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Jsem nositelkou Řádu rytířky italské hvězdy za mimořádný přínos česko-italským vztahům. Vyznamenání uděluje prezident Italské republiky a předal mi ho pan velvyslanec Francesco Saverio Nisio. Moc si tohoto ocenění mé dosavadní práce vážím a děkuji za něj 🇨🇿🇮🇹 @ItalyinCZ


RT by @Mdlabajova: 🗓️ The last meeting of the EP was last night. Grateful for the unwavering leadership of @Mdlabajova and @angelikawinzig in very challenging years for European SMEs 👏

Looking forward to our continuing cooperation with MEPs and stakeholders in the future 🤝


[2024-02-14 10:06 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: Condividiamo con piacere l'evento "Il futuro dell’Europa e lo sviluppo del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Un dialogo con la politica" organizzato dal corso di laurea magistrale in Cittadinanza, istituzioni e politiche europee dell'@uniud. Interviene @Mdlabajova


[2024-02-14 08:14 UTC]

Honoured to serve as Co-chair of
since 2020. We’ve built a strong
community across Europe, uniting diverse backgrounds with one goal: improving the
. Truly proud of our achievements. Thank you all!


[2024-02-13 17:46 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: An emotional last Intergroup with MEP ⁦@Mdlabajova⁩ and ⁦@CDelberghe⁩ ⁦@EuroCommerce⁩ - key message ‘Never give up talking to policy makers about your needs’ ✊🏼🫶🏽


[2024-02-13 18:07 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: Truly passionate and enthusiastic fighter for the interests of in Europe! Proud to be part of her team, making a difference together. Thank you, @Mdlabajova!


[2024-02-13 18:18 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: Serata di grande emozioni, ieri, all'@IicPraga con Giorgio Celiberti che nell'ambito delle commemorazioni per il Giorno della Memoria ha inaugurato la mostra "Spirito di pace". Vi aspettiamo numerosi fino al 29 febbraio!
@ItalzinCZ @europarl_it @Mdlabajova


[2024-02-02 18:28 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: Za účasti Giorgia Celibertiho proběhl včera v
@IicPraga večer plný emocí. 🇮🇹 Mistr v rámci vzpomínkové akce k Mezinárodnímu dni památky obětí holocaustu zahájil výstavu "Esence míru". Výstavu můžete navštívit až do do 29. února. Těšíme se na vaši účast!
@ItalyinCZ @Mdlabajova


[2024-02-02 18:32 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: 🌐👩‍💼 Markéta Nečasová začíná svou stáž u předsedkyně Evy Zažímalové!

🙌 Do pátku 26. ledna bude mít studentka biotechnologie možnost poznat, co vše je úkolem Akademie věd ČR.

Ať se daří💪🎉


[2024-01-23 10:20 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: Reducing reporting requirements by 25% for SMEs. How to get there? Timely and necessary exchange with EP SME intergroup this morning
@Mdlabajova @josiannecutajar @jorgenwarborn @BusinessEurope @Eurochambres


[2024-01-23 07:20 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: Congratulations @Mdlabajova for organising together with @BusinessEurope & @Eurochambres such a timely debate on reducing requirements by 25%. 👏

🛎There has to be an institutional ownership of the target.


[2024-01-23 07:56 UTC]

Kicking off our day with an early morning
meeting. We're tackling a major issue for
: the demanding reporting requirements. Our common ground? At least 25% reduction! The pressing challenge now is figuring out the pathway to achieve more than this 💪


[2024-01-23 08:24 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: Il 16 Gennaio 1969 ti sei dato fuoco per far luce nell’oscurità di un regime oppressivo.
Dopo tre giorni ci hai lasciati, ma il tuo grido di libertà risuona nelle nostre battaglie.
vive tra noi.
@ALDEParty @RenewEurope @EurLiberalForum @Mdlabajova


[2024-01-19 12:00 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: 🌟Máš touhu podívat se na akademickou půdu? Chceš zblízka poznat, co všechno je úkolem Akademie věd ČR?

✅Stínuj při práci předsedkyni Akademie věd ČR Evu Zažímalovou.

🤝Stáž proběhne v Praze v termínu od 22. do 26. ledna 2024.

Přihlášku pošli nejpozději do 5. ledna 2024!
Více ➡️


[2024-01-03 12:45 UTC]

RT by @Mdlabajova: .@Mdlabajova: "It is so inspiring seeing all these SMEs come together to promote sustainable practices and make the world a better place.

Before becoming an MEP, I managed my own SMEs for many years in many countries. I carry this strong entrepreneurial spirit in me.

My strong commitment to SMEs is the reason why I support initiatives like SME EnterPRIZE.
This great initiative inspires them to adopt sustainable practices and make the world a better place."


[2023-11-28 19:11 UTC]

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