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Humbled by my exchange with the Ukrainian troops and full of admiration for their bravery & determination.

Words and applause are not enough. We must continue providing them with the means to continue their fight against Russia.

Through & , we will continue to do so.


RT @CHIRIACRamona1: 💜 De , ne alăturăm campaniei 🇷🇴.

UE🇪🇺 s-a angajat să îmbunătățească situația socială & economică a persoanelor cu dizabilități, pe baza Tratatului privind funcționarea UE și a Cartei drepturilor fundamentale a UE.


UE a făcut încă un pas important în direcția îndeplinirii obiectivelor programului său spațial pentru perioada 2021-2027 prin semnarea unui nou contract de servicii de lansare a sateliților Sentinel Copernicus cu compania Arianespace.



CE a adoptat programele Fondului european pentru afaceri maritime, pescuit și acvacultură pentru România și Grecia.
Fondurile alocate României însumează 232 milioane EUR pentru următorii șase ani, din care contribuția UE reprezintă 162,4 milioane EUR.


RT @CHIRIACRamona1: With @DanaSpinant, my fellow European and Romanian, so proud to serve together under our European stars! 🇪🇺🇹🇩 Thank you for your work, dear Dana!


Strategia europeană 2.0 privind dronele se bazează pe cadrul de siguranță al UE pentru operarea dronelor și stabilirea cerințelor tehnice aplicabile acestora, care este cel mai avansat din lume.


RT @vonderleyen: During my phone call with @ZelenskyyUa today, I expressed EU solidarity with Ukraine in the face of Russia’s criminal attacks on civilian infrastructure.

@EU_Commission is stepping up support, including with partners, to support the restoration of power and heat in Ukraine.


RT @CHIRIACRamona1: ️🎉So happy to be back for our annual meeting! As Heads of Reps, we play a big role, as b/w MS &🇪🇺, as ambassadors of our 🇪🇺community, as grassroots workers for & unity!
📸Here with my colleague @AnneCalteux. Thank you, dear @PiaAhrenkilde!


RT @NatashaBertaud: VP @MargSchinas: “ enlargement means more control not less.

Those who doubt that Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria are ready to join Schengen should think again. They are.”


RT @vonderleyen: 90 years after the Holodomor, the Kremlin is again using food as a weapon.

We stand with Ukraine to guarantee global food security.

Under President @ZelenskyyUa's Grain from Ukraine initiative, the @EU_Commission will pay to ship 40,000 tons of Ukrainian grain via two boats.


for and ice monitoring

During the last weekend, record snowfall occurred in North America

⬇️Buffalo 🇺🇸 was snow-buried ❄️ because of the so-called "Lake effect"

🇪🇺🛰️ image of 22 November


, spunem „NU” violenței împotriva femeilor & fetelor!
🧡Ne alăturăm campaniei internaționale și reafirmăm angajamentul nostru de a preveni, respinge & condamna toate actele de violență împotriva femeilor & fetelor.


The day we put an end to indifference and impunity.
The day all women and girls can live their lives free of fear.
Safe from violence.
That’s the day we will live in a truly equal world.


RT @JosepBorrellF: We have a deal!

Very pleased to announce that Chief Negotiators of & under EU-facilitation have agreed on measures to avoid further escalation and to fully concentrate on the proposal on normalisation of their relations.


RT @JosepBorrellF: Strongly condemn ’s renewed criminal attacks against civilians & critical infrastructure in Ukraine: massive blackouts, also in Moldova. Depriving millions of electricity, water &heating during winter is cruel & inhuman. EU's support to Ukraine & Moldova continues unabated


Ne bucurăm de fiecare dată când ne întâlnim cu reprezentanții centrelor Europe Direct din 🇷🇴.

Astăzi i-am avut alături de noi pentru a discuta aplicat despre teme de comunicare europeană, media socială și planuri viitoare pentru a aduce Europa mai aproape de cetățeni. 🇪🇺🇪🇺


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