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Præcis, fordi det er det grundlæggende i “kvindedrab” og femicide, at visse mænd betragte kvinder som ejendom, de har ret til. Og @VibekeBorberg skriver “mænd, der…” men flokken går amok inden de forstår indskudt sætning
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Vibeke Borberg: Jeg græder i dag over tabet af Mia Skadhauge Stevn, Emilie Meng og alle andre kvinder, der blev dræbt, fordi de var kvinder og stødte ind i mænd, der synes, man må gøre mod kvinder præcis som man vil og slå dem ihjel bagefter.


Re @spiritsEUROPE @FidanzaCarlo @EU_ENV @EP_Agriculture @EUAgri @EP_Environment @europarl_en @Frederiqueries @SchaldemoseMEP Or they get very drunk on the streets of Copenhagen as teenagers and leave the bottle on the sidewalk where it gets smashed to pieces…


Re @callmeaugustxo @KlubVerboten @londonvagabondx @pinkypromiseuk Do you have more info (also about previous campaign) / pressstatement, which you could send me by mail? Especially re accounts still within the EU.. Cc @bloggeronpole


RT Jordan Maris 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 @jmaris
Re @tweets_nika @AlexNie35895895 @echo_pbreyer @GreensEFA @karmel80 There is @je5perl and ITpol who do great work, as well as the @BornHax team


RT Jean Rodesch
European 🇪🇺 Parliament @europarl_en : Under the chairmanship of @AdrianVL1982, meeting this Tuesday at JURI committee @EP_Legal : hearing of 3 great candidates for the @euipo new Executive Director and debate with several MEPs 👍


RT Kristine Clement
Sætter vi ikke ind nu med en ambitiøs plan for at genoprette naturen, vil vi tabe stort til både klima- og biodiversitetskrisen.
@BergurLokke @AndersVistisen @loekkegaard_mep @weisspernille @AsgeriEU, tænk på vores børn og stem for en beboelig klode for dem!


RT Eoghan Walsh
Had a fun time reading a facebook thread of boomers complaining the Brussels commune they grew up in had lost its village feel since their childhood in the '60s and '70s, and had become "unrecognisable".
Now, what major social change could have caused this, I wonder...


RT IPPF European Network
Decriminalisation is vital to protect the health and rights of people who do sex work.
🇪🇺We call on MEPs in @EP_GenderEqual to reject the own initiative when they vote tomorrow.


Hej @Maersk og @IMOHQ How can we ensure the ports have the sufficient infrastructure to receive recycling from ships? Apparently there are problems in Chinese ports regarding this. 1/
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CisNanna: @karmel80 Skibe skal affaldssortere i vildt mange grupper iht international lovgivning. Og så har jeg stået og set på, at havnearbejderne tømte alle skraldespandene op i den samme (åbne, udelte) container. Set det i flere havne i Kina, blandt andet


Re @Maersk @IMOHQ Also how do you ensure that country of the ports have the infrastructure to actually process the recyling materials? And that the "garbage" and recycling sector is not too corrupted and only pretending to do recycling :) 2/2


Hello! If you were flying @Iberia Madrid to Bogotá on 18-20th of June, are you missing your book and white shirt, I am happy to exchange for my blue toiletries bag… it seems missing. person who opened my delayed checked in luggage no interested in my contacts or other toiletries


Re @Iberia Book could have been relevant for me but I don’t read Spanish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe put in to compensate for the weight list from things removed.


Re @MwiWind Den glæder jeg mig til at læse. Tænker umiddelbart vi skal sikre retsstaten internt i eu først. Så vi kan fremtidssikre retsstaten i alle eu lande, gamle som nye.


Re @MwiWind Denne her fra @ETemelkuran er god og fin opfølgningslæsning på @anneapplebaum’s twillight. Hendes pointe om White Noise er interessant ift woke debat


RT  👅 •wo•man🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Re I'm a . BUT...I have been called a all my childhood and had to take oestrogen since the age of 12 because my puberty was going haywire and too masculine for a girl. I absolutely don't want children, nor a love life. So what?


Endnu en gang er jeg imponeret over @maersk, der fik hentet de otte danske sejlere, der havde kollideret med hval og kæntret i Stillehavet


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