Paula Rego deixou-nos. Mas não sem nos deixar um legado enorme cheio de humanidade e de portugalidade. Estamos lá todos na fragilidade e na força, no carisma e na dúvida. Um obrigado infinito @europarl_en @Europarl_PT
O Presidente do Parlamento da #Ucrânia a discursar no @Europarl_PT ! Um grande momento de solidariedade europeia! The speaker of Verkhovna Rada addresses the @europarl_en . A great moment of European solidarity! @ppdpsd @psdparleuropeu
Delighted to represent @europarl_en at the #Schengen Forum hosted by Com. @YlvaJohansson.
Schengen cannot be taken for granted and we need ambitious reforms. Interesting discussion on lessons learnt from previous migration, security and health crisis and the reforms ahead.
RT @EPPGroup: The @EPP Congress elected 10 EPP Party Vice-Presidents.
Strong European voices from the @EPPGroup and from our Member Parties.
Congratulations to all of them! 👏💪
Treasurer & VPs of the EPP from the EPP Group 👇
RT @ManfredWeber: We want to thank you, dear @donaldtuskEPP. Freedom-fighter, successful party leader and Prime Minister, President of European Council & then President of our @EPP. You are a great European, a Polish patriot & a great friend. Europeans owe you a lot. #EPPRotterdam
The new president of @EPP : Manfred Weber! Congratulations! Let’s work together. @EPPGroup @ManfredWeber @ppdpsd
Acabo de presidir ao painel #Juventude e o #FuturoDaEuropa, moderando o debate entre Alain Lamassoure e @lidiafopereira. Um painel que antecede a abertura do congresso do @EPP e a que assistiu a Presidente do Parlamento, @RobertaMetsola.
@EPPGroup @ppdpsd @psdparleuropeu
Attending the @EPP Political Assembly to prepare the EPP Rotterdam Congress, that starts tomorrow! A participar na assembleia política do PPE para preparar o Congresso de Roterdão, que começa amanhã! @EPPGroup @ppdpsd @europarl_en
RT @EPPGroup: How did the UK Parliament go from having no power at all, to being one of the most powerful institutions?
And what are the lessons that @europarl_en can learn from this?
We discuss these questions with @paulorangel_pt in our #podcast.
RT @EPPGroup: 🎧In our latest podcast episode, we are flipping through a new book: “#OnParliament” by @paulorangel_pt.
The author is joined by @EP_President and @GuyVerhofstadt.
Topic: UK Parliament ➡️ from no power to being one of the most powerful institutions.
The #CoFoE led us reflect on the history of parliamentarism and the role we want for the @europarl_en in the future. Where we came from and where we want to go. Thank you Roberta. Thank you Guy. Our debate on the occasion of the launch of my book "On Parliament" was stimulating.
RT @EPPGroup: We continue our Let's Talk series on #CoFoE today with @paulorangel_pt, @RobertaMetsola, & @GuyVerhofstadt.
Today, they discuss the history of parliamentarism and the birth of a European democracy.
🎙Stay tuned! Podcast will come out soon!
@CBeaune cher Secrétaire d’Etat, Cher Clement : jé suis fière de vous inviter pour la présentation de mon dernier livre,
@PDurandOfficiel Cher Pascal : je suis fière de t’inviter pour cette session de présentation
@sandrogozi dear Sandro: here is my personal invitation to you
RT @LCP: #UnionEuropéenne : @paulorangel_pt milite pour une architecture institutionnelle à "deux cercles". #Europe #Spéciale
Três grandes discursos - Metsola, von der Leyen e Macron- no encerramento da #CoFoE. Mas o de @EP_President foi o melhor no conteúdo e na forma. Bem @antoniocostapm ao participar pessoalmente nesta sessão. Os cidadãos participantes merecem esse empenho e compromisso.
Acaba de ter lugar a entrega do relatório sobre os resultados finais da Conferência sobre o Futuro da Europa. Os representantes dos cidadãos participantes entregaram-no em mãos aos Presidentes @EP_President @vonderleyen e @EmmanuelMacron . @europarl_en
A sessão de encerramento da Conferência sobre o Futuro da Europa está prestes a começar ! Grande frenesim no hemiciclo de Estrasburgo @europarl_en @EPPGroup @ppdpsd
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Jurista, docente universitário, deputado ao #ParlamentoEuropeu, 1º Vice-Presidente do @ppdpsd, Vice-Presidente do @EPPGroup e tesoureiro do @epp