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Alle Kinder verdienen es, in einem digitalen Umfeld heranzuwachsen, in dem diese Rechte geachtet und geschützt werden.

Gastkommentar von @dubravkasuica, @ThierryBreton & Catherine Russel @UNICEF anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Kinderrechte👧 👇


RT @GabrielMariya: 🔜Tomorrow, I will be in Brno🇨🇿

📍Villa Tugendhat - Transformation of places🔄 impact

📖Preservation of cult’ heritage 👉Mendel’s manuscripts

🤝@MinKultury Dep.Minister Ouroda, 🇪🇺@Mdlabajova, Mayor @VankovaBrno, Pr.Hammer🎓, @MartinSelmayr & @LadmanovaMonika


RT @EU_Commission: COP27 has kept alive the goal of 1.5C.

Unfortunately, it has not delivered on a commitment by the world's major emitters to phase down fossil fuels, nor new commitments on climate mitigation.

But the EU will stay the course.

Read President @vonderleyen statement on


RT @vonderleyen: marks a small step forward but much more is needed for the planet.

We have treated some of the symptoms but not cured the patient from its fever.


RT @antonioguterres: has taken an important step towards justice.

I welcome the decision to establish a loss and damage fund and to operationalize it in the coming period.

Clearly this will not be enough, but it is a much-needed political signal to rebuild broken trust.


RT @TimmermansEU: is in overtime. The EU is united in our ambition to move forward and build on what we agreed in Glasgow. Our message to partners is clear: we cannot accept that 1.5C dies here and today.


RT @vonderleyen: Let us join forces for our collective security.

For example, on addressing the dangers of Iranian UAV proliferation.

Gulf security matters to Europe, as Europe’s security matters to the Gulf.


RT @wbogensberger: EU Kommissar @JHahnEU weist in seiner Rede beim Jubiläumskongress
„100 Jahre “ darauf hin, dass Europa 🇪🇺 der internationalste aller Kontinente ist. Es wäre daher völlig illusorisch und auch kontraproduktiv, wenn wir glauben, wir könnten uns abschotten.


RT @wbogensberger: Die 🇪🇺EU hat die 🇺🇦 bisher bereits massiv unterstützt. Und wir werden dies im kommenden Jahr weiter tun - mit bis zu 18 Mrd Euro, damit die laufenden Kosten beglichen und die Infrastruktur instandgehalten werden kann.
- @JHahnEU in seiner Keynote bei


RT @EU_Commission: We need to reduce emissions faster to avoid the most catastrophic effects that climate change could wreak on our planet.

But we can't forget to respond to loss & damage to protect the most vulnerable.

Mitigation, adaptation, loss & damage –all go together.



Exekutiv-Vizepräsidentin @vestager:
Diese Regelung wird es 🇦🇹 ermöglichen, die Auswirkungen der steigenden Betriebsmittelkosten auf energie- und handelsintensive Unternehmen abzufedern & die Fortführung ihrer Tätigkeiten unter diesen schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen zu unterstützen.


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.@EU_Commission 🇪🇺 gibt grünes Licht für österreichische 🇦🇹 Beihilfe zur Abfederung der hohen Energiekosten.

Unternehmen werden mit insgesamt 1,1 Mrd. € unterstützt.


RT @EU_Commission: We know what Russia says is the opposite of what it means.

Kremlin is spreading disinformation on energy, aiming to manipulate the EU & dissuade it from supporting Ukraine.

But we are now fully prepared for the winter ahead & our support to Ukraine is unwavering.


RT @EU_Commission: After Galileo and Copernicus, we are adding a third constellation to our strategic space infrastructures: IRIS² 🛰️.

With a €2.4 billion budget, the new satellite constellation will contribute to developing a sovereign, autonomous and secure connectivity infrastructure in 🇪🇺 ↓


RT @EU_Commission: A turning point in the EU's digital policy.
Today, the comes into force.

Its implementation means that online platforms, among others, will have to do more to limit the distribution of illegal content and goods.

Find out more ↓


RT @EU_Commission: Hrvatska je spremna!
България е готова!
România este pregătită!

We call on the @EUCouncil to take the necessary decisions to allow Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia to become full Schengen members.

Their citizens must enjoy the full benefits of Schengen without further delay ↓


RT @vonderleyen: Good meeting among like-minded partners.

🇪🇺🇦🇺 are aligned in our response to Russia’s war and we share an interest to cooperate in the Indo-Pacific.

We agreed to intensify negotiations on an ambitious trade agreement.

We will also work on a new partnership on raw materials.


RT @EU_Commission: This week, the meets to discuss:

🔹Proposal of enlarging the benefits of Schengen area to Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia


RT @JosepBorrellF: In touch over night with my Polish colleague @RauZbigniew. Assured him of EU Foreign Affairs Council‘s full support.

We stand with Ukraine, in particular in view of massive Russian strikes on civilian infrastructure impacting also beyond Ukraine, incl power outages in Moldova.


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