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Excellent meeting with @DrSJaishankar @PiyushGoyal @Rajeev_GoI for the first 🇪🇺🇮🇳 Trade & Tech Council.

As strategic partners we will work to upgrade our relations on digital, clean tech and trade.

The EU is committed to negotiating an ambitious free trade agreement with…


I have accepted @GabrielMariya's resignation as she will pursue the goal of forming a new government in Bulgaria

I thank her for her excellent contribution to our team and wish her all the best

I’m confident that her European credentials will be put to good use for the country


Decarbonisation is the challenge of our century.

Our common goal must be the build-up of clean tech capacities, but not at each other’s expense.

Our incentives should be mutually reinforcing rather than compete.

The opportunities are here. We will discuss this at the @G7.


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We have seen attempts of economic coercion.

That is why we are taking action to enhance our resilience.

Economic security will be a central them at the @G7 Summit.

And the @EU_Commission will table an economic security strategy in June.


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We seek a multifaceted approach to China, characterised by de-risking, not decoupling.

Of course, we are competing.

So we have to strengthen our own economic vibrancy.

Reduce dependencies.

And stand together as partners on core foreign policy and security challenges.


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An important sequence of summits starts tomorrow – @coe in Reykjavik, @G7 in Hiroshima and 🇪🇺🇰🇷 in Seoul.

Many themes will connect them.

And first, our united response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and our support to this brave nation ↓


Economic growth must serve people, and future generations.

That is why we look .

And use our social market economy as compass ↓


With today’s prize, we are sending a clear message:

We stand with President Volodymyr @ZelenskyyUa.

We stand with the Ukrainian people.

We stand by their side until together we achieve the impossible.

Slava Ukraini!

Long live Europe!


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Every generation has its moment when it has to stand up to defend democracy and what it believes in.

For us, that moment has come.

As freedom fighters changed the face of our continent over 30 years ago, today it is us, who will decide what Europe will look like in the future.


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President @ZelenskyyUa and the people of Ukraine are fighting for the values and obligation that the Charlemagne Prize embodies.

In doing so, they are also fighting for our own freedom and values.

Democracy and the rule of law, free speech, freedom to create your own destiny.


Mit dem heutigen Preis senden wir eine klare Botschaft:

Wir stehen an der Seite von Präsident @ZelenskyyUa

Wir stehen an der Seite der Menschen in der Ukraine.

Wir sind an ihrer Seite, bis wir gemeinsam das Unmögliche möglich gemacht haben.

Slava Ukraini!

Es lebe Europa!


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Für jede Generation kommt der Moment, an dem sie für Demokratie und das, woran sie glaubt, aufstehen muss.

Unser Moment ist gekommen.

Vor über 30 Jahren veränderten mutige Männer und Frauen das Gesicht Europas.

Heute entscheidet unser Handeln über das künftige Antlitz Europas.


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Präsident @ZelenskyyUa und die Menschen der Ukraine kämpfen genau für die Werte und die Verpflichtung, die der @KarlspreisAC verkörpert.

Damit kämpfen sie zugleich für
unsere Freiheit und unsere Werte.

Wir stehen fest an ihrer Seite.


I welcome the strong support in the @europarl_en today for the EU to accede to the Istanbul Convention.

Member States can now take the next step and make this a reality.
Together we can show the EU is at the side of women and girls, to protect them from violence.


The children of Ukraine should have a bright future, far from the horrors of the war.

The mental health of children deserves all our attention and efforts.

I discussed with Olena @ZelenskaUA how the EU could support her work in this area.
RT @ZelenskaUA: Was glad to have a meeting in Kyiv with @vonderleyen. The focus is on joint efforts to support the mental health of 🇺🇦children who have survived abduction and other horrors of war. Thank you for the offer of ex…


The Ukrainian @ua_parliament is working hard to shape and adopt the reforms foreseen in our 7 steps needed to open the accession negotiations.

Thank you, Speaker @r_stefanchuk, for the good meeting to discuss the work that remains.


The EU supports the creation of a dedicated tribunal to try Russia's crime of aggression.

As a first step, we must collect, store and analyse evidence.

For this, we are setting up an International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine.


Productive meeting with @Denys_Shmyhal on the many areas of cooperation between @EU_Commission and Ukraine.

We focused in particular on:

• Rapid recovery and reconstruction in view of the London conference

• Export of Ukrainian grain

• Progress on the 7 steps for…


We also discussed Ukraine's progress on its EU path.
I paid my respect to Ukraine's efforts, working hard on reforms amidst a full blown war.

Work needs to continue.

Ukraine can count on our support and expertise throughout the process.


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We are:
1 - Sharpening our existing tools, adding more products to our transit ban.
2 - Proposing a new tool to combat sanctions circumvention.
3 - Proposing to ban “shadow” entities from Russia and third countries that are intentionally circumventing our sanctions.


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