
We have a deal on financing 🤝! Structural funds reallocated within the CPR framework and with the CPR-method will make an important contribution to investments in renewables, modern electricity grids and independence from Russian energy. @EPPGroup @EP_Regional 1/5


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In terms of structural funds, these are not new funds, but funds from the current funding period that will be reallocated so that member states and regions can invest in the energy transition much faster and in a more targeted way. 2/5


The objectives (among others): increase energy efficiency, decarbonize industry, increase renewables, fight energy poverty, address bottlenecks in internal and cross-border energy transmission and distribution, promote electricity storage. 3/5


Member States can also use unused cohesion funds from the previous 2014-2020 funding period to support SMEs and vulnerable households particularly affected by energy price increases. 4/5


The agreement now needs to be officially confirmed by the Member States in the Council and by the European Parliament. 5/5


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