Tomorrow a key debate on member states’ deteriorating willingness to secure the right to asylum. A disgrace that NGOs are criminalised while Member States violate their obligation to rescue people in distress. EU must prioritize SAR operations and coordinate safe disembarkation.
In the plenary, Commissioner Reynders is now paving the way for backtracking on freezing budget to Hungary. On top of that, Orban will get recovery money. If this will happen, EU has bowed for blackmail and sold Europe’s values.
On my way to the EP Strasbourg session, where rule of law and human rights are a thread in key debates: freezing funds to Hungary; conditions for candidate countries; Italy’s refusal to disembark rescued migrants; the devastating human rights crises in Afghanistan, Iran and Libya
Indeed, these evasive answers on clear questions about the violations of the Reception Conditions Directive in an increasing number of Member States, shows that Commission prefers endless ‘dialogues’ to enforcing compliance with the rules. A Guardian of the Treaty unworthy.
RT @FreekSpinnewij1: Why not just answer the Qs?! @YlvaJohansson
Would look something like 👇
✅EC has no clue how many asylum seekers are without accommodatio…
Besides, to organise solidarity within the EU instead of shifting responsibility for refugees outside Europe. 2/2
Very telling about the priorities of the Council, as it aims to increase the role of Frontex in third countries. The priority should be to address the serious human rights problems within the Agency instead of expanding its power. 1/2
RT @yashar: Even though there's been a ton of attention on social media to the revolution in Iran, people still think it's all about the headscarf.
It's's about so much more.
@NazaninBoniadi explains...
A large majority of the European Parliament does not deem rule of law reforms in Hungary sufficient to release EU funds. The Commission @vonderleyen should take note!
RT @petrisarvamaa: Next week @EU_Commission will evaluate state of play of the Rule of Law in Hungary and EU funds. On behalf of @EPPGroup I say clearly: Hungary is not removing the breaches of the rule of law. All measures that were promised are not in place and wor…
Luister hier waarom meer binnengrens-controles in Schengen de Europese samenwerking bedreigt en geen enkel probleem oplost. Beter samenwerken in plaats van bruggen ophalen. #BNR
The EP negotiators on the Conditionality Regulation warn Commission and Council not to withdraw the proposals to freeze the budget for Hungary. Hungary’s plans will not restore the rule of law. Don’t kill the precious instrument to protect our citizens.
RT @TomvanderLee: “Nederland & EU moeten Iran veel harder aanpakken!”
Bijgaand ‘n blogje waarin ik namens @groenlinks uiteenzet aan welke specifieke sancties wij denken. Ook omdat ‘t Iraanse parlement de wrede doodstrafroute opent voor mensen die protesteren.
Belgie veroordeeld door Mensenrechtenhof vanwege het niet opvangen van asielzoekers. Belangrijke waarschuwing voor Nederlandse regering.
RT @ECHR_CEDH: Msallem and 147 Others v. Belgium - Interim measure concerning 148 homeless asylum-seekers
RT @Bijan63: Dit is Zainab Rahimi, vrouwenrechtenactiviste in Afghanistan.
Ze werd vorige week ontvoerd door de #Taliban.
Eerder nam ze deze video op voor Iraanse vrouwen:“Geef nooit toe aan onderdrukking & tirannie. Je bent dicht bij d overwinning.”
Wees svp haar stem
RT @giacomo_zando: I am honoured to share @StatewatchEU virtual stage with MEP @Tineke_Strik and @luisaizuz from @fragdenstaat. Friends and colleagues covering transparency and EU migration policies, do register to this Thursday's online event.
Nu de asieldeal is beklonken, is het hoog tijd dat @StasJenV zich verantwoordt in het Europees Parlement. Onrechtmatig uitstel van gezinshereniging heeft ook Europese gevolgen. Toch reageert hij al zes weken niet op uitnodiging vakcommissie.
The Iranian regime even posts security forces in hospitals to identify and arrest injured protesters. Protesting doctors are now brutally targeted. This regime is sicker than sick.
RT @boell_eu: 🟢 17/11, 17:00 CET! Join our online event with @StatewatchEU: Secrecy & the externalisation of EU #migration control: #Bosnia & Herzegovina, #Morocco & #Niger 🚧🛑
With @Tineke_Strik @luisaizuz & @giacomo_zando
Register now:
#MigrationEU @BoellStiftung
Just confirmed: @OHR_BiH will come to the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee on 30 November.
I will repeat my call on him to retract his electoral law changes.
Any changes to BiH's electoral system need to abolish discrimination, not further entrench it.
Read the full response by OLAF and publicly available version of the report here 👇
BREAKING: Following the de facto publication by @derspiegel a couple of weeks ago, OLAF has now finally approved my request for public access to the Frontex report. This means the report is now also officially available for the public and can be used for democratic follow up.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member European Parliament @GroenLinks @GreensEFA • Asylum, Migration, Rule of Law, Human Rights • Professor Citizenship and Migration Law Radboud University