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Estonia is supporting boldly thanks to its PM’s @kajakallas strong stance.

Today, we discussed our way forward for the implementation of the in Estonia and our overall cooperation in times when our unity means the most for our European future.


Discussed with @VSinkevicius collaboration in the to lead the way towards clean environment and fast deployment of renewables.

We also need to work closely on societal changes regarding the green transition and leaving no one behind.


Ja samal ajal jätkame Euroopa tööstuse ja majanduse muutmisega, sest nii nagu seni edasi enam ei saa


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Euroopal on plaan, kuidas oma majandus ka tulevikus konkurentsivõimeline hoida ja selleks ongi rohepööre. Koos USA, Ukraina ja teiste samameelsetega tegutseme, et saada me tööstusele vajalikke tooraineid. Koos UK ja teistega tegutseme kaubanduse edendamisel


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Euroopa komisjoni president @vonderleyen Davoses @wef:
- Euroopa toetus Ukrainale on vankumatu ja kestab kuni Ukraina võidu ja ülesehitamiseni
- Venemaa peab saama karistuse oma kuritegude eest
- aastaga on EL lõpetanud oma sõltuvuse Vene gaasist&naftast


The road to net-zero will be the greatest transformation of our times.

Europe has what it takes – talent, researchers, industrial capacity.

And it has a plan for the future ↓


Euroopa Liit aitab Ukrainat kõiges ja sellel on väga tugev eurooplaste toetus. Värske uuringu järgi on kolmveerand eurooplasetest seda meelt, et EL abi Ukrainale on õige


Since the start of Russia's war on Ukraine, our EU-@NATO cooperation has only grown stronger.

Today with the new Joint Declaration we are bringing our partnership to the next level.

We will deepen our excellent cooperation and expand it to new areas ↓


Very good to discuss Ukraine’s plans and European future with President @ZelenskyyUA in Kyiv today.

Ukraine has what it takes to become a leader in modern green energy. It has huge potential for solar, wind, hydrogen, and biomethane.


RT @EU_Commission: 2⃣0⃣2⃣3⃣ is here.

And with it, the new European cities in the spotlight. But which ones are they?

Discover with us the European capitals of 2023 that are leading the way when it comes to going green, being more accessible or showcasing our cultural heritage ↓


In the 1st call of the new year with President @ZelenskyyUa, I conveyed my wholehearted support and best wishes for 2023 to the Ukrainian people. 

The EU stands by you, for as long as it takes.

We support your heroic struggle.
A fight for freedom and against brutal aggression.


Uueks aastaks on me plaanid selged:
- Euroopa Liit toetab Ukrainat igati, et see sõda võita
- Samal ajal jätkame oma majanduse muutmist, et ka tulevikus edukad olla

Head euroopalikku uut aastat kõigile!🇪🇺🎉


Energiaministrid leppisid kokku hinnalaes Vene gaasile
RT @EU2022_CZ: ⚡️ Energy | 🔴 Press conference with Minister @JozefSikela & Commissioner @KadriSimson on temporary gas market correction mechanism starts at ~ 17:30.

Watch it live ⬇️


Maailma riigid leppisid Montreal’is kokku, et 30% rikutud ökosüsteeme nii maal kui merel taastatakse aastaks 2030

30% maa ja merealasud samuti suurema kaitse alla 2030. aastaks
RT @vonderleyen: I welcome the historic outcome of .
The world has agreed on unprecedented and measurable nature protection and restoration goals and on a Global Biodiversity Fund.

And investing into nature also means fighting climate change.

The EU will stay the course.


RT @E_Krukowska: ❗️Europe reached a landmark deal on the key element of its this night. The carbon market will be strengthened and expanded. And a 87 bln fund will be created to protect most vulnerable. @johnainger and I have the details for you:


I welcome the agreement on the 9th sanctions package against Russia.

It focuses on tech, finance and media to push the Russian economy and war machine further off the rails.

It sanctions almost 200 individuals and entities involved in attacks on civilians & kidnapping children
RT @vonderleyen: Russia continues to bring death and devastation to Ukraine.

We stand by Ukraine and we are making Russia pay for its cruelty

The existing 8 packages of sanctions we int…


The EU is at the forefront of support to its neighbour, as it should be, and will remain so.

We have supported Ukraine financially with €19.7 billion.

Thanks to @EU2022_CZ, our proposal for an additional €18 billion for next year has been adopted today


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