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RT @Amb_Klement_EU: Very pleased to visit Slovak Nuclear Regulatory Authority for interesting discussions on issues with Marta Žiaková, Chairperson of ÚJD SR and her team, followed by a joint visit of the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant.


RT @MJvanDeelenEU: Today on International Day for Mine Awareness, the calls for a world free from landmines and unexploded remnants of war.

Let’s place human life, dignity and rights at the core of our work and honour the courageous deminers worldwide


RT @Amb_Klement_EU: Very inspiring discussions on & and as well as my experiences of more than 20 years at the interface of & politics with students & professors at @collegeofeurope in Bruges. Happy to meet with my former HRVP & Negotiator @FedericaMog


Today 🇺🇳UN Secretary General @antonioguterres joined the European Council to discuss the importance of EU-UN cooperation to tackle pressing global challenges. They underlined a shared commitment to multilateralism with the @UN at its core.

Full readout 🔗!X7CXrW


RT @Amb_Klement_EU: Happy to welcome @UNIDO @DGgerdmueller at today’s EU HoMs meeting to discuss ways to further strengthen the EU-UNIDO cooperation which now spreads to more than 100 countries in four continents


.@CTBTO briefs EU on implementation of EU Council Decision VIII in support of ’s monitoring/verification system & capacity-building activities. EU will continue its extra-budgetary contributions, which is €30mio to date, until the universalisation & entry into force of CTBT


At session today, EU expressed support for capacity building in law and policy and appreciated @UNOOSA’s capacity building activities especially for new space actors and emerging space nations.



RT @enriquemora_: I congratulated him on his re-election as IAEA Director General. We all feel we are in the right hands when it comes to serious issues such as nuclear safety, non-proliferation or the independence of a crucial UN agency. DG Grossi has excelled on all that.


3/3 EU’s steadfast political and financial support to @CTBTO continues, with important capacity building and training activities in various regions funded through EU Council Decision VIII. See the EU Statement here:!nWD3kH


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2/3 It is crucial that all States fully observe the moratorium on nuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosion and refrain from any action contrary to the object and purpose of the Treaty.


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1/3 At @CTBTO WGB60 EU reiterates that efforts to promote and facilitate signature and ratification of remain a top priority for the EU and calls upon the remaining eight Annex II States to sign and ratify the Treaty without any preconditions or further delay.


With the new EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence, we are increasing our resilience and preparedness to react to space threats, and strengthen cooperation with partners to promote responsible behaviours in outer-space.


Read here the EU Statement at @iaeaorg Board of Governors on the appointment of @rafaelmgrossi as Director General!693j6h


RT @Amb_Klement_EU: I warmly congratulate @rafaelmgrossi on his re-appointment as the @iaeaorg Director General. Let us continue the excellent EU-IAEA cooperation


Russia has put in danger safety & security of ’s nuclear sites. Russia must leave the . We encourage all @iaeaorg Member States to scrutinize their projects & activities and avoid cooperation with those violating international law


RT @CKokkinakis: Delighted to co-chair with Director J-L Lemahieu the ⁦@UNODC⁩ senior officials meeting in The fight ag & organized crime remains a priority for the Respect of the is key for achieving @eu_eeas⁩ ⁦⁦@Amb_Klement_EU⁩


RT @Amb_Klement_EU: EU remains concerned on absence of progress from to clarify outstanding safeguards issues & commends @iaeaorg DG @rafaelmgrossi in this regard
It is crucial that Iran provides technically credible explanations & implements actions agreed in their Joint Statement of 4/3/2023


EU Statement at Board of Governors on the Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of (6-10 March 2023) 👉!tj9f8P


EU urges the to stop its unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile activities and return to full compliance with its obligations under the UN Security Council Resolutions, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and @iaeaorg safeguards

EU Statement 👉!XYHqv8


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