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Happy !

Young people have brought climate activism to a new level. They campaign tirelessly to make European laws better. Young people know that they will suffer the effects of the climate crisis. That is why policy-makers should listen to them.


In Brazil, Indigenous land & those who dare to defend the environment & Indigenous communities are in danger.

On , we call for measures to ensure that EU trade doesn't contribute to abuse!


Reconnecting with nature can help to remind ourselves that we are not separate from it.

The EU has a responsibility not only to protect nature but also to restore what’s already been damaged.

Sign up to receive updates on our campaign:


"As strong supporters of multilingualism and cultural diversity, our group has always supported that Catalan becomes an official language of the EU."
- @SkaKeller

We welcome request by Spain to adopt Catalan as a working language in @europarl_en. 👇


One month ago, the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of immediately granting candidate status to .

On this , our message is: Ukraine belongs in the European Union! We must work united for peace.


Today, humanity has used all the biological resources for the year.

We must put words into real actions to tackle the ecological emergency: reduce emissions, preserve the environment, decarbonise economies & implement an ecological transition.


Have you been catcalled this summer?

It shouldn’t depend how high the temperatures are or what you wear: sexual harassment is never okay.

After years of campaigning, @EU_Commission has proposed an EU law to end gender-based violence.

Read more:


RT @TerryReintke: What a day. What a sight. What a moment of hope. 🌈

Thousands marching outside the Hungarian Parliament for their rights. Despite unbearable heat.

The message is clear:

We will not go away.
We will stand our ground.
And no matter how long it might take, we will succeed.



RT @gruffat_claude: is in danger. This land of indigenous peoples is threatened by mining, by , by

I call for a moratorium on
🌾 Soya
🪵 wood
👑 gold

As long as they continue to participate in deforestation and forest destruction.


RT @gruffat_claude: 🇧🇷 En Amazonie, j'ai pu voir de mes propres yeux l'ampleur des dégâts sur la forêt.
🌾⛏L'agriculture intensive et l'orpaillage illégal grignotent toujours plus la terre ancestrale des autochtones, qui est le poumon de notre planète 🌎
✊ Cette folie doit cesser !


RT @anna_cavazzini: Illegal gold mining in the Amazon, often on indigenous land, increased sharply under Bolsonaro.

People in the indigenous communities suffer from mercury poisoning because the mines pollute the river. It is heartbreaking.

A lot of this gold ends up in Europe. This must stop!


RT @MicheleRivasi: 🇧🇷
Nous avons rencontré @caetanoscade, l’ONG Saúde e Alegria, qui mène un excellent travail auprès des peuples autochtones et des communautés dans le bassin du fleuve Tapajós (ici, avec la communauté d'Urucureá Rio Arapiuns, connue pour ses tissages)


This week, @anna_cavazzini, @MicheleRivasi & @gruffat_claude have been travelling down the Tapajos river in Brazil.

The river, the rainforest & the indigenous communities alongside it are risking their lives to protect it.

We join their fight ✊🏿


Reconnecting with nature can help to remind ourselves that we are not separate from it.

The EU has a responsibility not only to protect nature but also to restore what’s already been damaged.

Sign up to receive updates on our campaign:


RT @micha_bloss: This is a scandal: @vonderleyen wants the European Parliament to have no say when dealing with the biggest energy crisis Europe has ever seen.

If you exclude citizen´s representation, your policies will fail. Democracy makes sense, also in times of crisis. This has to change!


We want to live in a !

Our MEPs @rosadamato634 & @damiencareme were in Riace 🇮🇹 with MEP @ErnstCornelia showing solidarity with ex-Mayor , who was sentenced to over 13 years in prison for helping asylum seekers.

📽️Watch full:


RT @HeidiHautala: I believe my position has been clear. I’ve consistently advocated for a transparent and open recruitment process. In the EP Bureau, I also called for a timeout on the creation of the new Directorate-General (along with 5 other bureau members). This request was turned down.


Wouldn't it be nice if you could pack just one charger for your holiday?

In June, @europarl_en, @EU_Commission & @EUCouncil reached an agreement on the European common charger.

In two years, consumers can finally charge all their devices with the same USB-C cable!


RT @europeangreens: ⚠️⚠️⚠️ We cannot ignore this!

🌡 The current keeps getting worse every day.

✊ This concerns all of us, and it is beyond urgent to act to mitigate the effects of climate breakdown.


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