#Interreg is an important symbol for cooperation amongst neighbours. It significantly helps to remove border obstacles - including, above all, those in people’s minds. With the result of these negotiations, we enable regions to cooperate more easily. (1) ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/pascal_arimont/status/1334193680299782146
[2020-12-02 17:52 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: #Europeennes2024 : L'Europe mérite un budget propre et un commissaire européen sa défense. Lettre ouverte d' @YVerougstraete et @pascal_arimont ds @lecho #LeCourageDeChanger
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/LesEngages_be/status/1754862707776368922#m
[2024-02-06 13:40 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Bedankt @pascal_arimont voor het interessante evenement rond de bescherming van onze kinderen op het internet. Vandaag worden ze nog te vaak blootgesteld aan illegale en misplaatste inhoud op sociale media. We moeten er alles aan doen die wantoestanden te beletten!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/FranssenCindy/status/1752709212160094620#m
[2024-01-31 15:03 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Pascal Arimont (CSP/EVP) fordert eine verbindliche Quote für Bankautomaten in ländlichen Gemeinden @pascal_arimont @HerbertDorfmann https://ostbelgiendirekt.be/bankautomaten-in-laendlichen-gemeinden-373831
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/OstbelDirekt/status/1750822590141104128#m
[2024-01-26 10:06 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/visszhang/status/1747666767051116865#m
[2024-01-17 17:06 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: #Straßburg | Die #EU habe in vielen Bereichen gute Arbeit geleistet und viel geschafft, so @pascal_arimont, belg. MdEP @EPPGroup des EU-Parlaments. Sie hätten es jedoch nicht gut kommuniziert und wenn es scheint, als fände die Politik keine Lösungen, wachsen rechte Parteien.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/phoenix_de/status/1747204619237835146#m
[2024-01-16 10:30 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Morgen um 8:45 Uhr diskutiert phoenix-Reporterin Claudia Davis im #europatalk u.a. mit dem belgischen Politiker @pascal_arimont. Dieser plädiert für eine stärkere Unabhängigkeit der Europäer.
📲: https://phoenix.de/s/hK4
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/phoenix_de/status/1746967776944693749#m
[2024-01-15 18:49 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Nous perdons nos enfants!
Comment la Loi sur les Services Numériques (#DSA) peut-elle mieux protéger nos enfants en ligne ?
🗓️ Suivez l'audition le 31 janvier au @Europarl_BE
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MCJPetitjean/status/1742849706722496706#m
[2024-01-04 10:05 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Deal on a new Product Liability framework! ✅
After last week’s historic deal on #AIAct, we are today harmonising #liability rules for #AI and digital & circular products.
This will allow consumers & businesses to use digital technologies safely & confidently.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ThierryBreton/status/1735252280499175653#m
[2023-12-14 10:55 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Just in @EP_Regional Committe on Regional Development @pascal_arimont from @EPPGroup elected as 1st Vice-Chair in REGI Committe by acclamation. He replaced Krysztof @hetman_k who left to Poland after election.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/allegovic/status/1730139574393827599#m
[2023-11-30 08:19 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Aujourd'hui, l'eurodéputé belge Pascal Arimont a été désigné premier Vice-Président de la Commission du développement régional (@EP_Regional) du Parlement européen.
🗞️ Trouvez ici une première réaction: https://www.eppgroup.eu/fr/nos-actions/avec-les-pays-ue/belgique/actualites/election-au-poste-de-1er-vice-president-de-regi
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MCJPetitjean/status/1730193878299378060#m
[2023-11-30 11:55 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Der Kampf gegen Rechtspopulisten, die das europäische Einigungswerk zerstören wollen, gelingt nur grenzüberschreitend in ganz Europa. Der belgische Europaabgeordnete @pascal_arimont hatte nach Eupen 🇧🇪 eingeladen und das Interesse war riesig. Wir werden gemeinsam die Europäische Union, die gemeinsame Währung, die offenen Grenzen u Wohlstand und Rechtsstaatlichkeit verteidigen. #evp
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ArminLaschet/status/1717944103738941933#m
[2023-10-27 16:39 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: #TRILOGUE | Kick-off trilogue on liability for defective products.
The new directive extends the definition of ‘product’ to digital manufacturing files and software.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/eu2023es/status/1716514847930667009#m
[2023-10-23 18:00 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: "We still experience how difficult it is to get an ambulance to the nearest hospital when that hospital is on the other side of the border", says @pascal_arimont.
Administrative obstacles still exist for people living in EU border regions.
This must change.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EPPGroup/status/1702011890300309737#m
[2023-09-13 17:30 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: 🎗️ Good morning, Europe!
Research has shown that #BreastCancer is preventable if detected early.
So, don’t forget to check with your doctor. It can be lifesaving.
#EUCanBeatCancer @pascal_arimont
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EPPGroup/status/1710171830323970192#m
[2023-10-06 05:55 UTC]
RT by @pascal_arimont: Existing EU legislation on liability for defective products was adopted nearly 40 years ago
New proposal aims to bring the liability regime up to speed with the digital age, circular economy business models & global value chains
@botos_vlad @pascal_arimont
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EP_ThinkTank/status/1711338215511347317#m
[2023-10-09 11:10 UTC]
RT European Parliamentary Research Service
EU law on who's liable for a defective product is nearly 40 years old
A new proposal aims to bring legislation up to speed with the digital age, circular economy business models & global value chains
📖Read https://epthinktank.eu/2023/02/13/new-product-liability-directive-eu-legislation-in-progress/
@AdrianVL1982 @botos_vlad @pascal_arimont https://t.co/84OX5SI4RL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/status/1672858914977619972
RT @MCJPetitjean: ⚠️ La cyber-violence tue!
Nous demandons une nouvelle législation pour criminaliser le #cyberharcèlement. Il s’agit d’une véritable violence, dont sont victimes près de la moitié des jeunes de l’UE. @BenoitLutgen @pascal_arimont | @EPPGroup
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/pascal_arimont/status/1658127594095517698
RT @OstbelDirekt: Arimont: „Cybermobbing kann tödlich sein“ – Mutter startete Kampagne nach dem Selbstmord ihrer Tochter #Cybermobbing @pascal_arimont @EVP_news
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/pascal_arimont/status/1656625484078120962
RT @EP_Legal: 🚨🔊Follow now ⚖️@EP_Legal and @EP_SingleMarket debate on the draft report by @pascal_arimont and @botos_vladon proposal on liability for defective products.
🗓️Find out more 👉 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230418IPR80703
📹Online access 👉 https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/imco-juri-committee-meeting_20230426-1430-COMMITTEE-IMCO-JURI https://t.co/f1YimVRbXk
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/pascal_arimont/status/1651204811541323777
RT @EP_Legal: 🚨⚖️@EP_Legal continues:
👉Community designs and legal protection of designs by @Gilles_Lebreton
🔊 Structured dialogue with @VeraJourova
👉Insolvency law by @pascal_arimont
🗓️Highlights➡️ https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230324IPR78306
📹➡️https://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/juri/meetings/webstreaming https://t.co/2swxwNGpc5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/pascal_arimont/status/1650847412171284481
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ MEP @Europarl_DE, German-speak. Community 🇧🇪, #Ostbelgien, @CSPOstbelgien - @EPPGroup, Vice-Coord. @EP_Regional, Member @EP_Legal @EP_Industry