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RT @eu_eeas: The repercussions of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine affect everyone, also in the Middle East. We are facing a “grain war” where hunger is used as a weapon against the most vulnerable. We are doing all we can to ensure for all.


RT @EP_President: Effective immediately, Russian company representatives are no longer allowed to enter @europarl_en premises.

We must not allow them any space to spread their propaganda & false, toxic narratives about the invasion of .

We will remain united & strong against autocrats.


RT @EU_Commission: 'The Ukrainian flag symbolises the most common Ukrainian landscape: a yellow field of grain under a blue sky.

It is atrocious to see that deliberately Putin is blocking the wheat supply of the world.'

President @vonderleyen at


RT @vonderleyen: Final principle: investments will only fully deliver if they are coupled with ambitious reforms.

For a stronger rule of law or an attractive business environment, for example.

All of this will help rebuild free and independent Ukraine, embedded in a European future


RT @vonderleyen: The following principles will guide our work on a reconstruction platform:
1 - Ukrainian leadership must be paramount
2 - Everyone can contribute, including the private sector
3 - The EU will offer a governance structure fit for this long and complex process


RT @vonderleyen: In these 15 dramatic weeks, we have learnt so much about the tenacity of the Ukrainian soul.

We will do everything in our power so that Ukrainians can once again be the masters of their own future.


RT @UNDPUkraine: 🇺🇳@UNDP believes it is crucial to engage with youth in all aspects of a country’s development and especially in this time of war. We have joined with the 🇪🇺@EUDelegationUA and 🇩🇰@DanishMFA to support a new youth dialogue in Ukraine. More info at👉


🇺🇦 7 травня російські снаряди вщент зруйнували нещодавно відремонтований музей Сковороди неподалік Харкова. У 2022 році відзначається 300-ліття мандрівного філософа. «Світ ловив мене та не cпіймав» – одне з його найвідоміших його висловлювань.


🇪🇺 On 7 May, Russian bombs burned to ashes the newly renovated Skovoroda museum near Kharkiv. 2022 marks 300 yearsUkrainian vagabond philosopher. “The world chased me but couldn't catch me” – is one of his famous quotes.


RT @GabrielMariya: 👏On Children’s Day, I welcome the launch of the !

Great initiative of 🇫🇮 🇺🇦 and the EU EdTech sector with 🇪🇺 support to provide access to 🎓resources for Ukrainian pupils.

Working together for & is 🔑!



🇺🇦 "Принаймні пришліть до мене мого брата": Марта зі Львова. Вона була у Франції, коли розпочалося вторгнення. Але вона знає, що вони повернуться: «Я більше не можу чекати».
Ми - на боці Марти, ми



🇪🇺 "At least send me my brother."Marta is from Lviv. She was in France when the invasion started. Her parents refused to leave Ukraine, so Marta is now looking after her brother.But she knows they will go back:"I cannot wait any longer". We stand with Marta, we


RT @EamonGilmore: : On this otherwise joyful day of celebration, I think of the 7.5 million children of Ukraine who face unbearable suffering.
The EU is working to protect children and support their essential needs as they face the brutality of war.


🇺🇦Сьогодні наші думки про усіх українських дітей, позбавлених дитинства через загарбницьку війну Росії. Вони стають жертвами воєнних злочинів російських військових, їх позбавляють основних прав і потреб. Багатьох розлучають з родинами і примусово депортують.


🇪🇺Today we think of all Ukrainian children deprived of their childhood by Russia’s war of aggression. They become targets of war crimes committed by Russian troops and are denied basic needs and rights. Many are separated from families and forcibly deported.


RT @vonderleyen: We are mobilising on all fronts to increase global food security and to counteract the emerging food crisis.

The world needs the 20 million tons of grain currently blocked in Ukrainian silos by Putin’s war.

We propose 5 measures to address this urgency:


RT @vonderleyen: Yesterday, we decided to ban de facto 90% of Russian oil imports to 🇪🇺 by the end of 2022.

Russia shows its unreliability as an energy supplier.

has 3 answers: Diversifying away from 🇷🇺 fossil fuels, reinforcing security of supply/gas storage, accelerating renewables


RT @vonderleyen: EU Member States are stepping up defense spending.

We must ensure that we extract maximum value from this spending as we:

• replenish stockpiles
• streamline procurement, incl. joint procurement to reduce unnecessary costs
• strengthen interoperability between Member States


RT @vonderleyen: In the face of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, EU Member States are coming together to strengthen defense, ensure reliable & sustainable energy supply, and to mobilise against an emerging global food crisis.


🇺🇦"Вчора Європейська рада ухвалила шостий пакет санкцій.
Він дозволить заборонити імпорт нафти з Росії.
Негайний вплив санкцій стосуватиметься 75% імпорту російської нафти. А до кінця року - 90% російської нафти, що імпортується в Європу, буде заборонено", - @eucopresident
RT @eucopresident: Tonight agreed a sixth package of sanctions.

It will allow a ban on oil imports from .

The sanctions will immediatel…


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