🇸🇮💚 Naj živi Slovenija!💚🇸🇮
Ob dnevu državnosti vsem Slovenkam in Slovencem iskreno čestitam! https://t.co/bCY2HBgoc7
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1672685875241558016
Torek smo v @Europarl_SL pričeli z razpravo o vojni v Ukrajini, o katastrofi po porušitvi jezu, nadaljujemo pa z razpravo "To je Evropa" s ciprskim predsednikom @Christodulides ki je spregovoril o EU kot garantu za mir, o migrantskem problemu ter o razrešitvi spora s Turčijo...
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1668550185956397058
Ko govorimo izgradnji in posodobitvi velikih prometnih 🇪🇺koridorjev ne smemo pozabiti na izziv prihodnjega vstopa držav zahodnega Balkana v unijo.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1668535768485187589
RT @EPPGroup: The Commission's proposals on plant protection would lower food production in certain sectors by up to 30%.
Less productivity means higher consumer prices without better incomes for farmers. We need to speak with farmers, not about them!
https://www.eppgroup.eu/newsroom/opinions/the-green-deal-must-be-sustainable-for-farmers #FoodSecurity https://t.co/zUiaKlrNUA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1668241233393721347
RT @pekka_pesonen: About the time that someone says this! EU farmers are committed to work hard on better, more sustainable future. But this must be realistic. @EU_Commission proposals are far from this. @COPACOGECA https://t.co/XK8pHxbZZO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1668235162742562819
Many of the Commission’s legislative proposals will only harm our food production & not help our environment.
The EPP Group will do whatever it can to stop these proposals from becoming law.
The Green Deal must be sustainable for farmers!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1667554793697452036
"The world has changed since we voted for the CAP. And so, to ensure our #FoodSecurity and to also meet environmental objectives, we need additional resources," explains @AnneSanderElue.
❗️Let's give farming a chance in the green transition.
Watch and learn more⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1667177230101893122
The EPP Group is in the Vatican and Rome to discuss the future of Europe and the role of Christianity.
“The next years are decisive years for European #ChristianDemocracy”, says @ManfredWeber.
Read more: https://epp.group/se5f0m
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1667101811096838148
We call on Mr @TimmermansEU to withdraw the #NatureRestoration Law.
It's not fit for purpose and endangers our #FoodSecurity and the roll-out of renewables.
📺@ChSchneider @AnneSanderElue @HerbertDorfmann @SMuresan @Esther_de_Lange @NiclasHerbst explain more.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1667125134237503488
Today, we are in the Vatican and Rome to discuss the future of Europe and the role of #ChristianDemocracy.
We must shape our European way of life. By doing so, we must cherish and uphold our values!
Read @ManfredWeber and @fulviomartuscie’s view: https://epp.group/se5f0m
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1667170455923445771
RT @jedrskasi: Odločnost Francije 🇫🇷, da bo jedrsko energijo vključila v prizadevanja za opuščanje fosilnih goriv, je vredna pohvale. 👏🏽
Nemčija še vedno zanemarja rezultate in daje prednost oznakam, kot so obnovljivi ali zeleni viri. Ogroža prehod na čisto energijo.
https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/france-says-nuclear-power-is-non-negotiable/ https://t.co/VQCp4fyrBg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667261187501838337
Francozi morajo vztrajati do konca, da se konča s to nemško ideologijo na področju energetike Sedaj bi Francozom prepovedali proizvodnjo vodika, ker imajo nizkoogljično elektriko iz nukleark. Francoska elektrika pa ima 10 X nižji CO2 odtis od nemške. Bolano in nevarno tudi za nas
RT @jedrskasi: Odločnost Francije 🇫🇷, da bo jedrsko energijo vključila v prizadevanja za opuščanje fosilnih goriv, je vredna pohvale. 👏🏽
Nemčija še vedno zanemarja rezultate in daje pred…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667247578084171776
RT @BalazicMarko: Pozdravljamo umik neživljenjske Uredbe in pričakujemo, da se bodo v prihodnje vse pripravljale v soglasju s kmeti.
Ob tem pa s @strankaSLS opozarjamo, da je treba ustrezno popraviti tudi strateški načrt SKP, ki omenjeno materijo vsebuje, da ne bo skritih presenečenj v prihodnje https://t.co/KIf9trfYZb
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667156935294976001
No pa je le prevladala kmečka pamet, namesto uradniško- okoljevarstvene arogance
RT @BalazicMarko: Pozdravljamo umik neživljenjske Uredbe in pričakujemo, da se bodo v prihodnje vse pripravljale v soglasju s kmeti.
Ob tem pa s @strankaSLS opozarjamo, da je treba ustrezno popraviti tudi strateški načrt SKP, ki omenjeno materijo vsebuje, da ne bo skritih presenečenj v prihodnje https://t.co/KIf9trfYZb
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667156848640774144
RT @RadioOgnjisce: ➡️Pogovori med vlado in kmeti uspešni - uredba o programu Natura 2000 umaknjena.
➡️Ustavno sodišče vse bolj obremenjeno tudi z odmevnimi primeri. Čas obravnave se podaljšuje.
➡️Papež po operaciji dobro okreva, včeraj s klicem osrečil mamo bolnega otroka.
➡️#UtripDneva ob 15.00
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667155876052860929
RT @strankaSLS: Vsaka od enajstih vlog za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja vključuje po dve vetrnici. Skupna nazivna moč dveh vetrnic znaša 7 megavatov oziroma ravno toliko, da projekta "ni treba" voditi v državnem prostorskem načrtu | Preberite si celoten članek ⬇
https://t.co/nFu8pwM13L https://t.co/KSiZ2QJt4h
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667142880727580672
RT @strankaSLS: Na podbudo župana Občine Puconci Uroša Kamenška je nastal klub goričkih županov | Preberite si več o novoustanovljenem klubu ⬇️
https://vestnik.svet24.si/clanek/aktualno/nastal-je-klub-gorickih-zupanov-na-mesecnih-srecanjih-o-aktualnih-zadevah-in-tezavah-1065122 https://t.co/JPCGSnST8X
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667133574229680129
The current #NatureRestoration proposal obliges EU farmers to abandon 10% of their farmland and do all their activities on only 90 % of their land.
⚠️Higher food prices
⚠️More farmers out of business
⚠️ Dependence on third countries
🚨Withdraw this law!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1667094447723536385
RT @EPPGroup: The proposed law will bring the EU back to the 1950s.
Here is how ⤵️
Art 11.2.a.iii specifies to “take into account the documented losses over at least the last 70 years” when calculating the imposed renaturation measures. In other words, the 1950s. https://t.co/n1GJSaqz3t
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1667131091361185793
RT @EPPGroup: If, for example, certain plant protection products cannot be used in certain areas, then this adds obligations for farmers and restricts the way they use their own land. https://t.co/A3fCbbKxZz
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1666913370220511232
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Evropski poslanec @strankaSLS / @EPP @EPPGroup / @IntergroupRUMRA / @ESVForum
Member of the European Parliament (SLS/EPP) / Tweets by me & my office