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RT @EPPGroup: It is ridiculous to suggest that a law, which aims to change the way land and sea areas are used, would not affect farmers, foresters and fishers.


Today, we will travel to the Vatican and Rome to discuss the future of Europe and the role of .

We must shape our European way of life. By doing so, we must cherish and uphold our values!

Read @ManfredWeber and @fulviomartuscie’s view:


RT @EPPGroup: Mr @VSinkevicius and Mr Timmermans claim that this does not bring any obligations for farmers, but only for EU countries.

Are you kidding? Who farms? Governments or farmers?


RT @EPPGroup: 👎Two Parliamentary Committees have already said NO to the badly drafted proposal, Mr @TimmermansEU.

➡️It´s not fit for purpose.
➡️It just adds .
➡️It harms farmers, fishers, consumers and Europe's food security.

🚨Withdraw this law, now!


RT @EPPGroup: Our critics say there is no 10% mention of abandoning farmland in the proposed law.

Read the law text!

The law text clearly aims to turn 10% of farmland into “High Diversity Landscape Features”, which “cannot be under productive agricultural use”.


RT @EPPGroup: Transition to renewable energy will be hampered.

There are already 23 other laws that set rules for .

What is the added value of yet another law when we already have 23 for the same purpose?

This is a bureaucratic and regulatory nightmare!


Brez njih se lahko zgodi, da bodo evropski potrošniki jedli hrano iz uvoza, s sumljivim poreklom in iz pridelave, ki je okolju in zdravju veliko bolj škodljiva.


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Moji zaključki s posveta @EDPomurje v Puconcih: Trajnostno kmetovanje je cilj predvsem kmetov samih, saj so ti najbolj povezani z naravo. Paziti pa moramo, da nepremišljeni ukrepi 🇪🇺 in 🇸🇮 ne bodo najbolj prizadeli ravno družinskih kmetij. Te so temelj pridelave zdrave hrane!


Congratulations @GabrielMariya
RT @ManfredWeber: Great news from Bulgaria. After months of political uncertainty, Bulgaria has a coalition government. Congratulations @GabrielMariya for taking responsibility of bringing stability to the country, for a stronger, pro-European future. Good luck to all members of the coalition.


RT @IDFEuropeBXL: MEP @Franc_Bogovic explained how receiving good support and guidance from the start helped him better manage his condition.


RT @IDFEuropeBXL: Opening the panel discussion, Erik Werson, advocate living with discussed the difficult transition from initial diagnosis and treatment to self diabetes management.


A ste pozabili, da je hidroenergija tudi OVE. Kaj pa zanesljivost oskrbe, cenovna konkurenčnost elektrike. Zame je francoski elektro sistem z majnšim deležem OVE in 40 g CO2/KWh boljši, kot nemški z višjim deležov OVE in 380g CO2/KWh, pa še cenejša elektrika je v Franciji.
RT @mope_rs:


Čestitke slovenski diplomaciji pod vodstvom @tfajon v sedanji @vladaRS in @AnzeLog v prejšnji vladi, ob izvolitvi za članico varnostnega sveta. Bodimo ponosni in veselimo se skupaj.
RT @Delo: Slovenija še drugič članica varnostnega sveta OZN. Slovenija je prejela potrebno število glasov in postala članica varnostnega sveta.


Podpiram prizadevanje Francije, ki se bori za to, da bo nuklearna energija obravnavana enakovredno kot OVE.
V EU uredbah je važno kolikšen je delež OVE elektrike, ne pa kakšni so CO2 izpusti😢😢. Slovenija se bo brez drugega bloka NEK znašla v energetski krizi.
RT @PeterZerjavicEU: Tudi Slovenija (potrjeno) v skupini držav, ki so site francoske blokade potrditve nove direktive o obnovljivih virih energije. Francija želi boljše spodbude za jedrsko ener…


RT @ReImagineEuropa: Building a sustainable food system that puts farmers at the centre and faces today's multiple challenges needs comprehensive policies and multiple solutions.

Visit our at the @europarl_en (Strasbourg, June 13th-15th) to find out more!


RT @SweetenersAndU: 🔴Type 2 : a preventable catastrophe?

"It’s not only about death but also about losing quality of life"

"The most important thing is to give access to early detection of "

@kamleshkhunti @EUDiabetesForum @Prof_K_Barnard @IDFEuropeBXL @Franc_Bogovic @EURACTIV


RT @eaHealthEU: First time when I heard about diabetes was from an old lady in my neighborhood when I was a child. She lived with diabetes for 60-70 years and spoke a lot about it. Later, it was closer to me, my mother got diagnosed. Then my brother, highlights MEP @Franc_Bogovic, @EPP @EPPGroup


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