Croatia is a model for the absorbtion of EU funds. @HDZ_HR Government, under the leadership of Prime Minister @andrejplenkovic, managed to absorb money better and quicker than most EU member states. 1/2
Picture of the week.
Source: @WhiteHouse
Standing with #Ukraine
Today in #Brussels
Thank you, brave people of Ukraine, for the fight you are fighting!
Today marks one year since the start of #Russia's war in #Ukraine.
A year since Ukrainians have started fighting a heroic struggle, defending their country’s territory and defending our European values. 1/2
#Romania will always be #Moldova’s number one supporter. The security risks are common, the solutions can only be common.
RT @RevencoAna: RO has always been an exceptional partner of MD. All the democratic mechanisms operating today in MD, including border security and risks management, involve cooperation with RO.
Thank you, @SMuresan!
Siguranța Moldovei este esențială pentru siguranța UE.
De aceea, mă implic pentru ca UE să susțină eforturile Moldovei de securizare a frontierelor, combaterea traficului ilegal și gestionarea pericolelor.
@RevencoAna,🇲🇩ministrul Afacerilor Interne, merită tot sprijinul nostru.
Moldova's safety is very important for the safety of EU.
That is why I work to make sure #EU supports all #Moldova’s efforts to secure borders, combat illegal trafficking & manage all the dangers that arise.
@RevencoAna, 🇲🇩Minister of Internal Affairs, deserves our full support.
To better help #Moldova & its citizens, we need to know what the country’s financial needs are & where #EU support is most needed.
I spoke about this today with the 🇲🇩Minister of Finance, Veronica Sirețeanu, along with colleagues from @EP_Budgets & @EP_Trade.
The pro-European majority in the @Parliament_RM has great merit for the political stability in the country.
For 1,5 years, this pro-European majority has supported all important measures that have led to the implementation of reforms, bringing Moldova closer to the #EU.
The new Prime Minister of Moldova @receand has already gotten to work.
We met with him today, alongside MEP colleagues from @EP_Budgets & @EP_Trade. @europarl_en will work to urgently approve the €145 mil. macro-financial assistance for #Moldova. 1/2
Ei sunt tineri din Republica #Moldova care studiază în România. La Cluj, Sibiu, Galați, Suceava, Alba-Iulia, Constanța, Timișoara sau București. Toți cred în Europa. Pentru ei trebuie să aducem Republica Moldova cât mai repede în #UE.
These are young people from the Republic of #Moldova who study in Romania - Cluj, Sibiu, Galati, Suceava, Alba-Iulia, Constanta, Timisoara and Bucharest. They all believe in Europe. It is for them that we must bring Moldova to the #EU as soon as possible.
Prime Minister, the people of #Moldova have chosen the European path.
We, as European Union, will stand with you.
We will provide all support needed and we will overcome difficulties together.
RT @receand: It was good seeing a good friend of #Moldova, @SMuresan.
We have discussed our @GuvernulRMD agenda, #Moldova’s commitment to comprehensive reforms & our EU accession process.
Thanked also for @europarl_en’s continuous support along this way.
Today, I wished succes to the Prime Minister of the Republic of #Moldova, @receand. The European Union will continue to stand with the citizens of Moldova and to help the Moldovan Government whenever needed.
Russia does not want the Republic of #Moldova to modernize and integrate into the #EU and that is why it is trying to destabilize the situation in Chisinau, I said last night, for PRO TV Chisinau. 1/2
We have just adopted, at the #Euronest Assembly in Chisinau, a resolution calling on the @EU_Commission and the @EUCouncil to take the necessary steps to start accession negotiations with the Republic of #Moldova and #Ukraine by the end of this year. 1/2
Națiunile europene trebuie să se unească și să ajute #Ucraina să câștige acest război - acesta a fost mesajul președintei Republicii #Moldova, @sandumaiamd, la reuniunea de astăzi a Adunării parlamentare #Euronest de la Chișinău.
European states must unite and help #Ukraine win this war - this was the key message of the President of the Republic of #Moldova, @sandumaiamd, at today's #Euronest Parliamentary Assembly meeting in #Chisinau.
Europe is in Moldova.
These days, the largest parliamentary meeting that the Republic of Moldova has ever hosted is taking place in #Chisinau - the #Euronest Assembly.
We are here with a large group of MEPs & parliamentarians from #Ukraine, #Moldova, #Georgia & #Azerbaijan.
Romania is and will always be the biggest supporter of the Republic of #Moldova. Now, more than ever, we need to help the citizens of Moldova.
This morning I discussed how we can better support Moldova with Cristian-Leon Țurcanu, Romanian Ambassador in Moldova.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament. Vice-President of @EPP. Vice-Chair of @EPPGroup. Chair of @europarl_en Moldova Delegation. Member @EP_Budgets + @EP_Economics