Really proud of what the Slovak government is doing to fight Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine🇺🇦🇸🇰🇪🇺
RT @eduardheger: I would like to confirm that #Slovakia has provided #Ukraine with an air-defence system S-300. #Ukrainian nation is #bravely defending its sovereign country and us too. It is our duty to help, not to stay put and be ignorant to the loss of human lives under #Russia’s agression.
RT @EPPGroup: ‼️ Rape and sexual violence are not weapons of war, but CRIMES.
👉Crimes against women's dignity.
👉Crimes against humanity.
👉Violations of the Geneva Convention.
Perpetrators must be held accountable at the @IntlCrimCourt.
Victims must receive justice!
RT @RobertaMetsola: Thank you @eduardheger! Well done #Slovakia 🇸🇰
.@POTUS: “I want to thank the Slovakian government for providing an S-300 air defense system to Ukraine, something President Zelenskyy has personally raised with me in our conversations.” What a great example of transatlantic cooperation.🇺🇸🇸🇰🇪🇺. We need more of it for 🇺🇦 defense.
RT @RadovanJavorcik: Statement from the POTUS on Delivery of Air Defense Systems to 🇺🇦. Read of the day…
RT @EPPGroup: The EU has to grant political protection to Ukraine now. This includes immediate candidate status and delivery of weapons by the EU and the MS for Ukrainians. 🇺🇦 has signed its membership of the EU with its blood - it’s our responsibility towards murdered Ukrainians to grant it.
Welcome news that @MeGovernment🇲🇪 has adopted 🇪🇺 sanctions against Kremlin. I hope all candidate countries in #WesternBalkans can follow suit. Today’s brutal killings by Russia in #Kramatorsk provide a stark reminder that there is no room for appeasing the aggressor in Moscow.
Really proud of what the Slovak government is doing to fight Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine🇺🇦🇸🇰🇪🇺
RT @eduardheger: I would like to confirm that #Slovakia has provided #Ukraine with an air-defence system S-300. #Ukrainian nation is #bravely defending its sovereign country and us too. It is our duty to help, not to stay put and be ignorant to the loss of human lives under #Russia’s agression.
RT @VisegradInsight: Last call to register for our event on the consequences of the #WARINUKRAINE 🇺🇦 in 🇸🇰 on 13 April @ 6PM w/ MEP @vladobilcik and former PM Iveta Radičová, moderated by @jeemine
RT @eduardheger: In #Ukraine w/ @vonderleyen & we'ready to discuss our proposals for helping 🇺🇦 w/ @ZelenskyyUa & @Denys_Shmyhal. To help getting #EU perspective by creating a #ReformTeam. To offer options for transporting #grains, incl.#wheat & to increase the use of 🇸🇰#HumanitarianHub.
Two meetings in one month, on both sides of the Atlantic. The pleasure was all ours 🤝
Looking forward to working together in the next months as the @europarl_en continues its work in @EP_Democracy.
RT @scsp_ai: Great conversation last week with MEPs @rglucks1 and @vladobilcik, from the Special Committee on Foreign Interference @EP_Democracy. We need more transatlantic cooperation on emerging tech, #AI, and fighting #disinformatio…
A broad international coalition standing with Ukraine - 93 countries, including Serbia 🇷🇸 - and voting to suspend 🇷🇺 from the Human Rights Council at the UNGA votes.
RT @UN_News_Centre: URGENT🚨
The UN General Assembly votes to suspend Russia's membership in the UN Human Rights Council
In favor: 93
Abstained: 58
Against: 24
RT @abyczewska: It’s with a huge majority that European Parliament adopts an amendement calling for an immediate full embargo on Russian imports of oil, coal,
nuclear fuel and gas #StopRussianInvasion
RT @EP_President: Stronger action called for by @europarl_en in strong resolution following war-crimes in #Ukraine:
•immediate full embargo on Russian oil, coal, nuclear fuel & gas
•delivery of weapons to be stepped up
•more & harder sanctions reflecting level of atrocities
Sme, v tomto ohľade, spoľahlivý a rešpektovaný európsky partner. Táto návšteva je toho potvrdením - máme dôvod byť na toto úsilie hrdí. 3/3
Ide, v prípade nášho premiéra, o kľúčovú, žiadanú cestu, ktorá prebehne nielen v dobrej spoločnosti, ale je aj konkrétnym pokračovaním európskych prísľubov pomoci Ukrajine. 2/3
Nevidím dôvod akokoľvek - aj nepriamo - znevažovať návštevu premiéra @eduardheger v Ukrajine v spoločnosti predsedníčky EK @vonderleyen.
Na dnešných pracovných raňajkách sme sa o tejto ceste premiérov veľmi otvorene rozprávali s predsedníčkou @EP_President Robertou Metsolou. 1/3
Kým bude Putin diktovať Rusom, čo si majú myslieť a čo je jeho verzia pravdy, nebude mier na 🇺🇦.
Kým budú v Rusku väznení politickí oponenti, 🇷🇺 bude pre Európu hrozbou.
Som hrdý, že sme @navalny udelili Sacharovovu cenu. Verím, že jedného si pre ňu príde osobne.
Chcem byť optimista, ale prvé slová víťaza 🇭🇺 volieb ma hrozia.
🇭🇺 politika, žiaľ, Európu rozbíja. Šliape po hodnotách, na ktorých stojí 🇪🇺.
Je čas využiť všetky nástroje, vrátane tých finančných, aby sme demokraciu a spravodlivosť v Budapešti bránili naplno spoločne.
Ľudia v 🇵🇱 bez zaváhania stoja na správnej strane histórie ➡️ pomáhajú tým, ktorí utekajú pred ruskou agresiou.
Vyzývam 🇵🇱 vládu, aby našla odvahu svojich občanov dobehnúť a porozumieť si s 🇪🇺 v otázkach spravodlivosti.
Celý prejav v @Europarl_SK ⬇️
RT @JamesAALongman: THREAD from Bucha.
We met Mykola. He and his wife spent a month living in the cellar of his apartment building. When the Russians arrived, they killed all the men below 50. He’s 53. He told us this shaking with the trauma of it. They gave him 20 minutes to bury his friends.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ 🇪🇺MEP @EPPGroup/🇸🇰@sme_demokrati. Coordinator @EP_Democracy. @EP_Justice - @EP_ForeignAff - @EPInstitutional - @EP_PegaInquiry. 🇲🇪 Chair. 🇷🇸 Rapporteur.