#Disinformation feeds on many topics and events, creating division, hate and sometimes criminal acts or murder. LGBTI+ communities are not excluded! This @EP_Democracy briefing gives a good overview of the types of campaigns and narratives used. https://europa.eu/!fTmBVk #IDAHOT🌈
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1526450290723012609
RT @EULawDataPubs: 📣 #Accessibility 6/10:
Fonts, font sizes and colours can make a difference for people with disabilities and how they read the information you convey. Not everybody, for example, sees colours 🎨 the same way. Find out more. https://op.europa.eu/en/web/accessibility/concepts#fonts-sizes-and-colours
Gear up for #GAAD on 19 May!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1526110056504229888
RT @EURightsAgency: 🛒Now available for order!!
Get your printed copy of the 2022 legal handbook on #ChildRights from @EULawDataPubs
Hurry while stocks last…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1525416510545661952
Mõeldes Ukraina lastele ja täiskasvanutele, kes otsivad ELis turvalist paika, kuid ei räägi vastuvõtva riigi keelt, ning soovides aidata neil ületada esimesed suhtlusbarjäärid, koostasime selle lihtsa praktilise raamatukese: https://europa.eu/!CQX4hw
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1525114540643569672
Read about the 23 winning citizen initiatives of the annual #CivilSolidarityPrize awarded by @EU_EESC.
The challenge was ‘Civil society against COVID-19’
👉 https://europa.eu/!X7VB7c
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1524985409264005120
Today is International Day of #PlantHealth! 🌾🌿🐝
What are #pollinators and why do we need them? They make it possible for us to eat fruit, vegetables and nuts.
They help plants to reproduce. There are thousands of them, all with an important job to do: https://europa.eu/!TkXnN3
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1524642017715777536
We denken aan Oekraïense kinderen en volwassenen die veiligheid zoeken in de EU, maar niet de taal spreken van het land dat hen verwelkomt. Om die eerste communicatiebarrières te helpen overwinnen, hebben we deze eenvoudige, praktische gids samengesteld: https://europa.eu/!hJgNNM
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1524385273253142528
RT @EULawDataPubs: What are #DigitalPublishing and #WebAccessibility about? Do they matter? What issues are there?
Find out with us over the next 10 days up to #GAAD, Global Accessibility Awareness Day on 19 May!
Our thread starts counting down today!
Look down🔽
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1524052761360408577
Wir denken an ukrainische Kinder und Erwachsene, die in der EU Sicherheit suchen, aber nicht die Sprache des Landes sprechen, das sie aufnimmt. Um diese ersten Kommunikationsbarrieren zu überwinden, haben wir diesen praktischen Leitfaden erstellt: https://europa.eu/!y8N6QV
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1523955789844656131
On 9 May we celebrate #EuropeDay ❗❗
Click here to download a fun passport with interesting facts about all EU countries and discover more things the EU does: https://europa.eu/!kC3thG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1523686992889925633
From resistance fighters and Holocaust survivors to politicians and ... a film star, visionary leaders have inspired the creation of the Europe we live in today.
Read 'EU pioneers: The trailblazers who helped build today’s Europe' 👀▶ https://europa.eu/!GnK4Dg
#EuropeDay2022 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1523591235021144066
It's #EuropeDay today!
What is the EU?
Which countries use the euro? What does it mean to be part of the Schengen area? What is the European Green Deal and how will it make your life better? Find out everything you need to know about the EU: https://europa.eu/!x8JbHW
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1523558497492692992
RT @HardemanHildeML: On this #EuropeDay, we celebrate the world’s most successful #peace project: the #EU. European cooperation has brought #peace and #prosperity for decades. The invasion of #Ukraine shows we cannot take this for granted. Let’s talk about the #EU and #peace today!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1523544158140465154
#EuropeDay on #9May remembers Robert Schuman's famous declaration in 1950 which would help pave the way to the EU we know today. To learn more about the man, the declaration and the EU's early years, here are two #GoodReads:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1523234563929120769
RT @EULawDataPubs: It's #EUOpenDay! If you're in Brussels today, come and meet us in the @EU_Commission's Berlaymont building today from 10.00 to 18.00. Meet our Director-General @HardemanHildeML and other colleagues to chat about Europe and what we do for you through https://op.europa.eu/en/home!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1522836780524974080
RT @HardemanHildeML: In Brussels on Saturday? Join us for the #EUOpenDay events to mark #EuropeDay. I'll be there with other @EULawDataPubs colleagues to show how we deliver trustworthy information to you. Do join us from 10.00! https://europeday.europa.eu/index_en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1522656729498017792
RT @EULawDataPubs: What is the EU Publications Office doing for you? What did we achieve in 2021? Answers to these Qs and more in our annual management report. Watch the 📽 clips in the foreword with @EU_CoR head Petr Blížkovský and our head @HardemanHildeML.
▶ https://op.europa.eu/webpub/op/annual-management-report-2021/en/?pk_campaign=launch&pk_medium=tw #EUOpenDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1522596054952296449
#PlantsHealth is vital for us and the planet. 🌍🍀🌿
EU funded projects are trying to make agriculture more sustainable and eco-friendly.
See how the EU ensures plant health and safeguards the citizens’ well-being: https://europa.eu/!hrdrFm
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1522093794346209281
#WorldPressFreedomDay is also a moment too to discover the @EUCouncil's Brussels press corps that reports back to citizens around the EU, and beyond, on what's happening in the EU. Discover what they do and their perceptions in 'Live from Brussels!' https://europa.eu/!84HMf7
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1521459571075678208
It's World #PressFreedomDay! 📰❗
How can the EU support the recovery and digital transformation of the media sector and create a better and safer environment for journalists?
See here: https://europa.eu/!3JyvxR
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1521377428609724417
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Tweeting about publications from the EU institutions, agencies + bodies. Managed by the EU Publications Office @EULawDataPubs.