Je to del zdravstvene "reforme", da lahko zdravila na letni recept za kronične bolezni dobiš samo v eni in isti lekarni, sicer ga ne moreš dobiti. Primer se je izkazal danes v lekarni Cankarjeva 2 v Velenju. Če ti kje na poti zmanjka zdravila, pojdi nazaj v Velenje!@jelka_godec
RT @FormulaGe: The Kremlin is desperate to retain influence in Georgia. The withdrawal of the Kremlin-inspired “foreign agents” act. But the fight does not end here. The Georgian people must continue pressing for critical reforms, @EPPGroup vice president @kalniete said
Following recovery from #COVID19, it is estimated that 1 in 8 people still suffer from #LongCovid.
Together, we must step up research into its causes, consequences and treatment, with a coordinated 🇪🇺 approach.
We owe it to millions of our citizens to deliver.
RT @JJansaSDS: One year ago. To #Kyiv 🇺🇦
RT @rki_de: Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen verursachen mehr als jeden dritten Todesfall bei Frauen.
Die beiden häufigsten Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen bei Frauen sind
👉die koronare #Herzkrankheit und
👉der akute #Schlaganfall.
Mehr Infos zur #Frauengesundheit:
Women's entrepreneurship is an untapped source of EU economic growth and jobs.
Female-founded startups and scale-ups are still rare (just 11%).
Let's drive change!
💶Facilitating their access to capital
♀️ Promoting role models
💼Boosting entrepreneurship programmes
If European farmers are forced to abandon 10% of farmland, we would depend more on food imports.
✅ We want farmers to keep their businesses!
❌ We DO NOT want to rely on food imports produced below EU standards!
RT @alenkahelbl: Na nujno sejo odbora za infrastrukturo #DZ glede zamud pri izgradnji #3razvojnaos #Koroška po poteh le-te, kolikor je pač je 🤷♀️
Prinašam jasno sporočilo Korošcev: Brez časovnih zamikov!
RT @Pontifex: Let us #PrayTogether so that #women, every woman, may be respected, protected and esteemed. Violence against women and mothers is violence against God himself, who from a woman, from a mother, took on our human condition.
RT @strankaSDS: Vsem ženskam želimo vse najlepše ob dnevu žena 💛
To all women who came before us and made it easier.
To all leaders - in politics and society - role-models to many young girls.
To Ukrainian women who have shown unprecedented bravery.
To the women on the streets of Iran.
On #IWD2023 we thank you for being an inspiration.
Malala said that one pencel and one paper can change the womens live.
RT @EUErasmusPlus: On #InternationalWomensDay, we honour women & recognise the crucial role of education in closing the gender gap.
Textbooks, educational institutions, and early career choices all impact women's futures.
Let's remove all bias & remember: education = empowerment.💜
RT @EIT_Digital: #IWD23 Celebrating women all over the world, in particular #women in #innovation #stem #tech & #business. Members of the @EP_Industry in the @europarl_en @mgracacarvalho & @EvaMaydell are working towards #ClosingTheGap just as we at EIT Digital are @dtommei & @FedericoMennaIT
@ECDC_EU @EPP @Esther_de_Lange @j_kopcinska @MarilenaKoppa
RT @Europarl_FMA: 📢The FMA celebrates International Women's Day #IWD2023 with its members
💬 Zofija Mazej Kukovič, Slovenia, FMA
RT @EPHA_EU: EPHA strongly supports the @EU_Commission commitment to address #mentalhealth 🇪🇺
Together with our members, we provide recommendations for a long-term strategy and improving access to mental health services, among others
Read the full response ➡️
" We need to assess the cost of inaction on the fight against #AMR & balance it with the need for urgent response to this silent pandemic. And we have not seen any alternatives to vouchers. "
- @SandraGallina at @sweden2023eu's high-level conference today
📢 More time to certify medical devices & thereby mitigate the risk of shortages in the EU.
Today's approval by @EUCouncil follows the positive vote from the @europarl_en last month & paves the way for the formal adoption of the MDR amendment on 15 March.
Čestitke našim orlom! Naši skakalci na vrhu sveta so ponos za vse nas. Pogum, disciplina in vztrajnost prinašajo vrhunske rezultate!
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Deputy Chair of ECDC MB ,Former MEP of EP, a champion of change for the better, mother of two daughters, former Minister of Health, a lover of sports and nature