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RT @EU_Commission: "We have provided 40 generators to ensure power supply to 30 hospitals in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Mykolayiv and Kherson.

They come on top of over 800 generators we sent across the country. This kind of assistance can literally save lives."

—President @vonderleyen


Selgitasin stuudios selle nädala suuri otsuseid Ukraina abistamiseks ja Venemaa ohjamiseks: rahandusabi Ukrainale, 9.sanktsioonide pakett Venemaale


RT @AlarKaris: Was pleased to greet diplomatic community present in Estonia, our strength is in unity & joint actions! Very glad to note that through all challenges, we managed to stay united & support each other. 2022 was difficult for all, lot of hard work lies ahead in 2023.


RT @Mariana_Betsa: As Europe prepares for Christmas I can’t hold tears watching video from beautiful Christmas Mariupol just before 2022… and Russia ruined the city, people’s lives and hopes


9. sanktsioonide pakett Venemaale: uued müügipiirangud droonidele ja muule varustusele, investeerimiskeelud, pea 200 isikut ja ettevõtet jne. Järgmiseks arutelu liikmesriikidega
RT @vonderleyen: Russia continues to bring death and devastation to Ukraine.

We stand by Ukraine and we are making Russia pay for its cruelty

The existing 8 packages of sanctions we introduced so far are already biting hard.

Today we are stepping up the pressure on Russia with a 9th pa…


Euroopa Liit toetab Ukrainat igati, nii sõjas kui ka ülesehitamisel. Sellega aitame Ukrainat, aga see on ka EL enda huvides. Iga Ukrainasse investeeritud € lisab kindlustunnet ELile.

Aitäh ⁦@MFAestonia⁩ ⁦@vseviov⁩ tänase arutelu eest


We regret no decision today on proposed @EU_Commission €18 bln funding for Ukraine in 2023.

I have seen with my own eyes how desperate the situation is. We must make a first payment next month so can survive winter. There’s no alternative - we’ll find a way 🇺🇦


Komisjoni uued ettepanekud, mis kriminaliseerivd Euroopa sanktsioonodest kõrvalehoidmise ja aitavad jõuda sinnani, et külmutatud Vene varasid Ukraina ülesehitamiseks kasutada
RT @EU_Commission: The violation of EU sanctions against Russia won't pay off.

Today, we put forward a proposal to criminalise the evasion of EU restrictive measures.

It will make easier to investigate, prosecute and punish violations of sanctions in all EU countries.


RT @JosepBorrellF: Humbled by my exchange with the Ukrainian troops and full of admiration for their bravery & determination.

Words and applause are not enough. We must continue providing them with the means to continue their fight against Russia.

Through & , we will continue to do so.


Selgitasin Vikerraadios komisjoni ettepanekut Ungari osas: peatada taastekava rahad ja 2/3 ühtekuuluvusfondidest seni, kuni Ungari viib sisse muudatused oma süsteemis, et oleks võimalik korruptsioonivastane võitlus ja kohtusüsteemi sõltumatus.


RT @vonderleyen: Russia must pay for its horrific crimes.

We will work with the ICC and help set up a specialised court to try Russia’s crimes.

With our partners, we will make sure that Russia pays for the devastation it caused, with the frozen funds of oligarchs and assets of its central bank


Venemaa peab saama karistuse oma sõja eest ja selleks luuakse eritribunal. Ukraina ülesehitamiseks tuleb kasutada Vene külmutatud varasid, mida praegu on juba üle 330 miljardi


RT @EuroopaKomisjon: Hiljuti avaldas komisjon oma majandussoovitused liikmesriikidele, sealhulgas Eestile🇪🇪. Nende soovituste sisu ja tausta kommenteerib Euroopa Komisjoni Eesti esinduse majandusnõunik Ave Schank-Lukas. Saatejuht on @ErkkiB .


RT @vonderleyen: 90 years after the Holodomor, the Kremlin is again using food as a weapon.

We stand with Ukraine to guarantee global food security.

Under President @ZelenskyyUa's Grain from Ukraine initiative, the @EU_Commission will pay to ship 40,000 tons of Ukrainian grain via two boats.


RT @EU_Commission: Russia is bombing the schools of Ukrainian children, forcing them to make unsafe journeys to reach other schools.

We are calling on public and private entities to join us in donating school buses and bring 🇺🇦 children back to the classroom safely ↓


RT @carlbildt: I remember how cold it was in Tallinn and Riga when the then Soviet Republics sought independence and Moscow cut the gas in order to force them back into the fold. Politically it back fired with a vengeance. People got every more determined. Today 🇱🇹 🇱🇻 🇪🇪 are free countries.


RT @vonderleyen: As winter grips Europe, my thoughts are with our Ukrainian friends.

Women, men, children are freezing in the dark because of Putin’s deliberate & barbaric targeting of the country’s civilian infrastructure. The sole purpose is to terrorise civilians.

These acts are war crimes.


Jälgige @ICDS_Tallinn konverentsi idapartnerluse ja laienemise teemal siit:
RT @ICDS_Tallinn: 🔹 The longer Russia continues this war the more determined we are.

🔹 Our aim is bringing our partner as close as possible and as fast as possible.

@vivloonela, Head of the @EU_Commission Representation in Estonia


Täna on mul töövari Helmi, kellega siin koos toimetame. Tore kuulda, millega noorte arust EL tegelema peaks


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