Jsem nositelkou Řádu rytířky italské hvězdy za mimořádný přínos česko-italským vztahům. Vyznamenání uděluje prezident Italské republiky a předal mi ho pan velvyslanec Francesco Saverio Nisio. Moc si tohoto ocenění mé dosavadní práce vážím a děkuji za něj 🇨🇿🇮🇹 @ItalyinCZ #AmbNisio
RT by @Mdlabajova: 🗓️ The last meeting of the EP #SMEintergroup was last night. Grateful for the unwavering leadership of @Mdlabajova and @angelikawinzig in very challenging years for European SMEs 👏
Looking forward to our continuing cooperation with MEPs and #SME stakeholders in the future #SMEintergroup 🤝
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BusinessEurope/status/1757707865593147766#m
[2024-02-14 10:06 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: Condividiamo con piacere l'evento "Il futuro dell’Europa e lo sviluppo del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Un dialogo con la politica" organizzato dal corso di laurea magistrale in Cittadinanza, istituzioni e politiche europee dell'@uniud. Interviene @Mdlabajova
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/FondAquileia/status/1757679676787425483#m
[2024-02-14 08:14 UTC]
Honoured to serve as Co-chair of
since 2020. We’ve built a strong
community across Europe, uniting diverse backgrounds with one goal: improving the
. Truly proud of our achievements. Thank you all!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Mdlabajova/status/1757461272579146013#m
[2024-02-13 17:46 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: An emotional last #SME Intergroup with MEP @Mdlabajova and @CDelberghe @EuroCommerce - key message ‘Never give up talking to policy makers about your needs’ ✊🏼🫶🏽
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/joannadupont/status/1757466544316010517#m
[2024-02-13 18:07 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: Truly passionate and enthusiastic fighter for the interests of #SMEs in Europe! Proud to be part of her team, making a difference together. Thank you, @Mdlabajova!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/LuBednarova/status/1757469265580450178#m
[2024-02-13 18:18 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: Serata di grande emozioni, ieri, all'@IicPraga con Giorgio Celiberti che nell'ambito delle commemorazioni per il Giorno della Memoria ha inaugurato la mostra "Spirito di pace". Vi aspettiamo numerosi fino al 29 febbraio!
@ItalzinCZ @europarl_it @Mdlabajova
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IicPraga/status/1753485532804575309#m
[2024-02-02 18:28 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: Za účasti Giorgia Celibertiho proběhl včera v
@IicPraga večer plný emocí. 🇮🇹 Mistr v rámci vzpomínkové akce k Mezinárodnímu dni památky obětí holocaustu zahájil výstavu "Esence míru". Výstavu můžete navštívit až do do 29. února. Těšíme se na vaši účast!
@ItalyinCZ @Mdlabajova
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IicPraga/status/1753486494063628566#m
[2024-02-02 18:32 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: 🌐👩💼 Markéta Nečasová začíná svou stáž u předsedkyně #AVČR Evy Zažímalové!
🙌 Do pátku 26. ledna bude mít studentka biotechnologie možnost poznat, co vše je úkolem Akademie věd ČR.
Ať se daří💪🎉
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Akademie_ved_CR/status/1749738829894832349#m
[2024-01-23 10:20 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: Stáž se koná v rámci projektu @ProcByNe, který organizuje poslankyně Evropského parlamentu @Mdlabajova.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Akademie_ved_CR/status/1750100143611716005#m
[2024-01-24 10:16 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: #hospitality Reducing reporting requirements by 25% for SMEs. How to get there? Timely and necessary exchange with EP SME intergroup this morning
@Mdlabajova @josiannecutajar @jorgenwarborn @BusinessEurope @Eurochambres
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AUDREMAR/status/1749693687355920583#m
[2024-01-23 07:20 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: Congratulations @Mdlabajova for organising together with @BusinessEurope & @Eurochambres such a timely debate on reducing #reporting requirements by 25%. 👏
🛎There has to be an institutional ownership of the target.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AlMastantuono/status/1749702700386963964#m
[2024-01-23 07:56 UTC]
Kicking off our day with an early morning
meeting. We're tackling a major issue for
: the demanding reporting requirements. Our common ground? At least 25% reduction! The pressing challenge now is figuring out the pathway to achieve more than this 💪
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Mdlabajova/status/1749709801444069411#m
[2024-01-23 08:24 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: Il 16 Gennaio 1969 ti sei dato fuoco per far luce nell’oscurità di un regime oppressivo.
Dopo tre giorni ci hai lasciati, ma il tuo grido di libertà risuona nelle nostre battaglie.
#JanPalach vive tra noi.
@ALDEParty @RenewEurope @EurLiberalForum @Mdlabajova
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/fleinaudi/status/1748314369513988475#m
[2024-01-19 12:00 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: 🌟Máš touhu podívat se na akademickou půdu? Chceš zblízka poznat, co všechno je úkolem Akademie věd ČR?
✅Stínuj při práci předsedkyni Akademie věd ČR Evu Zažímalovou.
🤝Stáž proběhne v Praze v termínu od 22. do 26. ledna 2024.
Přihlášku pošli nejpozději do 5. ledna 2024!
Více ➡️ https://procbyne.cz/nabidka-stazi/leden-2024
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Akademie_ved_CR/status/1742527616303644808#m
[2024-01-03 12:45 UTC]
Přeji Vám jen to nejlepší… 🎄
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Mdlabajova/status/1738850965149651321#m
[2023-12-24 09:15 UTC]
R to @Mdlabajova: Simply the best wishes for 2024… 🎄
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Mdlabajova/status/1738851808892621204#m
[2023-12-24 09:19 UTC]
Přeji Vám jen to nejlepší… 🎄🙏
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Mdlabajova/status/1738850445735362592#m
[2023-12-24 09:13 UTC]
Great meeting with Commissioner
. Our discussion focused on how to simplify the use of
funds for
, supporting creative industries, and the new pilot project of vouchers for creative ideas of
within the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Mdlabajova/status/1734606571815227837#m
[2023-12-12 16:10 UTC]
RT by @Mdlabajova: .@Mdlabajova: "It is so inspiring seeing all these SMEs come together to promote sustainable practices and make the world a better place.
Before becoming an MEP, I managed my own SMEs for many years in many countries. I carry this strong entrepreneurial spirit in me.
My strong commitment to SMEs is the reason why I support initiatives like SME EnterPRIZE.
This great initiative inspires them to adopt sustainable practices and make the world a better place."
#SMEEnterPRIZE #Generali4Sustainability
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/GENERALI/status/1729578734850585016#m
[2023-11-28 19:11 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ CZ Member of European Parliament. @Reneweurope. Coordinator @EP_Industry. Co-Chair SME Intergroup. Creative industries. Research. Innovation. Young people. SMEs