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RT @EU_Competition: Commission 🇪🇺 approves €200 million Romanian 🇷🇴 scheme to support processors of agricultural products in the context of Russia's war against 🔗


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RT @EU_reforms: 🗓️This week around 40 Romanian authorities participated in our capacity building training on delivering on priority investments to support Romania implement its 🇪🇺🇷🇴


În ajunul Zilei europene a sensibilizării cu privire la antibiotice (EAAD), un sondaj paneuropean vizând rezistența la antimicrobiene arată că jumătate dintre europeni continuă să creadă, în mod incorect, că antibioticele ucid virusurile.



RT @YlvaJohansson: Today I present a Communication on a stronger with full participation of Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania.

It is high time to say welcome.
It is high time to say;
Добре дошли ! 🇧🇬
Dobrodošli ! 🇭🇷
Bine ați venit ! 🇷🇴

My statement:


Comisia Europeană 🇪🇺 solicită Consiliului să ia fără întârziere deciziile necesare pentru a permite României 🇷🇴, Bulgariei 🇧🇬 și Croației 🇭🇷 să adere pe deplin la spațiul .



RT @EU_Commission: Romania 🇷🇴

The country has high-quality and strong border management, including border surveillance and international police cooperation.

The Schengen Information System is well established with effective structures in place respecting the principle of 'non-refoulement'.


RT @EU_Commission: Hrvatska je spremna!
България е готова!
România este pregătită!

We call on the @EUCouncil to take the necessary decisions to allow Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia to become full Schengen members.

Their citizens must enjoy the full benefits of Schengen without further delay ↓


RT @EU_reforms: Kick-off meeting for support to in 🇷🇴.
🤝We support @MEnergiei and @MIPE_Romania, w/ @WorldBankECA, in their efforts to identify the most suitable and investments for phasing out dependencies on fossil fuel imports from Russia.


RT @EU_Commission: This week, the meets to discuss:

🔹Proposal of enlarging the benefits of Schengen area to Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia


RT @vonderleyen: Alarmed by reports of an explosion in Poland, following a massive Russian missile strike on Ukrainian cities.

I extend my condolences and my strongest message of support and solidarity with Poland and our Ukrainian friends.


RT @vonderleyen: While G20 leaders were meeting and calling for the war to end, Russia conducted massive strikes against Ukraine.

With G7 and NATO partners, we condemn these brutal acts.

We also offer full support to Poland and assistance with the investigation on the explosion at the border.


RT @JosepBorrellF: In contact with partners on the explosion in Poland that killed two people.

The EU expresses heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.

Dozens of missiles targeted Ukraine today. Full solidarity with Poland and Ukraine.


RT @vonderleyen: NATO and G7 leaders condemn Russia’s barbaric attacks on cities and infrastructure in Ukraine.

We stand in solidarity with Poland after the explosion at its border.

As the investigation proceeds, we stay in close contact with our partners on next steps.

We stand united.


Ieri, 14 noiembrie, Parlamentul European și Consiliul Uniunii Europene, la propunerea Comisiei Europene, au ajuns la un acord cu privire la bugetul UE pentru 2023.



RT @dumicf: Reprezentanța Comisiei Europene în România @RCERomania a organizat azi,11 noiembrie,tradiționala campanie – Caravana „Da, ne pasă!",ediția a XV-a.Obiectivul campaniei, spune D-na,@CHIRIACRamona1 ,este prezentarea unor proiecte românești de succes,finanțate de Uniunea Europeană.


Declarație comună - 1 miliard de euro mobilizat pentru culoarele de solidaritate în vederea sporirii securității alimentare la nivel mondial și a asigurării unor resurse vitale pentru economia Ucrainei



RT @vonderleyen: My deepest condolences to Türkiye and the Turkish people after the brutal attack that claimed lives in Istanbul yesterday.

My thoughts are with the families of the victims.


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