RT by @vladobilcik: Good to continue our regular meetings with 🇪🇺 MEP and EP Rapporteur on 🇷🇸 Serbia, @vladobilcik, for updates on the latest developments in our portfolios.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MiroslavLajcak/statu

[2024-02-13 20:45 UTC]

As some public figures and news outlets in Serbia have been spreading false information about votes on the
resolution on the situation in Serbia after elections, I am attaching the list of individual votes. The text was supported by 462 MEPs altogether.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/VladoBilcik/status/1

[2024-02-08 21:34 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Today’s adoption of the overhaul of Slovakia’s criminal policy is concerning news for and our citizens. I will consider all legal and constitutional options to prevent the legislation from entering into force.

Slovakia’s constitutional framework admits a fast-track legislative process under specific and clearly defined conditions. The bill modifying our criminal policy was passed in a fast-track legislative procedure with no legal grounds for such a process. This has effectively prevented a proper expert review and a discussion about the merit of the proposed changes. Moreover, some of the last-minute modifications of the bill were proposed by the MPs whose ongoing investigations will be directly affected by the changes this law is introducing.

I firmly believe that as a result of these steps, the modifications adopted today can lead to societal harm and irreparably violate the rights of the victims of crimes. I regret that the voice of the public and the expert community calling for the withdrawal of the bill from the Parliament and its return to a standard legislative process went unheeded.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/ZuzanaCaputova/statu

[2024-02-08 20:08 UTC]

som odsúdil ruské zasahovanie do demokratických procesov EÚ.
Je mi ľúto, že aj predstavitelia 🇸🇰 v poslednej dobe oslabujú spoločnú 🇪🇺 jednotu voči Moskve. Je neprípustné, aby sa na najvyšších úrovniach našej krajiny prijímali poslovia agresora.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/VladoBilcik/status/1

[2024-02-07 18:38 UTC]

It is worrying news that there is still no justice in the murder of 🇷🇸 journalist Slavko Ćuruvija.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Law enforcement authorities must do their utmost to end impunity and deliver justice.
Freedom & safety of journalists must be protected.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/VladoBilcik/status/1

[2024-02-02 21:18 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Always happy to meet MEP @vladobilcik.
We discussed the preparations for next and further 🇪🇺 Parliament - 🇲🇪 cooperation to match the new level of ambition and delivery on our path.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/PetrusMarcus/status/

[2024-02-02 18:24 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Rezort takto neútočil ani za temných mečiarovských rokov, hovorí europoslanec VLADIMÍR BILČÍK, ktorého ministerstvo osobne menovalo pri kritike europarlamentného uznesenia o vláde Smeru.


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/euractivsk/status/17

[2024-01-25 08:59 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: PODCAST 🎙️ Vladimír Bilčík minulý rok odišiel zo strany Demokrati. Teraz hovorí, že robí všetko preto, aby znovu kandidoval. „Rokujem o tom, aby to dávalo zmysel mne aj mojim voličom a voličkám,“ hovorí v podcaste.



🐦🔗: nitter.cz/euractivsk/status/17

[2024-01-24 11:08 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Today, we held our first of 2024 w/ @ManuelSarrazin, @vladobilcik &amp; Marina Vulović (@SWPBerlin) on post-election crisis in . With no longer only game in town, can the process deliver on democratic reforms or is it time for a new approach?

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/dgapev/status/174977

[2024-01-23 12:49 UTC]

observers of the elections in 🇷🇸 we called in December on the competent authorities to investigate all the problematic issues including reports of mass registration of voters.
I stood by those words then and I stand by them now.
🇷🇸 deserves a 🇪🇺 future.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/VladoBilcik/status/1

[2024-01-18 10:59 UTC]

Svim koji slave ove nedelje želim srećan Badnji dan i Božić.🎄
Želim vam - prijateljima, građanima i partnerima - srećne praznike i dobro zdravlje u 2024.🍀
Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating this week.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/VladoBilcik/status/1

[2024-01-06 08:17 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Tonight 🇷🇺 launched what might have been the largest missile and drone attack against 🇺🇦 during the entire war. Numerous residential complexes were among the targets. They are barbarians!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/carlbildt/status/174

[2023-12-29 09:16 UTC]

In light of the numerous public misinterpretations of my statements after the early parliamentary elections in
let me clarify some key issues in order to avoid further spread of incomplete information. Please read my full statement here.👇

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/VladoBilcik/status/1

[2023-12-22 19:28 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Vladimir Bilčik, izvestilac Evropskog parlamenta za Srbiju u emisiji "Pola sata Demostata" kaže da je u Srbiji nužno "slobodno, nezavisno izveštavanje, da se novinari ne suočavaju s pretnjama". demostat.rs/sr/vesti/ekskluziv

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Demostat1/status/173

[2023-12-21 07:12 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Dominantna pozicija vladajće stranke u medijima i sveprisutnost predsednika Vučića, pritisci na zaposlene u javnom sektoru i zloupotreba javnih resursa, stvorili izborne uslove koji nisu bili jednaki za sve, zaključila misija Oebs/SE/EP, Vladimir Bilčik

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/PraviUgao/status/173

[2023-12-18 19:06 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: At the start of the monitoring mission of Elections in Serbia as part of the @EPPGroup in @PACE_News with two staunch supporters of the region @violavoncramon and @vladobilcik 🇪🇺🇦🇱💪

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/jorida_tabaku/status

[2023-12-16 12:43 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: With the European Parliament standing rapporteur on @vladobilcik @EPPGroup I discussed the meaning of the upcoming in also in regard to . This election matters to us a lot in the . Looking forward to this special election day 🗳️🇷🇸

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/devcic_jakov/status/

[2023-12-15 14:32 UTC]

Decision to begin EU accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova is truly historic.
Enlargement is at the center of 🇪🇺agenda. This is also a real opportunity for our Western Balkans partners to progress. EU membership for countries in Western Balkans has never been more tangible.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/VladoBilcik/status/1

[2023-12-14 17:57 UTC]

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