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Today, @vonderleyen presented 5 proposals to tackle .👏

But clear measures to protect people in are missing. “@EU_Commission & ministers must ensure that revenues reach households," says our co-president @SkaKeller.



RT @saskiabricmont: Budgetary discharge not granted to by LIBE committee, strong signal to the Agency management and functioning! @EU_Commission needs to act! Next steps in CONT and Plenary


RT @saskiabricmont: C'est aujourd'hui le jour de l'Amazonie . L'occasion de rappeler l'urgence de protéger cette forêt et celles et ceux qui y vivent. Pas question pr nous de laisser se conclure l'accord UE-, qui va↗️la déforestation! Pr signer la pétition


Benvinda @anamirandapaz!

Help us a give a warm welcome to our MEP from Galicia who joins our Group today!💚

She will be focus on equality, minorities and fisheries.

Watch the press conference tomorrow at 12 to learn more:


The Amazon is being burned down & destroyed like never before. Invasion of Indigenous lands has increased dramatically under the Bolsonaro administration. All for profit.

We must keep the forest alive. For the Indigenous people, the Earth & all of us.


This week, a hailstorm killed a toddler & injured dozens in Catalonia.

Now in Europe, we’re seeing the deadly extremities of the climate crisis. Elsewhere, it's been a lived reality for long.

We're working tirelessly for a safer future.

Stay informed:


RT @mounirsatouri: Enfin @UNHumanRights décrit les atrocités que subissent les en .

La @CommissionEuro doit proposer des mesures législatives fortes pour interdire les importations en 🇪🇺de produits issus du travail forcé, dont est victime ce peuple! @ThierryBreton


RT @saskiabricmont: Beaucoup en doutaient, mais Michele Bachelet, la rapportrice des Nations unies sur les droits humains, a publié un rapport accablant sur les violations des droits humains de la population ouïghoure, rédigé suite à une visite (très surveillée) en Chine


Europe is drying up, is flooding. 1,100 killed. 33M affected. 1/3 of the country underwater.

Pakistan is paying the price for rich countries' use of fossil fuels.

Europe must urgently give Pakistan monetary & humanitarian support & end the deadly fossil fuel era!


RT @TerryReintke: Today, 145 Members of the European Parliament addressed the Serbian leadership with a clear message:

Protect the Pride in Belgrade 🌈

Pride demonstrations are peaceful symbols of freedom, democracy and diversity.

And this year Europe will be in Belgrade.


RT @ErikMarquardt: Er hat es vermocht, Themen, Argumenten und Menschen Stimmen zu geben, die sonst keine gehabt hätten. Hat Menschen für Politik begeistert, die sich sonst abgewendet hätten. So eine große Lebensleistung als Anwalt, Politiker und Mensch.

Rest in Paradise, Hans-Christian Ströbele.


in Belgrade must not be banned!🏳️‍🌈🇷🇸

Our MEPs @TerryReintke & @violavoncramon met with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.

"We made clear that the Serbian government has to do everything to protect freedom of assembly - also for minorities.”


Today is .

To help the people of Ukraine fight for their freedom, we need to do more in Europe.

By accelerating our transition to renewable energy we can reduce our dependence on Russian fossil fuels.

Join on


Reconnecting with nature can help to remind ourselves that we are not separate from it.

The EU has a responsibility not only to protect nature but also to restore what’s already been damaged.

Sign up to receive updates on our campaign:


RT @HNeumannMEP: For 329 days, girls are now banned from secondary school. Means no education, no jobs; more child marriages, more infant mortality, more severe poverty.

Our responsibility for , does not end, only because our troops have left.


It is not that humans don’t care. Politicians are setting targets to protect biodiversity in the sea. But only if we reach those targets, can we truly . It needs planning, enough budget and people working together.

Let’s give the tiny turtles a chance.🐢🌊


RT @TerryReintke: The continued loss of life at the Greek-Turkish border is unacceptable.

A five-year old child just died on a Greek island in the Evros river.

@GreensEFA will request a plenary debate on this.

The EU commission and Greek government have to act to save lives.



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