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🇨🇿 V Česku se varování nejčastěji týkala nebezpečných hraček (47 %), elektrických přístrojů a spotřebičů (26 %) a textilu (7 %). Nejčastějším rizikem byly chemikálie ve výrobku.

Interaktivní mapa se všemi členskými státy →


🆕 Zpráva o systému včasného varování za rok 2021: Minulý rok bylo vydáno 2142 varování ohledně nebezpečných výrobků, které se objevily na trhu EU. První příčky mezi nimi obsadily hračky a auta.

Více →!BMc7Hk
Celá zpráva →!Mt38Qr


Už skoro 200 ukrajinských pacientů, kteří potřebují speciální péči, byli pomocí Mechanismu pro civilní ochranu EU evakuováni do nemocnic ve 13 evropských zemích. 🇺🇦🇪🇺
RT @eu_near: The has now coordinated the evacuation✈️ of nearly 200 Ukrainian patients via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to 11 countries: 🇩🇪🇮🇪🇮🇹🇳🇴🇩🇰🇸🇪🇷🇴🇱🇺🇧🇪🇪🇸🇵🇹



RT @EU_Commission: Ukraine's fight is our fight. We must work together to make sure that war criminals are brought to justice.

Today we propose to reinforce the mandate of Eurojust to collect and preserve evidence of war crimes.



🔴 Sledujte právě teď tiskovou konferenci @dreynders k roční zprávě systému , který monitoruje nebezpečné produkty v EU. Přímý přenos →!Jw63DJ


RT @vonderleyen: Strengthening the 🇪🇺🇮🇳 partnership is a key priority for this decade.

We will step up cooperation in trade, technology and security.

This is why I’m pleased that @narendramodi and I will establish an 🇪🇺🇮🇳 Trade and Technology Council.


RT @vonderleyen: In Europe, Russia's war in Ukraine was a stark reminder that our dependency on Russian fossil fuels is not sustainable.

So our transition to home-grown energy is also an investment in our security.

@EU_Commission will present next month a new solar strategy under


⚡️ „Co je nelegální offline, bude nelegální také v online světě.“

V noci dosáhly instituce EU dohody ohledně důležitého aktu o digitálních službách ().
RT @EU_Commission: "What is illegal offline is also illegal online.
Now it’s a real thing – not a slogan anymore.

This is what we have achieved : an agreement on the that is even better than the proposal we tabled two years ago."

EVP @vestager


RT @ThierryBreton: Yes, we have a deal!

With the , the time of big online platforms behaving like they are “too big to care” is coming to an end.

A major milestone for 🇪🇺citizens.

Congratulations to the European Parliament & Council and thank you to the great EU team working countless hours!


RT @ThierryBreton: Today might be D-Day for the Digital Services Act!

Together with the European Parliament & Council, the Commission has worked in record time to protect 🇪🇺 citizens online.

Here are the 10 things you need to know about the ahead of our (hopefully) final trilogue.



Dnes je . Na ochranu naší planety bychom však měli myslet každý den. Proč? Stačí se podívat na čtyři satelitní snímky @CopernicusEU z posledních měsíců.

🇧🇷 Brazílie
🇲🇦 Maroko
🇨🇱 Chile
🇦🇶 Antarktida, bývalý Congerův ledovcový šelf


RT @Europol: 📍 Today in Prague, Executive Director De Bolle met 🇨🇿 Minister of Interior @Vit_Rakusan & @PolicieCZ President Martin Vondrášek.

Topics discussed:
🇺🇦 Europol’s support detecting threats stemming from the war in Ukraine
🇪🇺 Upcoming Czech @EUCouncil Presidency
👮 Europol recast.


RT @eucopresident: I went to Borodyanka to witness the situation on the ground.

There are no words to explain what I feel. Not as @eucopresident but as a father, as a human being.

These are atrocities. These are war crimes. They must be punished.

It will be punished.



RT @eucopresident: Reopening our @EUDelegationUA to say we stand by you.
In Kyiv to continue to assist the people of in their fight for freedom from oppression.

@ZelenskyyUa @StefanishynaO


RT @vonderleyen: Good to speak with President @ZelenskyyUa on how to further increase our help to Ukraine

We discussed financial and security assistance, and Ukraine´s replies to the questionnaire on EU membership.

@EU_Commission stands ready to support.

Ukraine belongs in our European family.


RT @vonderleyen: World leaders firmly stand together in support of Ukraine.

We will further tighten our sanctions against Russia and step up financial and security assistance for Ukraine.

Thank you @POTUS for convening this important call.



RT @MattiMaasikas: Another step on Ukraine's EU path. Honoured to receive from @ZelenskyyUa the answers to @EU_Commission questionnaire, handed over by @vonderleyen only 10 days ago. Extraordinary times take extraordinary steps and extraordinary speed. @Denys_Shmyhal @StefanishynaO @AndriyYermak


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