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Today is .

On this day in 1950, Robert Schuman delivered his famous Declaration – a historic moment in European history that set the foundation for the EU as we know it today.

Only through unity and solidarity are we able to maintain the European project.


"Europe will not be made all at once"

73 years ago, the Schuman Declaration laid the ground for the European project.

Ever since, we have been growing stronger and more united.

We remain resolute in our values, for a better 🇪🇺 Europe and a better 🌎 world for all.


RT @MaltaEmbVienna: Very grateful to @mcaruanagalizia, @lahnabee & @thomasseifert for their participation on the thought-provoking panel after the play on shrinking space of media freedom aptly moderated by @StLiechtenstein @AlainMatton @natmeli


RT @MaltaEmbVienna: in @AkzentT

Tks to the audience for excellent feedback, @euunvie & @EUOSCE for fruitful collaboration & to the entire cast & crew directed by @Earthling70 writer of the moving play -They Blew Her Up- about the murder of


The protection of freedom of expression and the preservation of free, independent and pluralistic media is vital for resilient and healthy democracies and remains a key priority for EU action. This is a universal mission that knows no borders.


Join us at 20:30 on for the live-streamed panel discussion on in times of with @mcaruanagalizia @lahnabee & @thomasseifert moderated by @StLiechtenstein after @Earthling70’s play “They Blew Her Up”



Join us today on for the live-streamed panel discussion on in times of with @mcaruanagalizia @lahnabee & @thomasseifert moderated by @StLiechtenstein after @Earthling70’s play “They Blew Her Up”



Defending and promoting press freedom is a vital and universal mission.

The EU will continue to engage with governments, media, and civil society to strengthen press freedom around the world and to protect media workers.

RT @EUCouncilPress: Statement by @JosepBorellF on behalf of the EU ahead of :
The preservation of free, independent & pluralistic media is vital for democracies.
🇪🇺 condemns all forms of threats & viole…


RT @RasaOstrauskai2: :

❗️Women journalists are vulnerable to threats and attacks, both offline & online.
❗️73% of women journalists have experienced online threats & harassment in the course of their work.
❗️We have never seen as many women journalists in detention as now!


is committed to a sufficient and sustainable resourced @iaeaorg, able to meet its legal obligations, statutory tasks and the increasing demands of Member States under these extraordinary circumstances.
Read EU’s statements delivered here👉


Join us tomorrow on at @AkzentT for "They Blew Her Up" from @Earthling70 followed by an panel discussion on in times of with @mcaruanagalizia @lahnabee & @thomasseifert moderated by @StLiechtenstein


RT @AlainMatton: Spoke this afternoon on @oe24tv about and the joint EU-Malta event on on 3 May @ 19:00

Join us at @AkzentT for the play "They Blew Her Up" from @Earthling70 followed by an interactive panel discussion

Free tickets 👉


Join us next week 3/5 to mark 30th Anniversary of World Day at @AkzentT for the play "They Blew Her Up" from @Earthling70 followed by an interactive panel discussion moderated by @StLiechtenstein

Free tickets can be reserved here 👉


RT @EUOSCE: 🔹 Working Together
🔹 Accountability
🔹 Respect for International Law

Multilateralism means this... and much more.

because the rule of law prevails over the rule of force ⬇


RT @EUatUN: Today is so we asked Youth Delegates to the UN to tell us what multilateralism means to them.

🔊Listen up because ⤵️


RT @EU_UNGeneva: Today we honour the UN Charter and the principles of multilateralism: they are the only means by which we can guarantee the right to peace & prosperity for all people 🌎-wide. Because working together works better for everyone. 🇺🇳 ☮️🤝


& its Member States in Vienna are daily working together w. our partners & like-minded to preserve & strengthen rules-based with @UN at its core. We are its biggest defender not only @UN_Vienna @iaeaorg @ctbto_alerts but also @OSCE
RT @eu_eeas: Only together we can create the best version of the world we want to live in. We stay committed to support the @UN system and an effective & inclusive multilateralism that can …


Join us on 3/5 to mark 30th Anniversary of World Day at @AkzentT in Vienna for "They Blew Her Up" about the murder of Maltese Daphne Caruana Galizia followed by an interactive panel discussion

Free tickets can be reserved here 👉


RT @Amb_Klement_EU: A great pleasure to welcome Ambassador @KhokherAftab and his colleagues of @G77_Vienna at @euunvie for the EU- political dialogue meeting. We had very constructive and fruitful exchanges on current issues on the Vienna multilateral agenda.


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