1 year ago we presented the #REPowerEU Plan to end the EU dependency on Russian fossil fuels
We have made strong progress, sanctioning coal and oil and dramatically reducing gas imports
Learn more in @KadriSimson's press conference at 12.15 on Thursday:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1633426132543447042
RT @MamerEric2: L’🇪🇺 est en route vers un transport plus vert
Notre prochaine étape consiste à réduire les émissions des Véhicules Utilitaires Lourds
Nous proposons que les 🆕bus urbains soient à zéro émission à partir de 2030, et que les autres VUL réduisent les leurs de 90% à partir de 2040
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1625496957547589642
RT @MamerEric: Europe is on the road to greener transport.
Our next step is to reduce emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles.
➡️Today @EU_Commission proposes that new city buses should be zero-emission from 2030, and other HDVs should reduce emissions by 90% from 2040.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1625496178099097600
RT @MamerEric2: Demain, le Collège @EU_Commission discutera de ➡️ la révision des normes d'émission de CO2 pour les véhicules utilitaires lourds.
Nous voulons nous assurer que tous les véhicules circulant sur nos routes sont sur la bonne voie pour parvenir à zéro émissions nettes.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1625171685115568129
Press release: Commission sets out rules for renewable hydrogen
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1625058808744509443
RT @EUCouncilPress: 💡 NOW AVAILABLE |#Fitfor55
Final texts of trilogue agreements on
-ETS and Social Climate Fund: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/12/18/fit-for-55-council-and-parliament-reach-provisional-deal-on-eu-emissions-trading-system-and-the-social-climate-fund/
-ETS aviation: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/12/07/ets-aviation-council-and-parliament-strike-provisional-deal-to-reduce-flight-emissions/
The texts will now be voted in Parliament's ENVI committee and then formally adopted by @europarl_en and @EUCouncil.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1623401923519864833
Frans @TimmermansEU captures the impact of the EU Climate Pact beyond Europe’s borders in his first remarks
When he was in Latin America last week he told partners in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico that our climate policies are built on the backs of grassroots climate action
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1620775287016534017
People are tuned in from all over Europe, and beyond.
You can join them here:
RT @TimmermansEU: Join me at 14:00 CET for a live #EUClimatePact Q&A ⬇️
Meet Climate Ambassadors, @MortenThorsby ⚽, and youth activists 🪧 and hear how they're leading the way to a sustainable future for all!
#EUGreenDeal #ClimateAction @EUClimateAction 🌎🔥 https://n.respublicae.eu/i/broadcasts/1djGXlYlQnzGZ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1620774045062152196
Packed house, lots of energy in the room
Congrats to the team @EUClimateAction
Here we go…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1620770611822993408
Looking forward to this one today 👇
RT @EUClimateAction: 🎉The countdown is on to our #EUClimatePact event.
👉You can tune in online and ask questions to @TimmermansEU, speakers and Climate Pact Ambassadors via Slido: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/the-european-climate-pact-together-in-action-2023-02-01
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1620730277516709896
RT @ed_hawkins: Climate change conversations during live commentary of tonight’s @ManUtd vs @ReadingFC football match because of the ‘warming stripes’ sleeves design on the Reading kit.
Thank you @sammatterface & @itvfootball.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1620087574571397126
Le coût de l’inaction sera beaucoup plus élevé que le coût de la transition verte 👇 @EUClimateAction
RT @FranceAssureurs: « Le coût des #CatastrophesNaturelles en France devrait s'élever à 10 milliards d'euros en 2022 »
Florence Lustman, présidente de @FranceAssureurs, répond aux questions de @dimitripavlenko sur @Europe1
🎙️ https://www.europe1.fr/emissions/L-interview-de-7h40/catastrophe-climatique-on-constate-une-intensification-des-phenomenes-et-une-augmentation-de-la-frequence-4163636
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1618649640903262208
Reminder: registration deadline is tomorrow 👇
RT @EUClimateAction: The #EUClimatePact is marking two years of climate action🌍
So, let's celebrate🎉
Join our event with experts, activists and Climate Pact Ambassadors to discuss how we can build a greener 🇪🇺.
🗓February 1, 2023
⏰14:00 CET
➡Register: https://climate-pact.europa.eu/events/european-climate-pact-together-action-2023-02-01_en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1617829165193113601
RT @SigridMelchior: EU-kommissionen utreder en reform av den europeiska elmarknaden, skarpt förslag väntas senare i år. I dag öppnas offentligt samråd, alla som är intresserade kan skicka remissvar.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1617514508251197442
RT @YolandeKyoni: #Haveyoursay Die Konsultation zur Überarbeitung EU-Strommarktdesigns ist da! Wir haben bis zum 13. Februar Zeit...
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1617494885195517953
Today @EU_Commission is launching a public consultation on reform of the electricity market design to:
- better protect consumers from excessive price volatility
- support their access to secure energy from clean sources
- make the market more resilient
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1617484509125173253
RT @cleanenergy_EU: The time is running fast!⏲️
Apply to host a session at the #EUSEW2023 Policy Conference by 1 February🗓️
Give your contribution to shape the discussion on sustainable #EnergyTransition and best practices !
Are you ready to speak up? 🎤
More information https://sustainable-energy-week.ec.europa.eu/policy-conference_en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1616363842472382464
RT @cinea_EU: 📢#InnovationFund
Financing Innovative #CleanTech Conference TODAY
On the menu 👇
➡️Keynote speech @IEA
➡️Two panels discussion
EU strategy to decarbonise the industry
Market challenges
➡️Signature ceremony
🔗Join online at 10.00 https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/news-events/events/innovation-fund-financing-innovative-clean-tech-conference-2023-01-19_en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1615988933027942400
This will be fun. Not your usual Brussels policy conference.
RT @EUClimateAction: 🚨Speakers announced for our #EUClimatePact event🚨
Check out the programme to find out which experts, activists and Pact Ambassadors will be joining us and @TimmermansEU to discuss #climateaction 🇪🇺🌍
🗓Feb 1 at 14:00
👥More info: https://climate-pact.europa.eu/events/european-climate-pact-together-action-2023-02-01_en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1615737085402521600
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