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🔎 Ein Kuchenverkauf durch Schüler oder Eltern für die Klassenfahrt oder den Abi-Ball, das hat mittlerweile Tradition in . Neu hingegen ist die aktuell kontrovers diskutierte, mögliche Besteuerung des dabei erzielten Erlöses durch eine neue EU-Regelung. | 1 🥞


RT @EPPGroup: Compromise reached! 👏@JerzyBuzek

Today, the @europarl_en & the EU Member States reached an agreement on new rules that will oblige EU governments to fill their storages ahead of this winter and in the coming year.



RT @afrikaverein: This afternoon, Afrika-Verein and its member companies talked to EU Commissioner for International Partnerships @JuttaUrpilainen about the implementation of the initiative and the role of the European private sector.


RT @EPPGroup: “I ask you to become Moldova's ambassadors in your countries, and call on policymakers to support Moldova in its path to stay part of the free world by joining the world's most successful peace project,” said the President of the Republic of @sandumaiamd to MEPs.


RT @amkarjalainen: Great to see the @EP_Environment vote to keep indirect cost compensation for electro-intensive industry. This is crucial to avoid carbon leakage & provide investment certainty, in particular with today’s unprecedented energy prices.

More by @peterliese:


➡️ More private investment in renewable projects in EU partner countries, good governance, long-term cooperation.
@EPPGroup committed to fast global scaling up of hydrogen economy & phasing out fossil energy. ❌️ NOT part of this plan: @GreensEFA, @Left_EU and right wing MP ❌️


RT @BerlinGestalter: Gratulation an den klaren Sieger der @HendrikWuest! Gute Arbeit zahlt sich aus. hat einen Ministerpräsidenten der modernen gewählt. Der Wählerauftrag ist deutlich: Die gute Regierungsarbeit der @CDUNRW_de soll fortgesetzt werden.


RT @fuecks: Für alle, die meinen, Olaf Scholz macht alles richtig: Der Vertrauensverlust in unsere Politik ist nicht nur in Mittel-Osteuropa mit Händen zu greifen. Mehr + schnellere Lieferung schwerer Waffen, EU-Kandidatenstatus für die Ukraine + Energieembargo gegen RUS sind Prüfsteine.


RT @alina_bondarnk: A mural in Lviv, quoting Zelensky at his inauguration speech: “I don’t want you to have my portrait in your offices, because the president is not an icon or idol. Have there a picture of your children, and look into their eyes before making every decision”
📸 @kalvadosseeker


RT @terischultz: Estonian Premier @kajakallas is exasperated that Vladimir Putin's phone line is so busy.

"If you really want him to get the message that he's isolated," she says, boiling it down. "Don't. Call. Him."


RT @vonderleyen: We need to go even further.

For example, I have always argued that unanimity voting in some key areas no longer makes sense, if we want to move faster.

Europe should also play a greater role in health or defence.


An diesem Europatag stehen Ukrainerinnen & Ukrainer mit ihrem Leben für unsere Werte ein. Dass 🇺🇦 Flagge nicht überall gezeigt werden darf, zeigt einmal mehr die europapolit. Orientierungslosigkeit dieses Senats. @cduberlin @BerlinGestalter @kaiwegner @Ottilie_Klein


RT @juli_anh: Den Kindern in diesem Papppanzer scheint ihre Zukunft in Russland deutlicher vor Augen zu stehen als dem Idioten, der sie in diese Zukunft schiebt.


RT @Europarl_AT: Morgen live ab 12 Uhr: Der Abschlussbericht der Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas wird morgen an die Präsident:innen der EU-Institutionen in Straßburg übergeben.


RT @vonderleyen: Today we discussed with @ZelenskyyUa how to strengthen our support to Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion.

From further financial assistance to keep the economy running & measures to help Ukraine exports, esp. agricultural goods:

@EU_Commission stands by Ukraine.


RT @EU_Commission: On the eve of Europe Day, Ukrainian colours shine on the EU institutions in Brussels.

Millions of Europeans have mobilised to help their neighbours in need.

Europe stands at the side of Ukraine. 🇺🇦


RT @avalaina: None of these people were born for war. But they are all defending our freedom now. Ukrainian defenders, volunteers and medics in AzovStal plant in Mariupol. Save them!!

Photos collages Sonya Matveyeva


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