RT @EU_EISMEA: 📣New handbook for innovation agencies📣
It covers good practices regarding service design by #innovation agencies for increasing knowledge sharing between them and improving the service provision to innovative #SMEs in Europe and beyond.
Read it here👉https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/cb329165-b48d-11ec-9d96-01aa75ed71a1
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1521357749522677762
Pensando ai bambini e agli adulti ucraini che cercano salvezza nell'UE ma non parlano la lingua del paese che li accoglie, per dare un aiuto a superare i primi ostacoli nella comunicazione, abbiamo preparato questo opuscolo semplice e pratico guide: https://europa.eu/!dbXvYK
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1521030491767549954
Gândurile noastre se îndreaptă către copiii și adulții ucraineni care caută siguranță în UE, dar nu vorbesc limba țării care îi primește. Pentru a-i ajuta să treacă peste primele greutăți de comunicare, am creat acest ghid simplu și ușor de folosit: https://europa.eu/!PmV8hY
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1520032625829756929
Yesterday marked World #SafetyAndHealthAtWork Day 💡🛠️
While most of us hold down just one job, having more than one job has become a reality for many. Is it your case?
What is it like to be a multiple-job in terms of working time and job quality?
See: 👉 https://europa.eu/!7JJCHD
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1519934619008651264
It's World Day for Safety and Health at Work! ⛑️❗☝️
Have you ever wondered what skills and abilities will be required in the near future when many jobs are lost due to automation?
Check out: 👉 https://europa.eu/!wJNHfR
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1519567104634093568
Myslíme na ukrajinské deti a dospelých, ktorí hľadajú bezpečie v EÚ, ale nehovoria jazykom krajiny, ktorá ich privítala. Aby sme vám pomohli prekonať prvé komunikačné bariéry, zostavili sme túto jednoduchú a praktickú príručku: https://europa.eu/!wKCm4b
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1519304921358680064
Myslíme na ukrajinské děti a dospělé, kteří hledají bezpečí v EU, ale nehovoří jazykem země, která je přivítala. Abychom pomohli překonat první komunikační bariéry, sestavili jsme tuto jednoduchou, praktickou příručku: https://europa.eu/!G9w7fw
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1518909444859564032
It's World #IntellectualPropertyDay! 💡☝️
Licensing provides an option to commercialise #IntellectualProperty, i.e. bringing IP to the market in order to be exploited.
#IntellectualProperty commercialisation can take different forms: https://europa.eu/!hfJffX
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1518832332903309312
RT @EU_opendata: Introducing ... the 24 pre-selected teams for #EUDatathon 🏆! See who’s in the picture! Discover their names, where they come from and the challenge they’re competing in.
Thanks again to all teams for some great ideas!
Stay tuned for more info: https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eudatathon?pk_campaign=preselect-announce&pk_medium=tw!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1518632022918508547
Today marks #WorldBookAndCopyrightDay! ©️📚
Did you know that content available publicly on social media is not automatically free to be reused? Knowing what you can and cannot do with online content will help you stay away from copyright infringement: https://europa.eu/!nTrct4
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1517760187272089601
Today marks Mother #EarthDay! 🌍
Where is the Earth’s landmass permanently under water? Where do rivers move and where are they stable? This Atlas reveals the vivid and changing face of our planet’s surface water: https://europa.eu/!R48XYP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1517382705951903744
It's World Creativity And Innovation Day 💡
How do digital technologies enable deep-tech innovations?
Here are 17 examples of the convergence of digital technologies and medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, energy, manufacturing, mobility and logistics: https://europa.eu/!46d3Bq
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1517027996078460928
С грижа за украинските деца и възрастни, търсещи сигурност в ЕС, които не говорят езика на приемащата страна, и за да им помогнем да превъзмогнат първоначалните трудности в общуването, изработихме този практически наръчник: https://europa.eu/!K9FKQX
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1516756003882164225
RT @EU_Budget: In our second EU Budget Policy Brief we discuss the role the #EUBudget plays in achieving 🇪🇺 EU strategic autonomy. The share of the budget dedicated to this has increased to almost 20% in the new MFF – will this be enough to address new EU challenges? https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/c1832d9b-bb06-11ec-b6f4-01aa75ed71a1
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1515956981043019778
This Easter 2022, our foremost wishes are for peace in #Ukraine.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1514668492129292293
Myślimy o ukraińskich 🇺🇦dzieciach i dorosłych, którzy szukają bezpieczeństwa w UE 🇪🇺, ale nie znają języka kraju, który ich przyjmuje. 🇵🇱
Aby pomóc im pokonać pierwsze bariery komunikacyjne, przygotowaliśmy ten prosty, praktyczny przewodnik: https://europa.eu/!DYYb37
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1514244204314124288
RT @EULawDataPubs: 1️⃣ Багато хто в #Європі приймає дітей та дорослих, які залишають #Україну, щоб бути у безпеці в #ЄС. Для того, щоб полегшити спілкування між українцями та родинами, які їх приймають, у країні перебування, завантажте цей практичний безкоштовний посібник.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1512419117986467854
RT @GabrielMariya: 💬 Language affects the way we communicate and share our feelings.
🆕 This pictograms booklet helps children and adults from 🇺🇦 & 🇪🇺 hosts understand each other to improve adaptation conditions for all.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1512314283610320901
It's #WorldHealthDay today! 💊💉😷
How is the pharmaceutical sector in the EU doing?
What are the main challenges that the EU wishes to address?
See here: https://europa.eu/!fdyWWh
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1511954615624818693
It's International Day of Sport for Development and Peace! ⚽⛷️🎾☮️
What is the economic and social contribution of sport?
Check all available sources of quantitative and qualitative data in the EU showing the impact of sport on the economy and society: https://europa.eu/!7NBd8x
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1511584698920800258
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