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Debate about big carnivores and protection of livestock farming. Urgent need to act. Protection status needs to be adapted to increasing populations.


RT @EPPGroup: 🚨Our is at stake.

Farmers can't afford rising fertiliser prices and collapsing supply.

"Unfortunately, @EU_Commission's communication doesn't give an answer to that," says @HerbertDorfmann.

A direct question to the Commission⤵️


RT @EPPGroup: 🍎 Today, @EP_Agriculture MEPs mark the 60th anniversary of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy.

🥕There are around 10 million farms in the EU; more than 90% are family-owned.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦We shaped the reform and succeeded in defending the European model of family farming.


Good feeling about management of wolves after an interesting talk with italian agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida this morning in Rome. Join forces to come to a result.
@FrancescoLollo1 @Schuler_Arnold @FiocchiPietro


RT @EPPGroup: The war and the rising cost of energy and fertilisers are threatening our food production.

We cannot add a burden on farmers and endanger our .

@HerbertDorfmann: We will push back on law proposals that are harmful to consumers & businesses.


RT @EPPGroup: 🚨 We need to guarantee our !

It is our European duty to:
👉 safeguard food production
👉 protect the functioning of the global food markets
👉 fight against protectionism


🔗 Read more:


RT @EUYoungFarmers: The 8th edition of our Congress will take place on the 7.12.2022
@NunoMeloCDS, @HerbertDorfmann, Simone Schmiedtbauer, @zoidoJI, @msojdrova, @agrinaopara & @BruselasAsaja met with @jwojc,@EUAgri Commissioner to discuss this year's topic: the role of young farmers in food security


In a 5 h delayed flight we are waiting since 1,30 h for luggage in . Congratulations @TUIflyBelgium Never again your services. @BrusselsAirport @aviapartner


RT @EPPGroup: ‼️An EU strategy on fertilisers is urgently needed to ensure food security in Europe.

"The @EU_Commission and MS must act now, " says @HerbertDorfmann.

Some options⤵️
🟢Importing raw materials
🟢Lifting anti-dumping measures
🟢Supporting the transition to natural methods


RT @EPPGroup: MEP @HerbertDorfmann on :

➡️We have to do everything we can to guarantee food security in the European Union.

➡️We are not doing consumers any good if we create new legislation that makes food production in Europe more difficult.

📺Watch him at the ⤵️


RT @MarkusFerber: Zu Gast bei Freunden: Mit @HerbertDorfmann beim 65. SVP-Parteitag in Meran. Die großen Herausforderungen meistern wir nur gemeinsam. @CDU_CSU_EP @CSU @SVP_Suedtirol


RT @Moedas: Recebi, na @CamaraLisboa, a delegação de membros da Comissão dos Orçamentos do Parlamento Europeu para discutir a implementação do Plano Nacional Recuperação e Resiliência.


RT @EPPGroup: The export of Ukrainian agricultural products is key not only for the 🇺🇦 economy, but also for global food security.

"There is only one country responsible for disrupting supply chains and the food crisis that it provokes, and this is Russia", says @HerbertDorfmann.


RT @ulimuellermdep: Bei unserer traditionellen Gartenparty haben wir unsere europäische Leidenschaft gefeiert. Künstler, lokale Gastronomen und Winzer gaben einen Einblick in die Schönheit des Elsass. Au-revoir Strasbourg, see you in September with the @HerbertDorfmann


RT @EPPGroup: The export of Ukrainian agricultural products is key not only for the 🇺🇦 economy, but also for global food security.

"There is only one country responsible for disrupting supply chains and the food crisis that it provokes, and this is Russia", says @HerbertDorfmann.


RT @EPPGroup: We must prepare to feed a world in turmoil!

👉 Preventing food supply shortages.
👉Making sure those most vulnerable do not pay the consequences of Putin's aggression in Ukraine.

❗️The time to act and prevent worsening global hunger is now.



RT @EPPGroup: “We need to speed up grain export from Ukraine 🇺🇦 by getting rid of existing bottlenecks,” say the @EPPGroup’s @HerbertDorfmann and @LinsNorbert during the visit to the Polish-Ukrainian border.


RT @EPPGroup: Europe has a humanitarian obligation in global food crisis.

Russia’s war in Ukraine has caused a global food crisis.

This is not the time to introduce any new legislation that may cut European food production.



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