Good to have the @IEA Executive Director and his team in the European Commission press room today
They provided a valuable overview of measures still needed to face Europe's energy challenges next year and beyond
Here's what President @vonderleyen said:
RT @fbirol: Our new report shows the EU may face a shortfall of nearly 30 bcm of natural gas in 2023 if Russian pipeline supplies drop to ze…
#REPowerEU is Europe’s plan to end its dependence on Russian fossil fuel imports
@vonderleyen presenting what has been achieved so far, alongside @fbirol
Watch it here 👇
Announcing over €600m of European funding for new energy infrastructure
Important news for our #REPowerEU Plan to end our imports of Russian energy
Projects will be in 🇧🇪🇭🇷🇫🇷🇮🇪🇮🇹🇦🇹🇵🇱🇷🇴🇸🇮🇹🇳
EU negotiators have reached another deal on our ‘Fit for 55’ proposals, to make EU policies fit for at least 55% emissions reductions by 2030.
The aviation sector has a role to play in decarbonising transport.
🇪🇺✈️ ➡️💚
RT @fbirol: 🚨 BIG NEWS! 🚨
The world is set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as it did in *the whole of the past 20 years* as countries seek to take advantage of renewables' energy security benefits
Read more in @IEA's new market report:
RT @VSinkevicius: Major news before #COP15
We just agreed with @europarl_en & @EUCouncil on the 1st law in the world to fight global deforestation!
We take responsibility for our EU 🇪🇺production & consumption in a historic moment to protect the world’s forests.
If you missed the press conference earlier, or you just want the headlines, here are the opening remarks by @TimmermansEU and @VSinkevicius
RT @TimMcPhieEU: Our press conference on carbon removals, ending wasteful packaging, and boosting reuse and recycling is underway
You can watch it here:
Our press conference on carbon removals, ending wasteful packaging, and boosting reuse and recycling is underway
You can watch it here:
And if you like your information more visual, then we have a factsheet for you too, including this overview of how carbon removal certificates can be used:
You can read more here in our Q&A on the proposal, including the type of carbon removals that will be covered by this proposals:
Because we love a good acronym 😉 we are proposing memorable QU.A.L.ITY criteria for certifying carbon removals
Today the @EU_Commission proposed a first EU framework for certification of carbon removals
You can read more in our press release here:
We are ahead of schedule 😇
This press conference will start at 14.15 👇
RT @EUClimateAction: If you are interested in carbon removals and the EU's plans, then tune in!
Today, @TimmermansEU will present the much awaited 🇪🇺 Certification of Carbon Removals proposal.
Watch it 🔴LIVE at ⌚️ +/- 14.45 ⤵️
#EUCarbonRemovals #EUGreenDeal
RT @VSinkevicius: 📲 Placing online order
✅ Parcel delivered
📦 Ending up with big carton boxes & plastic wraps
Sounds familiar?
Let’s change this!
New rules to end wasteful packaging & clarify which plastics are truly 🌍 friendly
⌚️+/- 14:15 with @TimmermansEU
RT @MamerEric: Tomorrow’s College @EU_Commission will discuss at its weekly meeting the following:
➡️ Hungary: RRF Plan and #EUBudget Conditionality
➡️ Health: EU Global Health Strategy & State of Preparedness Report
➡️ Circular economy package II
It’s been a full year (already) for all those working on energy policy in Europe, in whatever capacity
Hats off to you all 💪💪💪
RT @Energy4Europe: The EC 🇪🇺 will propose a new EU instrument today, to help and protect households and businesses from periods of high gas ⚡️ prices.
Stay tuned!
#REPowerEU #EUEnergyMarket #energyprices
« I want to recall that we were given a very specific mandate by the European Council to propose a temporary measure to limit episodes of excessive gas prices without risking our security of supply, intra-EU flows, demand reduction efforts or financial stability »
Commissioner @KadriSimson arriving at the Energy Council this morning said a political agreement today on joint gas purchases, stronger solidarity among Member States, and faster permitting for renewable energy would send a strong message to markets👇
RT @MamerEric: In August 2022, Europe experienced unprecedented gas price spikes.
To avoid this situation from happening again we are now proposing a Market Correction Mechanism.
The Mechanism will automatically apply in case of extreme price hikes.
More info:
It’s been a full year (already) for all those working on energy policy in Europe, in whatever capacity
Hats off to you all 💪💪💪
RT @Energy4Europe: The EC 🇪🇺 will propose a new EU instrument today, to help and protect households and businesses from periods of high gas ⚡️ prices.
Stay tuned!
#REPowerEU #EUEnergyMarket #energyprices
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