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Putin continues to use energy as a weapon.

12 Member States are affected by gas supply reductions.
We need coordination at EU level: @EU_Commission will soon present a 🇪🇺 emergency plan.
We will work to protect our Single Market and industrial supply chains from disruptions.


I welcome the @europarl_en’s adoption of our rulebook for digital services:

tackles illegal and harmful online content.

subjects gatekeepers to do’s and don’ts to keep markets open.

The @EU_Commission will be the digital regulator for the biggest platforms.


Good to meet with @EBRD President @OdileRenaud at to discuss our common efforts on the reconstruction of Ukraine.

The EBRD has a long and positive track record in Ukraine.

I know its expertise will be very valuable in shaping the investments and reforms in the country.


Rebuilding Ukraine is a generational task.

We must bring in also external advice from the brightest minds and leading global experts on reconstruction:

Together with international partners, @Bundeskanzler Scholz and I will organise a high-level conference after the summer.


The platform will shape the strategic orientations and priorities.

The focus: future-proof reconstruction, embedded in good governance.

Because our action will be driven by the aspirations and desires of the Ukrainian people.


We have a colossal task ahead, as President @ZelenskyyUa just said.

Reforms should go hand-in-hand w/ investment, on the path to the 🇪🇺

We have already proposed to 🇺🇦 government a platform to steer reconstruction – bringing together all partners.

Ukraine will be in the lead.


The country’s administration continues to function. 🇺🇦 is a digital frontrunner, w/ state-of-the art e-government. Its decentralisation is a success.

It has introduced courageous reforms, for example to reign in the oligarchs.

These are precious experiences for reconstruction.


The conference is a key step in agreeing the principles for the international reconstruction effort of 🇺🇦.

President @ignaziocassis and I support the Lugano declaration & look forward to its endorsement.

Ukraine can count on our steadfast support, as long as it takes.


Good to meet @snemovna @SenatCZ

We have a lot of work ahead with @EU2022_CZ, like:

•Finding agreements on

•Reviewing our economic governance

•Adopting key digital proposals

•Reinforcing our Single Market and economic ties with partner countries


Сьогодні ми пропонуємо надати Україні 1 млрд євро.

Про надання першої частини макрофінансової допомоги було оголошено в травні.

Це допоможе задовольнити нагальні потреби країни.

🇪🇺 продовжить надавати допомогу 🇺🇦 і буде підтримувати її відбудову в довгостроковій перспективі.


Today we propose €1 billion for Ukraine.

The first part of the macro-financial assistance package announced in May.

It will help meet urgent needs in the country.

The EU will keep on providing relief to Ukraine and in a longer-term support its reconstruction.


I’m sure we will make good progress on:

•Strengthening our energy security while delivering on our climate goals

•Combining investment and reforms for a robust economy

•Deepening our global partnerships


🇨🇿 Glad to be in majestic Litomyšl for the start of @EU2022_CZ

Dear @P_Fiala, you have Europe at heart.

I know that your European passion and the commitment and hard work of your government will make @EU2022_CZ a success.


Попереду в України довгий шлях, але Європа буде поруч у кожному кроці, у кожній реформи, доти, доки це буде потрібно.

Від цих темних часів війни і до моменту, коли ви переступите поріг нашого Союзу.


Відбудова країни і європейський шлях йдуть пліч-о-пліч.

Україна буде в лідерах.
Необхідні великі інвестиції.

Але щоб максимізувати їхній вплив і зміцнити довіру до бізнесу, їх доведеться поєднати з новою хвилею реформ.


Україна зараз має чітку європейську перспективу і є кандидатом на вступ до Європейського Союзу.

Тому сьогодні час відсвяткувати цю історичну подію.

Перемога визначеності та рішучості.

І перемога того поступу, який розпочався вісім років тому на Майдані.


Дякую Президенту @ZelenskyyUA за запрошення виголосити звернення на цьому позачерговому засіданні@ua_parliament.

Українці мужньо дають відсіч.
Європа робитиме все від нас залежне, щоб допомогти Україні виграти цю війну.

І ми не заспокоїмося, поки ви не переможете.


There is a long road ahead for Ukraine but Europe will be at your side every step of the way.

For every reform, for as long as it takes.
From these dark days of war until the moment you cross the threshold that leads into our Union.


The reconstruction of the country and your European path and will go hand in hand.
Ukraine will be in the lead.

Massive investments will have to come.
But to maximize their impact and foster business confidence, they will have to be coupled with a new wave of reforms.


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