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RT @EU_Commission: Russia's invasion of Ukraine has massively disrupted European and global energy markets.

is our plan to end the EU's dependency on Russian fossil fuel imports.

It will enable us to build the new energy infrastructure and system that Europe needs.


RT @Tel_Aviv_Uni: פרופ' שיין, עובד עם האיחוד האירופאי על קידום תכנית הורייזן למימון מחקר וחדשנות, קרן ארסמוס+ ושיתופי פעולה אקדמיים נוספים.
@EP_President @DTzantchev @ShainYossi @peer_lab @europarl_en @IsraelinEU


RT @TelAvivUni: : TAU welcomes Parliament President Roberta Metsola & delegation to campus in her 1st stop in . Thanks for discussing critical global & regional issues w/our students.

@EP_President @DTzantchev @ShainYossi @peer_lab @europarl_en @IsraelinEU


Science, research & innovation are the backbone of 🇪🇺🇮🇱 cooperation.

🇪🇺@EP_President Roberta Metsola visited @TelAvivUni, one of the most successful 🇮🇱 organisations under the @HorizonEU framework, awarded with 183 grants worth nearly €180 million
RT @EP_President: Starting my visit to on campus, with students from @TelAvivUni.

Impressed by the engagement, the questions and ideas put forward by students.



RT @EP_President: Starting my visit to on campus, with students from @TelAvivUni.

Impressed by the engagement, the questions and ideas put forward by students.

Always good to listen & discuss the future with young people - where there is dialogue there is hope. 🇪🇺 🇮🇱


RT @EUDelegationUA: The EU helped rebuild this bridge back in 2014-2016. And we will help rebuilding what was destroyed by in now. 🇺🇦🇪🇺


RT @EU_Commission: Our new EU defence package promises to map, coordinate and incentivise investment across the EU.

Through both short and long-term measures, the package will strengthen EU defence capabilities while enhancing the European defence industrial and technological base.


RT @haaretzcom: Roberta Metsola’s visit is her first since her election to her post in January 2022, and is the first by a president of the European Parliament in Israel since 2014


RT @EP_President: I regret the decision to refuse entry to Israel to @ManuPineda, the Chair of the @europarl_en Delegation for relations with Palestine. 

I will raise the issue directly with authorities concerned. 

Respect for MEPs and the European Parliament is essential for good relations.


RT @EU_Commission: We disbursed a new tranche of €600 million in Macro-Financial Assistance to Ukraine this week.

More will come - we proposed an additional €9 billion loan for 🇺🇦 in 2022.

These funds will keep Ukraine going every day at this critical time.


RT @JosepBorrellF: The world’s food supply is in danger, mainly due to Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The first victims are vulnerable populations in low-income countries who depend on food and fertilizer imports.
We work on a global response from the international community.


RT @JosepBorrellF: We face the double challenge of a geopolitical crisis with Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the ecological and security threat of climate change. Here my new blog post on how to respond:


RT @MKoehlerEU: The humanitarian situation in needs our immediate attention 🇺🇦❗
Andreas Papaconstantinou, @EU_ECHO Director for Neighbourhood and Middle East is in the country meeting with the 🇪🇺's humanitarian partners to make sure that aid reaches the people who need it most.


RT @vonderleyen: Today, we disbursed a new tranche of €600 million in Macro-Financial Assistance to Ukraine

More is coming - we proposed an additional €9 billion loan for 🇺🇦 in 2022.

Beyond relief, we'll work on a reconstruction platform to help rebuild Ukraine as a free, democratic country.


RT @vonderleyen: Сьогодні ми виплатили Україні новий транш макрофінансової допомоги у розмірі € 600 мільйонів.

Ми також запропонували додаткову позику в €9 мільярдів для України у 2022 р

Ми працюватимемо над платформою для відновлення, щоб допомогти відбудувати вільну та демократичну Україну


🇺🇦 As in Tel Aviv this evening, today we celebrate the vibrant and rich Ukrainian culture by wearing a Vyshyvanka.

Every 3rd Thursday of May, people wear it as a expression of unity and national identity.

We stand with our Ukrainian friends.


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