RT by @DanaSpinant: Wolfgang Schäubles Tod ist ein schwerer Verlust für Deutschland und Europa.

Er hat durch seine Taten und sein Vorbild wie kaum ein anderer die bundesdeutsche Demokratie geprägt. Er dachte stets groß und weit voraus.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/vonderleyen/status/1

[2023-12-27 11:07 UTC]

RT by @DanaSpinant: As African countries are embracing the green transition, we are by their side with investments.

The EU Hydrogen Bank will scale up hydrogen production in Africa and exports to the EU market.

Our aim: meeting the climate-neutral energy needs of our continents.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/vonderleyen/status/1

[2023-11-20 17:47 UTC]

RT by @DanaSpinant: 🙏 ohne mein großartiges Team und dem klaren politischen Auftrag wäre das gar nicht möglich…@JosepBorrellF @EEAS_SecGen @eu_eeas @EUvsDisinfo @EP_Democracy @EU_Commission @DanaSpinant @vonderleyen

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/LutzGuellner/status/

[2023-10-22 06:31 UTC]

RT by @DanaSpinant: We must work actively to prevent regional escalation.

I am particularly concerned about Iran and its proxies.

We have all seen the incidents involving missiles and drones from Yemen potentially targeting Israel.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/vonderleyen/status/1

[2023-10-20 17:39 UTC]

RT by @DanaSpinant: Choqué par les attaques meurtrières dans les rues de Bruxelles ce soir.

Belgen, Zweden en Europeanen, we zijn samen verenigd tegen terreur.

Our values are stronger than their hate.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MargSchinas/status/1

[2023-10-16 20:26 UTC]

RT by @DanaSpinant: Congratulations @MarosSefcovic for your confirmation by @europarl_en as Executive Vice-President for .

I count on your experience and determination for this crucial implementation phase, and to push our world-leading legislation through its final stretch.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/vonderleyen/status/1

[2023-10-05 10:22 UTC]

RT by @DanaSpinant: Starting my visit to Albania with a good meeting with @BajramBegajAL
Enlargement is at the top of our priorities and Albania is on the right track.
We want our partners and neighbours to join and make our Union complete.
So it is not a matter of if, but when.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/vonderleyen/status/1

[2023-10-15 14:03 UTC]

RT by @DanaSpinant: Very happy to launch student registrations for 2024-2025 for the @collegeofeurope in Tirana!

An important step to prepare the future of Albania and the other Western Balkans partners in the EU, together ↓ n.respublicae.eu/i/broadcasts/

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/vonderleyen/status/1

[2023-10-15 14:18 UTC]

How do different data spaces experience their path to create the ? Discover it in the data.europa academy webinar ‘Data spaces: Experiences from strategic spaces’ on 15 September.
Sign up here 👉 europa.eu/!H68tx9

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/DanaSpinant/s

Russia terminated the Black Sea Grain initiative, threatening the food security of many in the world
We will continue working to bring grain and other agri products from Ukraine to the world, through our Solidarity Lanes
Have a look at what the Solidarity Lanes have achieved⤵️ t.co/1MPRbRLHeR

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/DanaSpinant/s

RT Ursula von der Leyen
I strongly condemn Russia’s cynical move to terminate the Black Sea Grain Initiative, despite UN & Türkiye’s efforts.
EU is working to ensure food security for the world’s vulnerable.
will continue bringing agrifood products out of Ukraine & to global… n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/vonderleyen/s

RT Ursula von der Leyen
The is already generating momentum.
In Europe, investments are flowing, collaboration is spreading.
The Chips Act sends a powerful message ↓

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/vonderleyen/s

RT Ursula von der Leyen
Glad to be in Leuven with PM
@alexanderdecroo and
We are visiting @imec_int, a digital innovation champion.
I will be talking about the .
Our strategy to make Europe a leader in global semiconductor research, design, testing and production by 2030. t.co/eJC9WBlKzO

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/vonderleyen/s

President @vonderleyen and Prime Minister @alexanderdecroo will visit together @IMEC_int in Leuven on Friday to exchange about how can strengthen Europe’s chips ecosystem & technological sovereignty.

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/DanaSpinant/s

On Sunday 9 July, President @vonderleyen receives the Prime Minister of New Zealand @chrishipkins for a bilateral meeting.
The two will also witness the signature of the EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement.
We are one step closer to delivering on this important agreement! n.respublicae.eu/danaspinant/s
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Dana Spinant: On President @vonderleyen's agenda for next week:
🗓️ Mon, 03/07:
→ Visit of the to @eu2023es
🗓️Tue, 04/07:
→ Meets 🇷🇸 Prime Minister @anabrnabic
🗓️ Wed, 05/07:
→ Chairs the College of Commissioners
→ Meets @CoR_President

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/DanaSpinant/s

RT Ursula von der Leyen
Thank you @sanchezcastejon for welcoming us in Madrid.
Good to discuss next steps on the many files on our agenda, starting with the EU-CELAC summit.
I count on the Presidency, in particular on Ukraine, migration, multi-annual budget, COP28, finalising trade deals. t.co/mEtvj3UQer

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/vonderleyen/s

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