Vicepreședintele executiv pentru Pactul verde european, @TimmermansEU, se va afla mâine, 31 martie, în vizită la București, pentru a se întâlni cu reprezentanți ai guvernului și cu părți interesate în vederea discutării #EUGreenDeal.
I met with @dragu_anca from the 🇷🇴 Senate. We discussed the need for gender balance in political leadership. It leads to:
➡️ an anti-discrimination & anti-sexist culture
➡️better policies
➡️A strengthened democracy
📢#CohesionPolicy➡️€166 million to upgrade the water & wastewater infrastructure in 4 counties in Romania 🇷🇴.
This support will contribute to:
✅sustainable development of the area
✅job creation
✅improving the life of citizens
RT @EUinmyRegion: Increasing access to quality🚰 by improving the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in Călărași, Giurgiu, Ialomița and Ilfov counties in #Romania🇷🇴 with the support of €166 million from the 🇪🇺#CohesionPolicy⤵️
#EUinmyRegion #environment
RT @vonderleyen: Our relationship with China is one of the most intricate and important.
How we manage it will be a determining factor for our future economic prosperity and national security ↓
European companies are leaders in net-zero innovation.
But manufacturing often moves outside Europe, China being the largest producer of all mass-manufactured clean tech.
Our Net Zero Industry Act aims to keep European companies in Europe.
Equal work deserves equal pay.
And for equal pay, you need transparency.
Women must know whether their employers treat them fairly.
And when this is not the case, they must have the power to fight back and get what they deserve.
RT @vonderleyen: I welcome the political agreement reached by the EP and Council on our new rules for more ambition and faster roll-out of renewables.
This will help us progress towards climate neutrality, strengthen our energy security and boost our competitiveness - all at once.
Europe is starting 'Fit for 55' implementation to deliver the #EUGreenDeal.
Yesterday, we welcomed the agreement between the @europarl_en and @EUCouncil on stricter CO2 emissions for new cars and vans.
All new cars and vans registered in Europe will be zero-emission by 2035.
Comisia salută acordul politic la care au ajuns Parlamentul European și Consiliul pentru a spori numărul stațiilor de reîncărcare electrică și de realimentare cu hidrogen accesibile public.
Comisia a publicat ieri, 27 martie, indicele competitivității regionale (ICR), o versiune complet revizuită a unui instrument deja consacrat care măsoară diferite dimensiuni ale competitivității pentru toate regiunile UE.
Comisia salută angajamentele asumate de șapte organizații de a sprijini Inițiativa privind talentele în domeniul tehnologiei profunde a Institutului European de Inovare și Tehnologie (EIT).
Astăzi, am lansat prima ediție a Zilei autorilor europeni!
Obiectivul Zilei autorilor europeni este să pună în lumină tot ceea ce poate oferi literatura europeană unui public tânăr și să stimuleze interesul tinerilor pentru lectură.
We are investing in a greener, more sustainable Europe:
→ €28 million for the Growth Blue I fund in Portugal 🇵🇹.
→ €150 million in InvestEU guarantees for projects by @EBRD to support green mobility and energy in 🇧🇬🇭🇷🇨🇿🇪🇪🇬🇷🇭🇺🇱🇻🇱🇹🇵🇱🇷🇴🇸🇰🇸🇮.
Learn more ↓
#CoalRegionsWBUA 👉!TYWHMr
RT @Energy4Europe: Stakeholder engagement 🤝 is a must when preparing for a #JustTransition, but how to do it in practice?
Join our #CoalRegionsWBUA webinar 💻 to learn from practitioners from #JiuValley 🇷🇴 and 🇨🇿 at 15.00 (CEST) on 30/3.
Info & registration:
Keep your friends close and your books even closer.
Today we celebrate for the first time the Day of European Authors!
Join us and discover the EU diversity in literature by sharing an image of a book by your favourite European author.
#ReadWithEurope @europe_creative
To the people of Syria and Türkiye: we care, and we are here to help.
This week, we have raised €7 billion for the people affected by the devastating earthquakes.
#TeamEurope contributed to this pledge with €3.6 billion.
RT @EU_Commission: The lights are off tonight at our headquarters, in support of #EarthHour.
Every year, the world's largest environmental movement @earthhour reminds us that small actions can make a great difference for our planet.
Turn your lights off and join us!
RT @vonderleyen: Tonight the @EU_Commission joins millions across the globe and switches off the lights for our planet.
#EarthHour shows how powerful our individual gestures can be, if we act collectively.
Together, we can make a impact.
Together, we can tackle climate change.
I will highlight 4 topics, 4 challenges we have to address as a Union:
→ Speeding up to climate neutrality
→ Supporting Ukraine
→ Strengthening our competitiveness
→ Managing migration
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Reprezentanţa Comisiei Europene în România. European Commission Representation in Romania