RT @VladimirSucha: Future of work and skills. Formal education should be focused on values, critical thinking, media literacy and individual resilience. Life-long learning should help to adapt to the new working conditions determined by #artificial_intelligence and #digital. #europeanyearofskills https://t.co/NtuSJHH3vZ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1650544780571553792
RT @KadriSimson: Before going to the #NorthSeaSummit23 later today, I had a good meeting with Keit Pentus-Rosimannus, Estonian member of the European Court of Auditors.
Opportunity to exchange views on the latest developments in the energy sector & to give an overview of @EU_Commission actions.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1650473223664836616
Today we sign the EU-Norway Green Alliance - a new, green chapter to an already fruitful energy cooperation.
From renewables to critical raw materials, the EU and Norway are now working together towards net-zero ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vonderleyen/status/1650427782608957443
EÚ sa zaoberá aj etickými problémami umelej inteligencie (AI). Súčasťou európskej pripravovanej legislatívy je aj regulácia umelej inteligencie v EÚ, vrátane etických noriem a štandardov, uviedol @VladimirSucha na diskusii.
#AIAct #ArtificialIntelligence #AIEthics
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1650426270692392960
Len 4% ľudí na Slovensku sa zapája do celoživotného vzdelávania, upozornil @mariolelovsky z @RUZSR_. Cieľom EÚ je, aby sa aspoň 60 % dospelých zúčastňovalo každoročne na odbornej príprave.
#vizionari #EuropeanYearOfSkills
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1650416909186134017
Digitálne platformy takmer vždy zaradia pracovníkov pre platformy ako samostatne zárobkovo činné osoby. Väčšinou tak nemajú žiadny alebo len obmedzený prístup k pracovnej ochrane.
EÚ momentálne pripravuje novú smernicu na ochranu práv pracovníkov pre platformy.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1650412995682394113
🔴🎥Sledujte nás naživo práve teraz.
Diskutujeme o význame európskej legislatívy v oblasti pracovných a sociálnych práv zamestnancov. V druhej časti sa budeme venovať
digitalizácii - požiadavkám a zručnostiam zamestnancov v 21. storočí.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1650409684883447810
RT @ZuzanaCaputova: Wishing every success to #Slovakia’s @kmathernova in her next mission as the EU’s Ambassador to #Ukraine, in a pivotal time for the entire European continent. Congratulations!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1649664864279822337
RT @CharlesMichel: Thank you, @prezidentpavel, for your visit and our discussion — from the Czech Republic’s unwavering support to Ukraine and Ukrainians fleeing the war, to the EU’s security and defence policy and the EU’s unity and engagement with global partners.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1649389551524118528
Good phone call with @prezidentpavel.
I thanked him for Czechia's steadfast solidarity with Ukraine.
We discussed Czechia’s plans to provide more and faster military assistance to Ukraine, in particular delivery, procurement and production of ammunition.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vonderleyen/status/1649388263990280192
Samotné navrhované nariadenie o akte o kybernetickej solidarite nájdete tu:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1649377634604687362
@EU_Commission tento týždeň predstavila návrh nového zákona o kybernetickej solidarite v #EÚ. Hlavným cieľom navrhovanej legislatívy je posilniť spoluprácu v rámci EÚ pri odhaľovaní kybernetických hrozieb. Viac ℹ️ 👇
#CyberSolidarityAct #cybersecurity
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1649362147699310594
RT @MarosSefcovic: #EUEnergyPlatform: The more participants we have, the higher the chances of finding attractive gas deals. Remember that our energy-intensive industrial sectors have dubbed the past year as a year of survival. We must reverse this trend. @Energy4Europe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1649108809304899585
RT @EU_ScienceHub: How do online platforms & search engines use #algorithms?
💻 👨👩 Digital experts & scientists dive into undiscovered territory and try to answer this question today at the inauguration of the 🇪🇺 Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT).
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1649075585539293184
RT @VeraJourova: Glad to see the inauguration of the 🇪🇺 Centre for Algorithmic Transparency by @EU_ScienceHub and @DigitalEU.
It is time to open the black box of algorithms of the Very Large Online Platforms & Search Engines, assess their risks and propose approaches to mitigate their impact.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1649075437681754113
I congratulate #Ukraine on its accession to the #EUCivilProtectionMechanism!
The 🇪🇺 civil protection now forms a team of 36 countries, working towards one common goal – to help people in need wherever they are. Because we are stronger together.
Welcome 🇺🇦!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1649064757478019074
RT @KadriSimson: Over the past year, the #EU 🇪🇺 has massively transformed it’s #energy system ⚡️ & the situation in the markets now allows us to move towards more strategic, longer-term planning
Today, we did just that at our high-level conference on the Future of the Energy Union.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1649074806464053250
There is no point in stopping #ArtificialIntelligence developments like #ChatGPT. #AI is already here, everywhere.
Rather, we must set the right guardrails for all high risk use cases of AI, including #ChatGPT.
👉That’s the whole point of the #AI Act.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vestager/status/1649001267975405568
🆕Šéf európskej diplomacie @JosepBorrellF vymenoval Slovenku @kmathernova do funkcie vedúcej delegácie Európskej únie na Ukrajine 🇺🇦🇪🇺. Na poste v Kyjeve nahradí estónskeho diplomata Mattiho Maasikasa. @EUDelegationUA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1648968371843608578
RT @kmathernova: Great honour to be appointed to represent the EU in Ukraine 🇺🇦 as the next 🇪🇺 Ambassador. #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraïni @alex_owski https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/eu-taps-enlargement-expert-for-ukraine-ambassador/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1648955558156705797
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Aktuálne info z Európskej komisie a Zastúpenia Európskej komisie (EK) na Slovensku. RT≠endorsement/ RT príspevkov nevyjadruje stanovisko EK https://slovakia.representation.ec.europa.eu/index_sk