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RT @AgencEurope: ENVIRONNEMENT: Règlement ' et leurs ', le projet de rapport @Frederiqueries concilie ambition et écoute du secteur des aliments à emporter


RT @RenewEurope: During today's @EP_Environment meeting our Member @Frederiqueries presented her draft report on the revision of the packaging and packaging waste regulation 👇


IRGC and EU terrorist list, women's rights, political opposition in Iran, an enlightening discussion with @mahdieh_golroo and Hamed @esmaeilion, leading figures of Iranian civil society on the occasion of the EP solidarity with Iran Days


laws adopted:

✔️EU emissions trading system
✔️social climate fund

A key step towards :

🏭greening power and energy-intensive industries
⛽cutting emissions in transport and buildings
🧑‍🤝‍🧑supporting people most affected by the green transition


RT @OChastel: Ce 24 avril, nous commémorons la mémoire des 1,5 millions d’Arméniens qui ont perdu la vie lors du genocide à partir de 1915. Nous n’oublions pas.


🗳️ Aimer qui l’on veut, bientôt un crime passible de peine de mort en Ouganda. Le Parlement vote à l’instant un appel à son président contre la promulgation de la loi anti-LGBT, sauf à risquer des sanctions européennes.


RT @RenewEurope: We will defend LGBTIQ+ people's rights everywhere in the world

Following our request, the Ugandan Parliament's grotesque new law 'banning homosexuality', is added to the @europarl_en agenda next week. We will table a resolution calling for universal protection of LGBTIQ+ rights


Paix et réconciliation.

C’était le but de l’Accord du Vendredi saint il y a 25 ans.

Des valeurs que nous devons encore protéger aujourd’hui.
RT @EP_President: Peace and reconciliation.

This is what the Good Friday Agreement 25 years ago was all about.

Values which we must still protect today.


RT @RenewEurope: We are extremely disappointed by the news that the pharmaceutical package has been delayed again!

The revision is crucial for the health of Europeans & should be a top priority for the @EU_Commission.


RT @LettresTeheran: « Pour pouvoir danser dans les rues » c’est ainsi que commence la fameuse chanson de « Baraye ». Hier soir pendant la fête du feu et à la veille du nouvel an iranien, les jeunes, comme ici dans le quartier de « Haft-e-tir » à Téhéran ont dansé sous la pluie jusqu’à tard pour…


RT @RenewEurope: We call for the immediate and unconditional release of Kem Sokha and all Cambodian opposition officials and activists convicted or detained on politically motivated charges.

The upcoming elections in July 2023 must be free & fair!


RT @RenewEurope: The pollinator population continues to decline, meaning a huge risk for our ecosystem!

We urge to turn the EU biodiversity strategy into action to ensure their survival!

Follow the Plenary debate on the 🇪🇺 Citizens' initiative on 🐝


🗳️Libérez Kem Sokha, le Parlement dénonce les dérives du régime cambodgien et exige la libération de son plus célèbre prisonnier politique. 📽️⬇️


« The IRGC, based on the constitution of the Islamic republic of Iran, are tasked with protecting the regime. They are not the army, tasked to protect the people of Iran. Make sure the IRGC is named as a terrorist group! »


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«I make this appeal, do not look away when the Iranian people call you. Do not sign any treaty with this regime. You have lifted the sanctions, signed the nuclear deal, but the money went elsewhere, it financed war, terror. It didn’t go to the people»


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Vibrant plea by Shirin Ebadi in plenary today on the occasion of Women's Day. The 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner, the first female judge in Iran in 1975, denounced this country "where judges are servants of the regime" and called for a change in the constitution.


International Women's Day is an important day not only to recognise the achievements of women and girls but also as a call to action.

Today, @europarl_en celebrates with @esa Commander @AstroSamantha and @NobelPrize laureate Shirin Ebadi.


RT @OChastel: Après un vote à l’unanimité en commission il y a 15 jours, c’est la plénière qui vient de se prononcer concernant l’aide accordée aux 559 travailleurs de TNT à Liège airport. 592 pour , 25 contre et 3 abstentions. Merci à tous d’avoir fait le bon choix pour ce vote important!


RT @FaridVahiid: Ils continuent de ridiculiser le régime ! En solidarité avec leurs camarades et en protestation contre le voile obligatoire et le code vestimentaire imposé aux femmes, des étudiants iraniens se rendent à l’université, en portant un voile !


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