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RT @VladimirSucha: Future of work and skills. Formal education should be focused on values, critical thinking, media literacy and individual resilience. Life-long learning should help to adapt to the new working conditions determined by and .


RT @KadriSimson: Before going to the later today, I had a good meeting with Keit Pentus-Rosimannus, Estonian member of the European Court of Auditors.

Opportunity to exchange views on the latest developments in the energy sector & to give an overview of @EU_Commission actions.


Today we sign the EU-Norway Green Alliance - a new, green chapter to an already fruitful energy cooperation.

From renewables to critical raw materials, the EU and Norway are now working together towards net-zero ↓


EÚ sa zaoberá aj etickými problémami umelej inteligencie (AI). Súčasťou európskej pripravovanej legislatívy je aj regulácia umelej inteligencie v EÚ, vrátane etických noriem a štandardov, uviedol @VladimirSucha na diskusii.


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Len 4% ľudí na Slovensku sa zapája do celoživotného vzdelávania, upozornil @mariolelovsky z @RUZSR_. Cieľom EÚ je, aby sa aspoň 60 % dospelých zúčastňovalo každoročne na odbornej príprave.


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Digitálne platformy takmer vždy zaradia pracovníkov pre platformy ako samostatne zárobkovo činné osoby. Väčšinou tak nemajú žiadny alebo len obmedzený prístup k pracovnej ochrane.
EÚ momentálne pripravuje novú smernicu na ochranu práv pracovníkov pre platformy.


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🔴🎥Sledujte nás naživo práve teraz.
Diskutujeme o význame európskej legislatívy v oblasti pracovných a sociálnych práv zamestnancov. V druhej časti sa budeme venovať
digitalizácii - požiadavkám a zručnostiam zamestnancov v 21. storočí.


RT @ZuzanaCaputova: Wishing every success to ’s @kmathernova in her next mission as the EU’s Ambassador to , in a pivotal time for the entire European continent. Congratulations!


RT @CharlesMichel: Thank you, @prezidentpavel, for your visit and our discussion — from the Czech Republic’s unwavering support to Ukraine and Ukrainians fleeing the war, to the EU’s security and defence policy and the EU’s unity and engagement with global partners.


Good phone call with @prezidentpavel.

I thanked him for Czechia's steadfast solidarity with Ukraine. 

We discussed Czechia’s plans to provide more and faster military assistance to Ukraine, in particular delivery, procurement and production of ammunition.


@EU_Commission tento týždeň predstavila návrh nového zákona o kybernetickej solidarite v . Hlavným cieľom navrhovanej legislatívy je posilniť spoluprácu v rámci EÚ pri odhaľovaní kybernetických hrozieb. Viac ℹ️ 👇


RT @MarosSefcovic: : The more participants we have, the higher the chances of finding attractive gas deals. Remember that our energy-intensive industrial sectors have dubbed the past year as a year of survival. We must reverse this trend. @Energy4Europe


RT @EU_ScienceHub: How do online platforms & search engines use ?

💻 👨👩 Digital experts & scientists dive into undiscovered territory and try to answer this question today at the inauguration of the 🇪🇺 Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT).



RT @VeraJourova: Glad to see the inauguration of the 🇪🇺 Centre for Algorithmic Transparency by @EU_ScienceHub and @DigitalEU.

It is time to open the black box of algorithms of the Very Large Online Platforms & Search Engines, assess their risks and propose approaches to mitigate their impact.


I congratulate on its accession to the !

The 🇪🇺 civil protection now forms a team of 36 countries, working towards one common goal – to help people in need wherever they are. Because we are stronger together.

Welcome 🇺🇦!


RT @KadriSimson: Over the past year, the 🇪🇺 has massively transformed it’s system ⚡️ & the situation in the markets now allows us to move towards more strategic, longer-term planning

Today, we did just that at our high-level conference on the Future of the Energy Union.


There is no point in stopping developments like . is already here, everywhere.

Rather, we must set the right guardrails for all high risk use cases of AI, including .

👉That’s the whole point of the Act.



🆕Šéf európskej diplomacie @JosepBorrellF vymenoval Slovenku @kmathernova do funkcie vedúcej delegácie Európskej únie na Ukrajine 🇺🇦🇪🇺. Na poste v Kyjeve nahradí estónskeho diplomata Mattiho Maasikasa. @EUDelegationUA


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