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RT @europarlAV: Today @EP_President Roberta Metsola & ECB President Christine @Lagarde signed & exchanged letters endorsing the agreed working arrangements between the @EP_Economics Committee & the @ecb

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We're taking our cooperation to the next level.

Proud of the deeper relationship between @europarl_en and @ecb through increased transparency and accountability.

Thank you President @Lagarde for your leadership and commitment to a reinforced currency and stronger eurozone.


Today 6 June at 17.00 @EP_Economics will discuss with @vestager EU’s reaction to the US Inflation Reduction Act, temporary relaxation of State aid rules, European Green Industrial Plan
Watch here ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Starting soon at 13.30!
RT @EP_Monetary: IN ONE WEEK👇
📌Wed, 31 May
⏰13:30-15:00 CET

1⃣ Price stability vs financial stability
2⃣ Effects of high inflation and monetary tightening on the real economy

Chair: @itinagli

🎙 @WhelanKarl @KristinJForbes @zonnbergo @DanielGrosCEPS



MEPs in @EP_Economics approved the deal struck between negotiators of Parliament and of Council on a regulation on European Green Bonds: 39 in favor, 4 against and 5 abstentions. They also adopted their annual resolution on the @EIB: 38 in favor, 2 against and 10 abstentions


Tonight at around 21.00 CET, MEPs in plenary will discuss the impact of the @ecb interest rate increase with @EU_Commission and @sweden2023eu representatives. You can follow the debate here


➡️Finally MEPs also said that the social dimension had not been factored in enough into the proposals and that the proposals had missed the opportunity to establish a European investment capacity.


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➡️Other MEPs reminded that the EU fiscal rules underpinned the EMU, and watering down the rules would undermine this monetary union
➡️The existing fiscal rules never had a flexibility problem. What they suffer from is lack of implementation and credibility these MEPs also said.


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➡️A number of MEPs said that the proposed rules were still too focused on strict reductions of debt and deficits with too little concern for encouraging investments, especially in the green and digital transitions.
➡️A better distinction between harmful and useful debt was needed


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