2020.


RT @MCJPetitjean: Personalausweise, Diplome, Führerscheine, Versicherungsdokumente, Arztrezepte, usw. – all diese Dokumente sollen in Zukunft an einer Stelle gesammelt und gespeichert werden können, @pascal_arimont (@EPPGroup)


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