My interview with Christiane Amanpour on the children of Ukraine deported by Russia. Deporting and adopting 🇺🇦 kids is illegal. It is a war crime. Russia should return them and give access & info on them. @Amanpour #childrenrights #standwithukraine #slavaukraini #SupportUkraine
RT @MissingChildEU: A child deserves to be with loved ones.
Watch 👀the interview with @MissingChildEU's President, @AnnaMariaCB on the @amanpour show. Let's shed a light on the worrisome…
RT @CDU_CSU_EP: Wir trauern um unseren ehemaligen Kollegen Joachim Zeller.
Er war ein überzeugter Europäer und leidenschaftlicher Berliner. Von 2009 bis 2019 gehörte er dem @Europarl_DE an, wo er sich insbesondere für Strukturförderung, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Menschenrechte einsetzte.
RT @AnzeLog: Ob svetovnem dnevu redkih bolezni z @GregorBezensek posvečava skladbo njegovemu preminulemu sinu Vilijem Julijanu, njegovi sestrici, vsem malim borcem ❤️ in njihovim družinam.
RT @strankaSDS: Slovenska reprezentanca v postavi Ema Klinec, Nika Križnar, Timi Zajc in Anže Lanišek je na mešani ekipni tekmi v smučarskih skokih osvojila bronasto medaljo.
Politiki, ki ne najdejo denarja za 3.razvojno os, se naj za mesec dni preselijo na Koroško in se od tam vsak dan vozijo v Ljubljano.
RT @alenkahelbl: ‼️Ne bomo tiho, ne bomo zgolj pozivali, ne bomo dovolili ujetosti #Koroška vseh Korošcev in našega gospodarstva, na obrobje naše države.
GREMO na SHOD za 3. razvojno os in naj bo to 1. korak v boju za razvoj naše Koroške. ‼️
💬Only together, we can beat #cancer.
From🇪🇺Beating Cancer Plan, @HorizonEU cancer mission to @EUeic support to #health startups, maximising actions is a top priority.
Increasing efforts & make the best use of progress: we owe this to patients, survivors, families & caregivers.
"Edinost, sreča, sprava,k nam naj nazaj se vrnejo...." Tako že v Prešernovih časih , kakor tudi danes.
RT @PeterSuhel: .@KGroselj pravi, da je članstvo Slovenije v #EUMED velik uspeh nove smeri zunanje politike. Prav ima. V to elitno skupino držav je 🇸🇮 že septembra 2021 spravil @JJansaSDS. Si pa @vladaRS zagotovo zasluži pohvalo, ker iz #EUMED še ni izstopila 💪🏻🎉 Čestitke!
Odziv Nizozemskih kmetov na zapovedano zmanjšanje števila govedi.
RT @BushelsPerAcre: Dutch aren’t done yet, not even close.
How can the public procurement of medicines be optimised in Europe?
Our study from last December looked at 32 European countries to answer this question. Join our webinar where we present its findings.
#EUPharmaStrategy #HealthUnion
Happening tomorrow!
Join @EU_Health and @sweden2023eu at the hybrid conference on:
🟢The EU approach to #cancer prevention
🟢The importance of early detection
🟢The role of health data to reduce cancer care inequalities
#EUCancerPlan #EU2023SE
RT @RosvitaP: Respekt.
RT @PS_SDS: Nocoj ne zamudite oddaj 24ur zvečer in @TVOdmevi, kjer bo gostja vodja poslanske skupine SDS @jelka_godec 👀
RT @strankaSDS: .@JJansaSDS: Z izredno sejo želimo doseči, da se po razpravi dobi realen pogled na stanje v zdravstvu. Da se zaveže vlado, da v 30 dneh predlaga interventni zakon, ki bo naslovil nekatere urgentne probleme in jih rešil takoj, ter da se naredi realno časovnico za naprej.
RT @MrsMThatcher: There is no such thing as public money. There is only taxpayers money.
.@jacindaardern has led New Zealand with grace & dignity under extraordinary pressure in extraordinary times. A friend to Europe, she has been a trailblazing example - to young women in particular - who showed how politics can be a force for positive change.
I wish her well 🇪🇺🇳🇿
How can the public procurement of medicines be optimised in Europe?
Our study from last December looked at 32 European countries to answer this question. Join our webinar where we present its findings.
#EUPharmaStrategy #HealthUnion
Useful output from @EASA/@ECDC_EU following #EUHealthSecurity Committee discussions on a common approach in response to the COVID-19 developments
RT @EASA: #EASA and #ECDC have added new recommendations to the Aviation Health and Safety Protocol to respond to worsening #COVID19 situations. Available here:
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Deputy Chair of ECDC MB ,Former MEP of EP, a champion of change for the better, mother of two daughters, former Minister of Health, a lover of sports and nature