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RT @SKyriakidesEU: Pleased to meet with 🇪🇪 Health Minister Peep Peterson in Tallinn.

We had the opportunity to exchange on our common objectives relating to the way forward on and delivering on .

Coordination and solidarity remain crucial in the months ahead.


RT @EuroopaKomisjon: nädala teemad on:
🔹Eestis on visiidil tervishoiu ja toidutohutuse volinik @SKyriakidesEU (@EU_Health @Food_EU)
🔹Ukraina ülesehitamise konverents Berliinis
🔹vee- ja õhusaaste piiramine
🔹pankadevaheliste välkmaksete lihtsustamine
Loe siit 👇


RT @vonderleyen: Ukraine needs our support for as long as it takes, starting with the needs for next year.

We discussed how to meet Ukraine’s increasing needs, and tasked finance ministers to develop the appropriate mechanism.


Euroopa liidrid leppisid Ülemkogul kokku neis eesmärkides:

▪️gaasi hinnalagi ja ühisostud, mis viivad alla ka muud hinnad
▪️elektrituru toimimise kohendamine, et see ka sõja ajal toimiks
▪️gaasitarbimise vähendamine

See on vajalik, et EL suudaks Venemaad ka energiasõjas võita
RT @vonderleyen: I welcome the results of today’s EUCO and the endorsement we received from leaders.

They gave strategic guidance on the energy package - …


Selle aasta Sahharovi auhind läheb Ukraina rahvale, kes siin sõjas võitlevad Euroopa väärtuste eest ja kaitsevad sellega ka meie vabadust

RT @EP_President: They are standing up for what they believe in.

Fighting for our values.

Protecting democracy, freedom & rule of law.

Risking their lives for us.

And today proud winners of @europarl_en .

No one is more deserving.



Eriti varajane hommik täna stuudios. Rääkisime ⁦@liisulass⁩ ‘iga, kuidas jõuda nii kaugele, et külmutatud Vene varasid saaks kasutada Ukraina ülesehitamiseks


Komisjonilt täna uued ettepanekud, kuidas energiahinda alla saada
RT @vonderleyen: Russia's war on Ukraine has triggered an energy crisis

We have been working hard to protect Europe against the fall-out on the energy markets.

We are now better prepared to face this winter

And in a position to make more steps towards an Energy Union ↓


Euroopa rahandusabi Ukrainale jätkub

RT @vonderleyen: Today we are disbursing €2 billion in macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.

More will follow by the end of the year.

We'll stand by 🇺🇦 for as long as it takes.

We will discuss how to ensure continued support with global partners at the conference.


Hea arutelu Tšehhi eesistumise puhul Eesti ja Tšehhi ekspertidega, kuidas EL energiaturg võimalikult hästi toimima peaks - nii et rahul on nii eratarbijad, ettevõtjad kui riigid. Selleks talveks oleme valmis!
RT @EuroopaKomisjon: Koostöös Tšehhi saatkonnaga korraldatud seminaril „Venemaa energiasõda Euroopa vastu“ püüdsid Oldřich Sklenář, @timo_est, @MarcikFrantisekja, Margus Vals ja @vivloonela leida vastust küsimusele, kuidas ühit…


Sellest nädalast jääb meelde Euroopa Komisjoni president ⁦@vonderleyen⁩ visiit Eestisse, nii Tallinna kui Narva. Lisaks EL välispiiri külastamisele ja õiglase ülemineku fondi avamisele käis president ka Kreenholmi tehasehooneis, mis seovad ta perekonna ajaloo Eestiga


RT @EU_Commission: "The Kremlin has again escalated its aggression to a new level.

We must protect our critical infrastructure, keep replacing unsustainable dependency with balanced cooperation and continue to build trust in global connectivity."

President @vonderleyen this week at @TallinnSummit


RT @EU_Commission: Today, 60% of Ukrainian grain leaves the country via our European .

On we want to reaffirm our commitment to restore global .

It is Putin who created the food crisis with his war.
And it is Europe that is working to end it.


RT @vonderleyen: Russia’s failure alone won’t save the rules-based global order.

We must rebuild trust in our global rules and the universal values at their heart.

In these times of transformation and turmoil, Europe must engage even more on the global stage ↓


Euroopa välispoliitika huvilistel tasub kindlasti läbi lugeda EL kõrge esindaja Borrelli tänane kõne, mis on näha, et on tulnud tal väga südamest.

Borell teeb ringi peale kogu EL välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika toimimisele, väga lahtise tekstiga
RT @JosepBorrellF: Glad to open the conference; it i…


RT @AlarKaris: We will continue to help in every way we can. Discussed the need to step up ’s strong support to Ukraine ahead of the approaching winter, ’s war of aggression & energy security with the President of European Commission Ursula @vonderleyen in today.


RT @vonderleyen: With the Just Transition Plan, the EU is investing in an energy and industrial transition that leaves no one behind.

The plan will equip the workers of the Ida-Viru region with skills they need to succeed in the economy of tomorrow.


RT @vonderleyen: Shocked and appalled by the vicious attacks on Ukrainian cities.

Putin’s Russia has again shown the world what it stands for: brutality and terror.

I know that Ukrainians will stay strong.

We will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes, with all the means we have.


President @vonderleyen ja peaminister @kajakallas Narvas, EL ja Vene tugevalt kaitstud piiril, mõistmas hukka tänaseid Vene rünnakuid Ukraina vastu


RT @EP_President: What is happening now in is sickening.

It shows the world, again, the regime we are faced with: One that targets indiscriminately. One that rains terror & death down on children.

This is criminal. They will be held to account. Ukraine will win. Europe will not look away.


RT @vonderleyen: It’s great to be in Tallinn, dear @kajakallas.

Estonia plays a key role in our response to Russia’s war and in our solidarity with Ukraine.

Estonians know very well what it is like to fight for freedom.


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