Congratulations to Prime Minister @anabrnabic and Ministers of her newly appointed Serbian government. I look forward to working together with 🇷🇸 authorities on advancing 🇪🇺 agenda. In these existential times we want Serbia to make a clear choice for Europe.
RT @EPPGroup: "Stop making people leave their homes, their jobs, their friends and families!"
Russia and Belarus have used migration as a political tool to rattle European solidarity.
Hear more from MEP @vladobilcik ⤵️
RT @EWB_rs: [INTERVJU] "Svi se nadamo da Srbija na isti način sagledava realnost. Rusija gubi ovaj rat i nadam se da će Srbija i građani Srbije izabrati da budu deo pobedničke koalicije", rekao je @vladobilcik u intervjuu za EWB.
RT @EPPGroup: "Stop making people leave their homes, their jobs, their friends and families!"
Russia and Belarus have used migration as a political tool to rattle European solidarity.
Hear more from MEP @vladobilcik ⤵️
RT @EPPGroup: We urgently need a common European asylum system!
This year, @Frontex detected a 70% increase in irregular border crossings compared to the previous year.
It’s the highest since 2016!
Hear our MEPs👇
@vladobilcik @andriuskubilius @jeroen_lenaers
📣.@EUparliament just adopted the Reso on Growing hate crimes against LGBTIQ people across Europe in light of the recent homophobic murder in Slovakia. The overwhelming majority: 447+, 78 - and 45 abstentions.
Thank you @EPPGroup for trusting me with negotiations.
Serbia is the one exception in the region. I hope that Serbia's new government will move decisively to accelerate its EU accession, including through CFSP policy alignment. Time is of the essence. End.
The current political crisis, which questions the long-established Montenegrin tradition of pragmatic solutions to political issues, risks creating irreversible damage to the country’s reputation. The country needs a clear solution to the current crisis.
Montenegro remains - quantitatively - the frontrunner in the accession process. Qualitatively, however, the picture is rather mixed. The last year has been a year of a number of missed opportunities for decisive advances towards the European Union.
Indirectly, Russia is at war with EU's democracy, values and freedoms, and consequently, fights one of our most successful policies - enlargement - via continuous disruption and malign interference for a number of years in the Western Balkans.
Russia's illegal war against Ukraine is profoundly reshaping EU's enlargement policy because Russia's war is also a war against EU enlargement.
Russia wages a war - directly - against Ukraine, an EU candidate country.
I greatly appreciate those countries in #WesternBalkans showing there is no room for relativising the return of war to our continent. Clear alignment on CFSP is clear alignment to our values. It is the essence of showing commitment to the 🇪🇺.
Thread 🧵 and full speech ⬇️:
Breaking news: EP @EP_President @RobertaMetsola announces that the 2022 Sakharov Prize will be awarded to the brave people of Ukraine 🇺🇦. The awarding will take place on 14 December in Strasbourg.
Slava Ukrajini!
RT @EP_DEG: “If we do not defend democracy, it will cease to exist”: Slovak President @ZuzanaCaputova addressing MEPs today in Strasbourg. President Caputova also called for a defence of European values and EU solidarity in the face of multiple crises.
RT @EP_ForeignAff: This afternoon in #EPlenary, MEPs and @OliverVarhelyi will debate EU-Western Balkans relations 🇪🇺🇦🇱🇧🇦🇽🇰🇲🇪🇲🇰🇷🇸 in light of the new enlargement package, as well as the results of the first meeting of the European Political Community.
🎦 Watch live 👉
RT @EP_President: Thank you President @ZuzanaCaputova for Slovakia’s solidarity with Ukraine and leadership in Europe.
Slovensko má šťastie, že @ZuzanaCaputova sa pri výkone svojho mandátu nepozerá len na aktuálne rebríčky popularity, ale je skutočnou líderkou, ktorej ide o dlhodobý úspech demokratického Slovenska v EÚ.
Ďakujem za výborný a proeurópsky prejav, pani prezidentka.
Prezidentka 🇸🇰 @ZuzanaCaputova dnes v @Europarl_SK ukázala, že zostáva odhodlanou ochrankyňou demokracie a európskych hodnôt - ľudských práv a právneho štátu.
Aj vďaka nej Slovensko pevne stojí za Ukrajinou a za ľudskými právami všetkých slovenských občanov a občianok.
Welcome to the @europarl_en, President @ZuzanaCaputova 🇸🇰🇪🇺!
Vitajte v @Europarl_SK, Prezidentka @ZuzanaCaputova! Vitajte v parlamente, ktorý je aj slovenským parlamentom. 🇸🇰🇪🇺
RT @Europarl_SK: Príhovor prezidentky Zuzany Čaputovej @zuzanacaputova počas zasadnutia Európskeho parlamentu môžete sledovať 🔴 naživo o 11:30 aj na našom účte ⤵
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ 🇪🇺MEP @EPPGroup/🇸🇰@sme_demokrati. Coordinator @EP_Democracy. @EP_Justice - @EP_ForeignAff - @EPInstitutional - @EP_PegaInquiry. 🇲🇪 Chair. 🇷🇸 Rapporteur.