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Nemlig @GronenbergJ 💛
RT @GronenbergJ: I den grad enig med min gamle chef! @j_vingegaard har kørt et fuldstændig formidabelt løb, fremragende støttet af et @JumboVismaRoad hold, der er out of this world. Kæmpefan af @WoutvanAert, @seppkuss og alle de andre.


Meeting the trainees - to thank them for doing a great job. And for (hopefully) to inspire them to come back and work in the institutions of our European democracy!


Hy2Tech approved today will support breakthrough innovation in 🇪🇺 hydrogen. It involves 15 MS, 35 companies & 41 projects. State aid & private funding coming together - competition policy works hand in hand with innovation for the!y7D6Hk


The extended team invited to celebrate by rapporteur @Andreas_Schwab at Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: Drinks, food and thanks! So many thanks, what a great team!


Go go, the first-ever Brussels-based ! In July, they & 2,200 others will cycle 1,100 km to Paris. Final destination: To raise money to fight serious children’s diseases. Enjoy the ride! Photo Emma Laycock


RT @JuttaUrpilainen: 1st ever 🇺🇳🇪🇺 high-level retreat reflects strong commitment to multilateralism and rules-based order in the era of multiple crises.

Pandemic, Russia’s war of aggression, global food insecurity, attacks on democratic values - the impacts are felt first by the most vulnerable.


@NadiaCalvino You are welcome 🙏🏼So encouraging to see what you make of the funds!


We need this renewed push for deep tech innovation - a lot has been done, a lot is working, but we can do more ⬇️
RT @GabrielMariya: To lead the 🆕 wave of deep-tech innovation, we need the right tools⤵️

✅better access to finance
✅improved rules
✅regional innovation valleys
✅focus on talents & support to women founders
✅clearer policy-making & support to 🇪🇺States



Yes! Today @europarl_en adopted & regulations: 🇪🇺strong, ambitious & global first rulebook of platforms. Now I'm looking forward to the adoption by @EUCouncil Congratulations to all of us 🥳!vcx4W8


RT @EU_Commission: 3 years ago, our legislation on 10 single-use plastic products entered into force.

We either banned them from sale or reduced their consumptions in favour of sustainable alternatives.

Why 10? They were the most often found on our beaches.

© @KarikaturaLv


RT @bfmbusiness: GAFAM: les résultats des directives de la Commission européenne

"Les GAFAM vont devoir changer de modèle économique grâce à la réglementation européenne".

🎙️ @vestager, Vice-présidente exécutive de la Commission européenne


RT @europarlAV: 🔴 Live at ~19:10 CEST

MEPs will debate the (DSA) and (DMA).

The new rules aim to increase the accountability of tech giants and limit their market power.

Follow live 📡➡️


Devastated by the shooting in in . My thoughts go to the victimes and their loved ones in these difficult times. The sense of loss is monumental.
My deepest respect to the work of the police and the emergency services.


Ingen ord dækker. Tak til politiet og alle, der hjælper, i disse svære timer.
RT @KobenhavnPoliti: Hold jer orienteret om situationen via medierne, vær kritisk overfor rygter og følg myndighedernes råd og vejledning


Congratulations @SchaldemoseMEP & @Kira_MPH 🇪🇺❤️🇩🇰
Well done, well deserved!
RT @SchaldemoseMEP: Fik årets MEP Award for mit arbejde for forbrugerbeskyttelse i EU. Det er virkelig både hårdt, vigtigt og op ad bakke at kæmpe for forbrugerne. Ikke mindst online. Ps tillykke til ⁦@Kira_MPH⁩ for prisen for årets unge leder. Fortjent 🙏👍💪


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