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We are with you. 🇪🇺 🇺🇦
RT @ZelenskyyUa: I commend the @europarl_en recognition of the Holodomor as genocide of the 🇺🇦 people. Grateful to the @EP_President, MEPs & all of united Europe for this important & fair decision. I hope for further recognition of the Holodomor as genocide by all civilized countries of the world


In 2022, the brave people of Ukraine have stood up to be counted.

Fighting a war of independence, a war of values.

Courageous men & women who never give up.

That is why we honour you with the .
That is why our support remains unwavering.


We have a deal!

To invest to become energy independent, to diversify energy supplies & to make us more resilient.

Congratulations to @europarl_en rapporteurs on chapters in Recovery & Resilience Funds.

@SMuresan @EGardiazabal @dragos_pislaru
RT @EP_Economics: Negotiators from @EP_Economics & @EP_Budgets struck a provisional deal w/ @EU2022_CZ
& @EU_Commission on energy measures in national recovery plans @SMuresan @EGardiazabal @dragos_pislaru


RT @EP_President: In view of the ongoing investigations,@europarl_en has decided that Eva Kaili is no longer one of its Vice-Presidents.

This decision is effective immediately.

We will continue to fully cooperate with relevant national law enforcement and judicial authorities.


RT @EP_President: The integrity of @europarl_en comes first and foremost.

Today at 1200hrs, @europarl_en will vote on the unanimous proposal of the Conference of Presidents to bring to an end the term of office of Vice-President Eva Kaili.


RT @EP_President: I am in politics to fight corruption.

To stand up for Europe.

We will meet this test head on.

There will be no impunity.
There will be no sweeping under the carpet.
There will be no business as usual.

@europarl_en stands against enemies of democracy wherever they come from.


Our @europarl_en stands firmly against corruption.

At this stage, we cannot comment on any ongoing investigations except to confirm that we have & will cooperate fully with all relevant law enforcement & judicial authorities.

We'll do all we can to assist the course of justice.


RT @EP_President: Dobro došla Hrvatska!

Heartfelt congratulations to Croatia, newest member of the area.

An important and much deserved step for the people of Croatia.

You have worked hard to achieve this.

🇪🇺🇭🇷 @andrejplenkovic


RT @EP_President: Very disappointed with decision to delay Bulgaria’s and Romania’s accession to .

Both countries are ready and deserving of this step.

On behalf of @europarl_en, I call on @EUCouncil to act and ensure that a compromise is found.

Only then we are truly united.


RT @EP_President: Delighted to join @LivePOLITICO with @JamilAnderlini for the unveiling of .

In 2022, Europe has led. We got together, took the required decisions, and provided help - to our citizens, and to Ukrainians fighting for us.

Next year - 2023 - will be one that defines us.


RT @POLITICOEurope: "End of a war is always what we should aim for. But at what cost? I think the quickest, fairest way would be for Russia to leave Ukraine," says Roberta Metsola, European Parliament president.

"When we talk about peace, it has to be with freedom, with dignity, with security."


The EU is incomplete without the Western Balkans.

As they look to us, we must offer a concrete path & honest picture.

EU-Western Balkans Summit should send a strong signal for joint cooperation: action to tackle disinformation, address illegal migration & reduce energy prices.


RT @APranckevicius: Bidding farewell to Klaus Welle, SecGen of @europarl_en for 14 years. President @RobertaMetsola talked tonight of and indeed when you think of impact an individual can make on institution, Klaus Welle comes to mind. A true European and a visionary. Big shoes to fill.


The European Parliament has joined forces with Eurocitiesto to launch the Generators of Hope campaign to collect power generators and transformers to help Ukrainians get through the harsh winter ahead. Read more:


RT @NoelFormosa: our second is on its way to . is proud to be one of the cities around to take the initiative launched by @EP_President @RobertaMetsola to send Generators to Ukraine. Our aim is to send the third one soon!


RT @EP_President: People with disabilities still face exclusion, barriers and unfair obstacles.

In Europe, everyone should have the same chance. Without discrimination, without prejudice.

@europarl_en will continue working towards equality, same opportunities for all.


Thank you for the warm welcome Athens!

Great to be here today with @EPP leaders. We will find common solutions to the issues facing people -we can push back against inflation, bring our energy bills down, secure Europe & give hope to families & businesses.

Europe can be more 🇪🇺


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