Sistemul de iluminat public, instituțiile de învățământ eficiente energetic și rețeaua urbană de drumuri reabilitată cresc calitatea vieții locuitorilor din regiunea Sud-Vest Oltenia, la Călimănești🇷🇴, cu sprijinul financiar al 🇪🇺.
RT @JanezLenarcic: #Moldova's progress in building up its civil protection capabilities is inspiring.
In Chișinău today, I hence handed over the 🇪🇺 pathway to @RevencoAna inviting 🇲🇩 to join the #EUCivilProtectionMechanism as to further strengthen Europe’s disaster management.
#JiuValley’s facility for reskilling miners 👷♀️👷♂️ to work with #renewables ⚡ was among the highlights of the recent exchange between #JustTransition stakeholders from 🇷🇸 and 🇷🇴.
More: ▶!DfQbgH #CoalRegionsWBUA
Russia is yet again targeting innocent Ukrainian civilians in their sleep.
This piece of shrapnel from a 500kg heavy bomb was collected from the ruins of a school.
There will be no impunity. All will be held to account.
We want to make learning mobility more accessible in the EU.
This weekend a panel of European citizens will meet in Brussels to provide us with recommendations to open up more opportunities for learners, educators, and trainers.
Have your say by taking part in our EU Survey ↓
🇲🇩🤝🇪🇺 Today, Moldova starts its path to join the #EUCivilProtection Mechanism.
By becoming a Participating State, Moldova will reinforce its ability to respond to emergencies and disasters, while benefiting from the support and solidarity of the EU.
📸: Alături de reprezentanți ai autorităților publice locale & centrale și reprezentanți ai societății civile la sediul @EU_Commission 🇪🇺, în cadrul unei vizite organizate cu sprijinul @RCERomania.
📌Subiectele abordate: tranziția justă și comunitățile de energie în 🇷🇴&🇪🇺⚡️.
A treia reuniune a grupului de dezbatere al cetățenilor privind mobilitatea în scop educațional are loc în perioada 28-30 aprilie la Bruxelles.
Participă la conferința #ClearWriting – un limbaj clar & simplu pentru democrație în UE.
🎦 23-24 mai, online, live de la Bruxelles
➡️ înscrie-te ACUM, GRATUIT, până pe 15 mai
RT @EU_reforms: Over the last years we worked w/ @OECD & @ConsConRo to build a licensing and regulatory environment in 🇧🇪for the benefit of workers, businesses & investors. This #reform culminated w/ the Single Industrial Law for manufacturing and industrial activities👉
We are taking a major step towards joint purchasing of gas in the EU.
From today, companies can register their gas purchase needs on the AggregateEU platform.
We will pool our demand and use our collective bargaining power to improve prices for consumers.
RT @EU_Commission: We are stronger when we act in unity and solidarity.
Today, we are launching the first call for companies to buy gas at EU level.
It is a key step to filling our gas storage for next wint…
Today we propose new economic governance rules.
We need sound public finances to build clean, competitive economies and sustain our social model.
This means reducing public debt with improved national ownership and better enforcement.
Looking forward to their swift adoption.
Today we propose a major pharmaceuticals reform:
→ A single market for medicines: affordable, accessible, available for all, everywhere
→ A framework for easier, speedier innovation and a competitive industry
→ An initiative to tackle antimicrobial resistance…
RT @EU_Commission: We want medicine to be more accessible, available, and affordable.
Our #EUPharmaStrategy legislative reform proposes a single market of medicines that:
🔸 is patient-centric
🔹 fost…
Congratulations, @oliverroepke, on your election as President of the @EU_EESC.
The strong alliance the EESC nurtures between trade unions, employers, and civil society is a bond built on cooperation and solidarity.
It strengthens our society and the EU.
Last week, stakeholders from 🇷🇸 visited 🇷🇴 to see the variety of solutions that #JiuValley applies on its way towards #JustTransition. An #SME employing former miners 👷♀️👷♂️ is just one example! 👏
Learn more about #CoalRegionsWBUA ▶!DfQbgH
RT @CHIRIACRamona1: 🎉Felicitări, Asociaţia ARA [Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie]! 🇷🇴
Asociația a primit primul premiu Costa Carras European Citizens Award🇪🇺, ptr. activitatea sa exemplară în mobiliz. cetățenilor ptr. promovarea & protejarea patrimoniului de la Roșia Montană!
📸: Asociația ARA
Here they are 📺⬇️. The first batch of very large #platforms & #search engines that will have to comply with our new 🇪🇺 internet rules including:
👉 Removing #illegal content
👉 Increasing #algorithm transparency
👉 Checking #ID of #marketplace sellers
Today we are providing another €1.5 billion to Ukraine under our annual macro-financial assistance package.
We will continue helping Ukraine resist Russia’s aggression, keep its institutions and infrastructure running, and conduct crucial reforms.
Astăzi, Comisia lansează primul proces prin care întreprinderile europene își pot înregistra necesarul de achiziționare de gaze prin intermediul mecanismului #AggregateEU, ptr. a se pregăti pentru achiziționarea în comun de gaze la nivelul UE.
Comisia alocă 106,2 milioane EUR Germaniei, Belgiei, Franței, Italiei, Luxemburgului, Portugaliei, României și Turciei pentru dezvoltarea noii capacități de echipe medicale de urgență (EMT) a rescEU.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Reprezentanţa Comisiei Europene în România. European Commission Representation in Romania