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Dit is toch idioot! Iemands dood is andermans brood.

Belachelijk hoe Shell voor miljarden aan oorlogswinst maakt terwijl veel huishouden de rekeningen niet of nauwelijks kunnen betalen!

Tijd voor solidariteitsheffing op dergelijke winsten


De hoogste tijd. Af van het Russische gas.

De bal ligt nu bij de Europese regeringen.


@GhostLimburg3rt Hey, if you don’t understand the concept of windfall profits, you can simply ask. Don’t be afraid

Indeed, asking questions is for you very necessary to pass your economics exam in high school


RT @ReclaimFinance: A good example of why @BlackRock's coal policy is not worth the paper it's written on:

🥇BlackRock is #1 investor in @Glencore which plans to expand its coal capacity by 45M metric tons
🗳️BlackRock voted yes to Glencore's "climate progress" at its


RT @waag: Op 17 en 18 mei organiseert @public_spaces een conferentie in Pakhuis de Zwijger over digitale publieke waarden. Meld je nu aan (gratis) en praat mee met o.a. @mirias @EthanZ @AvHuffelen @jvdijck @bellingcat @kimvsparrentak @paultang


@GhostLimburg3rt You have no clue, right!?

Taxing windfall profits does not raise prices; it skims the profits from price increases



👇 This is what I'm talking about!  

RT @NaomiOhReally: In response to the enery cost crisis Italy has introduced a 25% windfall tax on energy companies, whose revenues have soared due to high market prices.
The extra cash will help fund a €14 billion aid package for consumers and companies that are struggling due to high costs.


While millions are struggling to pay the bill...

Let's tax these windfall profit of energy companies and redistribute their gains!

BP posts highest quarterly earnings in 10 years - via @FT


RT @WouterBooij: Linkse samenwerking.

@Groenlinks: “Do you love me. Do you love me forever. Do you need me. Will you never leave me. I wanna know right know”

@PvdA: “let me sleep on it, baby baby, let me sleep on it.”



Haven score for Guernsey is 98 out of 100

Hey @FT, why do you allow this!?
RT @ft_content: The EU has revised its non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, meaning it may be time to choose a new fund domicile

Partner Content by Guernsey Finance


RT @AlbertoNardelli: EU: ‘paying for gas in roubles would breach sanctions’

Some member states: ‘EU needs to be clearer’

EU: ‘paying for gas in roubles would breach sanctions’

Some member states:


The @EU_Commission argues that Apple's refusal to grant access to the "tap to pay" functionality on its phones created unfair benefit for Apple Pay.

Good step for a fairer payments market!
RT @vestager: Today we have send @Apple a statement of objections. We are concerned that @Apple may have illegally distorted competition in the market for mobile wallets on @Apple devices. Now @Apple can answer our concerns.


@ArnoWellens Now users can login using FB or Google. Where they share their data with these companies. With a neutral ID this stops


Ook in Frankrijk wordt er niet langer gepraat en gedraald maar begint men met linkse samenwerking vanuit equivalent van SP en GroenLinks. Zou nog beter zijn met sociaaldemocraten als verbindende factor!
RT @floorbouma: Witte rook: de Groenen en La France Insoumise gaan bij de parlementsverkiezingen samenwerken onder de tongbreker Nouvelle Union populaire écologiste et sociale. De Socialistische Partij en de Communistische Partij zijn …


Through killer acquisitions Big Tech eats up its competitors and maintains a monopoly position.

This Wednesday Parliament will call on the Commission to block such affronts to a fair play economy


But according to the EU list of tax havens, the British Virgin Islands are a "cooperative jurisdiction"

So nothing to worry about really... ;)

British Virgin Islands premier arrested on drug trafficking charges - via @FT


.@EP_Economics wants a minimum tax for multinationals. No delays. Europeans have already been waiting for for way too long.

Congratulations @AuroreLalucq for getting a broad majority for this proposal. Now all eyes are on @MorawieckiM to end the block!
RT @EP_Economics: Global minimum corporate tax rate: MEPs approve Commission’s main ideas in committee vote @AuroreLalucq


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