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Croatia is a model for the absorbtion of EU funds. @HDZ_HR Government, under the leadership of Prime Minister @andrejplenkovic, managed to absorb money better and quicker than most EU member states. 1/2


Thank you, brave people of Ukraine, for the fight you are fighting!

Today marks one year since the start of 's war in .

A year since Ukrainians have started fighting a heroic struggle, defending their country’s territory and defending our European values. 1/2


will always be ’s number one supporter. The security risks are common, the solutions can only be common.
RT @RevencoAna: RO has always been an exceptional partner of MD. All the democratic mechanisms operating today in MD, including border security and risks management, involve cooperation with RO.
Thank you, @SMuresan!


Siguranța Moldovei este esențială pentru siguranța UE.
De aceea, mă implic pentru ca UE să susțină eforturile Moldovei de securizare a frontierelor, combaterea traficului ilegal și gestionarea pericolelor.
@RevencoAna,🇲🇩ministrul Afacerilor Interne, merită tot sprijinul nostru.


Moldova's safety is very important for the safety of EU.

That is why I work to make sure supports all ’s efforts to secure borders, combat illegal trafficking & manage all the dangers that arise.
@RevencoAna, 🇲🇩Minister of Internal Affairs, deserves our full support.


To better help & its citizens, we need to know what the country’s financial needs are & where support is most needed.

I spoke about this today with the 🇲🇩Minister of Finance, Veronica Sirețeanu, along with colleagues from @EP_Budgets & @EP_Trade.


The pro-European majority in the @Parliament_RM has great merit for the political stability in the country.

For 1,5 years, this pro-European majority has supported all important measures that have led to the implementation of reforms, bringing Moldova closer to the .


The new Prime Minister of Moldova @receand has already gotten to work.

We met with him today, alongside MEP colleagues from @EP_Budgets & @EP_Trade. @europarl_en will work to urgently approve the €145 mil. macro-financial assistance for . 1/2


Ei sunt tineri din Republica care studiază în România. La Cluj, Sibiu, Galați, Suceava, Alba-Iulia, Constanța, Timișoara sau București. Toți cred în Europa. Pentru ei trebuie să aducem Republica Moldova cât mai repede în .


These are young people from the Republic of who study in Romania - Cluj, Sibiu, Galati, Suceava, Alba-Iulia, Constanta, Timisoara and Bucharest. They all believe in Europe. It is for them that we must bring Moldova to the as soon as possible.


Prime Minister, the people of have chosen the European path.
We, as European Union, will stand with you.
We will provide all support needed and we will overcome difficulties together.
RT @receand: It was good seeing a good friend of , @SMuresan.

We have discussed our @GuvernulRMD agenda, ’s commitment to comprehensive reforms & our EU accession process.

Thanked also for @europarl_en’s continuous support along this way.


Today, I wished succes to the Prime Minister of the Republic of , @receand. The European Union will continue to stand with the citizens of Moldova and to help the Moldovan Government whenever needed.


Russia does not want the Republic of to modernize and integrate into the and that is why it is trying to destabilize the situation in Chisinau, I said last night, for PRO TV Chisinau. 1/2


We have just adopted, at the Assembly in Chisinau, a resolution calling on the @EU_Commission and the @EUCouncil to take the necessary steps to start accession negotiations with the Republic of and by the end of this year. 1/2


Națiunile europene trebuie să se unească și să ajute să câștige acest război - acesta a fost mesajul președintei Republicii , @sandumaiamd, la reuniunea de astăzi a Adunării parlamentare de la Chișinău.


European states must unite and help win this war - this was the key message of the President of the Republic of , @sandumaiamd, at today's Parliamentary Assembly meeting in .


Europe is in Moldova.

These days, the largest parliamentary meeting that the Republic of Moldova has ever hosted is taking place in - the Assembly.

We are here with a large group of MEPs & parliamentarians from , , & .


Romania is and will always be the biggest supporter of the Republic of . Now, more than ever, we need to help the citizens of Moldova.

This morning I discussed how we can better support Moldova with Cristian-Leon Țurcanu, Romanian Ambassador in Moldova.


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